Chapter 2

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"That's right, you have just been sold to the gang leader," chris voiced my thought, his voice holding a tone of amusement even as I found my knees locking. What the hell did my family just sign me up for?

Turning on my heel, I walked off after a moment of uncomfortable silence with all the confidence I could muster. Hiding how my lip quivered, how razor-sharp fear filled my eyes and how my hands trembled uncontrollably.

My own brother, the only family left that I considered family left that I considered mine, had fucking backstabbed me. It felt as if the earth, the very ground I walked on, shook beneath me as it too understood the fuel of my anger and pain.

But yet no matter how much I tried, even in the safety of my room as I sat on my bed, the tears brimmed in my eyes refused to streak down my cheeks as the mercy of crying my heart out was also violently snatched from me.

I wished it was a joke, my brother popping in and laughing at my trembling, hunched figure but alas, I knew it wasn't for life was not always kind.

The foolish who saw only the good in people, a person I once was a few years ago, were stupid to not see the day coming when they start seeing the demons concealed in the fake smiles, the whispers about you behind your back and that people change people, opening your eyes to the reality that shone upon you.

"Pack your things, I'll come get
you tomorrow," chris ordered from his position against the doorframe. I lifted my head to shoot him a venomous glare, if it wasn't for him and his stupid gang I wouldn't be here in the first place.

A flash of surprise crossed his features before it returned to his normal confident expression once again as he stared me down. I refused to be scared of him but I knew my actions chose whether I would live the next day, month or hopefully, year.

I do and will always fucking hate Chris walter with every pore of my body.

With that thought, even more of the hatred that was boiling inside of me, simmering quietly, filled my eyes, turning my irises that once resembled a calm ocean, a stormy blue. But before either of us could part our lips to spill the retorts just brewing on our tongues, someone called for chris and after throwing one last smirk, he left.

"I will never make it easy for him, living with me," I muttered quietly, vowing to myself as I started to pack my entire closet into four suitcases.


The next day came far too fast for my liking, wrapped up in my blankets before my alarm sounded. Waking up with a jolt, I tumbled out of bed before shooting daggers at the blue alarm clock perched on my desk, seemingly smirking down at me.

It was only then did I realise the time, internally cursing myself. Because it was Friday, I had set my alarm clock for 7 am, forgetting to switch it off since it was evident I was not going to college today. Heck, I didn't even know if I could ever go back to the place that stirred up a mix of emotions within me, one I should hate like every other child yet I was grateful for it gave me hours of peace from my father and the messed up place I sadly call home.
Standing up, I glanced around my near barren room- all the photos, paintings and everything that gave it a lived in touch removed. The only thing signalling that this room was ever used was the unmade bed and the outfit I had laid out for today.

Tying my hip-length brown hair with the blonde highlights I had recently gotten into a messy bun, I made my way to the shower; all the while convincing myself that everything would be fine in chris's house. But as the steamy water pelted down on my body, relaxing my muscles but not helping the paranoia building up within me- I came to the conclusion that no way in hell would I live a month in the West Gang's territory and I might as well kill myself now.

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