46 | attacca

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attacca [it.] — attack at once; used as a
direction in music at the end of a
movement to begin the next without pause

* note: qiyue will communicate in
mostly english, unless she's talking to
kageyama, and quqi will speak to her
(and remi) in english


by the time quqi woke up, it was half-past eleven, and a good time to get brunch.

she rolled over on her bed, blinking her bleary eyes and focusing on her surroundings. she reached over to her nightstand to grab her glasses and sat up in bed, running a hand through her frazzled locks. she picked her phone up and unlocked it, seeing a couple of messages from kageyama.

kageyama t.u. vball

8.15 a.m.

morning. i'm going for my morning
jog now. do you want to have
breakfast together?

quqi blinked. who the heck was even awake at eight in the morning? well, her new boyfriend, that was who.

boyfriend. that single, simple word sent a grin creeping onto her face unknowingly, and she tapped the text box to send him her belated response.

kageyama t.u. vball

11.32 a.m.

morning! sorry, i just woke
up and saw your text ^^;;

wanna get brunch instead??

sure, i can go for another meal.

oh, you've already eaten?

yeah, but it's fine. i need to
build my body mass anyway,
so eating a little extra would help.

where should we eat?

i'm good with anything. you can decide.

i know a café nearby that has
sandwiches and rice bowls! it has your
favourite slow-cooked egg as well hehe

btw are you still outside?

no, i'm at home.

want me to come over?

butterflies fluttered in the pit of her stomach as she replied to his message, the smile on her face spreading even wider.

kageyama t.u. vball

sure, just give me 15min

just ring the doorbell when
you're here, my sister is home



quickly, she threw her phone on her bed and walked straight to her cupboard, opening it and scanning through the multiple outfit choices that she had.

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