37 | comodo

41 1 0


comodo [it.] — comfortable, convenient


quqi noticed something quite striking after much thought: her journeys back home with kageyama were always filled with silence. and once she noticed this fact, she realised that those trips of silence were comfortable ones. maybe it was because both of them were introverts that they rarely engaged in much small conversation when they were alone together.

this journey was no different.

the entire walk to the train station was silent, with the only sounds surrounding them being quqi's boots clicking against the cold gravel and the distant murmur of people's voices. even when on the train, the two stayed mum, choosing to gaze out of the train and look at the christmas wonderland-like scene out of the glass.

kageyama, while staying quiet, was keeping an eye on his soulmate the entire time. he watched as she stared out of the glass, her lips slightly parted as she took in the white scenery from the glass. just by watching her quietly, he could still see the slight pink tinge around her eyes and his gut feeling told her that she was still not ready to talk to him. so, out of respect for her personal wishes, he did not attempt to start a conversation of any sort, but chose to watch her closely.

as the train arrived at their stop, they alighted and exited the train station. kageyama frowned and bit his lower lip before asking, "huan-san, are you sure you're not hungry?"

she turned to look at him, "no, i'm fine."

the crease between his forehead deepened, "still, you should at least eat something. it's not healthy to skip meals."

she fiddled with the scarf wrapped around her neck, "well, i'm not sure what i should eat."

suddenly, as if on cue, he recalled what his sister had once told him a while back. she had been cooking with an apron on and had remarked, "the way to win a girl's heart is through food, tobio. specifically, well-cooked, home-cooked food."

he frowned. he could not guarantee that his cooking would be appetizing, but he could still cook. well, if repeatedly cooking pasta could be considered as part of his signature dishes. however, this was a chance for him to redeem himself since she missed the chance to have a taste of his cooking a while ago.

"what about pasta?" he asked.

there was a moment of silence as he glanced over at her. she frowned and he could pretty much see the gears in her brain turning to decide on her response to his offer before she finally answered, "sure."

excitement bubbled up in the pit of his stomach at her agreement. he led the way back home, and she simply followed him. however, as they approached the apartment complex, she raised a confused brow at him, "didn't you say that we're getting pasta?"

"yeah," he said, "i'm cooking."

an impressed look flitted over her face as she gave him a little nudge, "whoa, kageyama! you're cooking, huh?"

"i can't guarantee the taste since i've only started to learn how to cook recently," he said as they entered the complex, "so please go easy on me."

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