Chapter 17

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The next day I walked into school alone, Izzy suddenly coming down with the flu. She was very kind to offer her car but I told her I didn't need it. I planned on going to the boxing gym after this and would just walk the ten-minute walk back home.

I had gotten used to the whispers and rumours people muttered as I walked past, almost as if they thought that I couldn't hear them from where they stood against the locker.

After the fighting incident, the majority of the people avoided me like a plague, Sam and her barbie minions included. I was grateful though, the fact that they parted immediately to let me through showing that they feared me.

And if they feared me they would leave me alone for once.

I would, honestly, rather be alone than be fought with because despite how much I liked and enjoyed a good fight, a school was not the best place to do it. I understood that when I got suspended, that and the fact that I didn't need chris coming to school and sorting something petty just so I wouldn't get sued.

I hated being in debt to people, especially by wasting their money. According to Izzy, I had a bank account opened with money being deposited every time I baited. Apparently, a single baiting could get me around 300 to 400 dollars and since I had done two, I had nearly $1000 dollars resting in that bank account.

I also had way more than enough in my other bank account where I collected money from this fighting job and the illegal fighting competitions. I could literally not lift a single finger for the next 5 years and still live comfortably, not that I let anyone be aware of that.

I didn't want the gang to find out about my illegal fighting anytime soon because I always hid behind a mask. It was extremely rare for a girl to join such events and so I had to hide my gender carefully, which meant not many people were supposed to know.

That and I am pretty sure chris is also taking part in this big competition which means that if we both do good, we may have to fight against each other. It would be better if he didn't know it was me.

I made my way to my first class, closing the door and slipping into my seat at the back door just as the bell rung. This was my favourite class, music. People often complimented my voice though I didn't see anything great about it and often shied from singing in front of people.

Hence, I just stuck to playing the piano for recitals, much to my teacher's dismay. Mr Matt always told me I was his favourite student and he surely was my favourite teacher. I wished the school had fighting classes as an option as well but sadly, they found it harmful and hence, dismissed the idea I proposed without a second thought.

"Hazel, come here please," Mr Matt called and I nodded, going over to where he sat by the grand piano that I had fallen in love with. It was a stunning instrument and I found myself here, in the room playing my heart out, more than once during lunch.

"I need you to sing this song, I just can't find anyone here who fits this voice for our new recital so could you be a darling and just try it out," He said absentmindedly, hands gliding around the piano keys.

I took the sheet from his hand, trying to fight back a small smile when I saw the lyrics. It was a song that I had written myself for the play, a dark and sad song, and I wasn't surprised that it had slipped his mind because I didn't bring it up as my song very often, just the song.

He began to play and since there was no one here, I just sang my heart out, closing my eyes and pouring the emotions that were bottled inside of me. Mr Matt had very often heard me sing so I wasn't conscious in front of him anymore.

*End of the song*

I opened my eyes once the last note died out, the tightness building up in my chest over the past few days finally loosening. Singing was like my second reliever if I couldn't fight because it was not as 'harmful' like the school likes to say.

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