chapter 11

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The whole school day was not my favourite experience; to say the least. People were cat calling me and asking me to sell them drugs throughout the whole lesson. It wasn't the fact that I had a boyfriend' that was causing me to be picked on but the fact of who 'he' is.

One would think because he is the most dangerous man and has committed a lot of various crimes, he would try to keep a low profile. But no, apparently everyone had his face memorised and now thought that I was just selling my body for money to him because it was rumoured that he never once had an exclusive relationship before.

It irked me to no end that because of him and his job, I was being asked to sell stuff like the school was a sight for a temporary black market and I was asked to be a new dealer. It seemed that people now thought I was illegally consuming drugs and getting high every night with my 'boyfriend'.

Though, pushing all the accusations aside, the internal pain failed to ebb away. The fact about Sam becoming Ms Popular did not faze me one bit because she was dating the quarter back and it was obvious from the little changes that he was the one who persuaded her, and I would go as far to even say threatened her, to become Miss Queen Bee.

The thing that scarred me the most was probably Georgia. She always stuck to me through thick and thin and I her so the fact that she just swapped sides without as much as confronting me really stung. And she was the one who taught me not to judge a book by its cover, hypocrisy much...

Needless to say by the time the bell had rung to signal the end of the day, I flew down the hall and to the car. I felt the tightness in my chest loosen considerably when I took a gulp of fresh air in and let out a loose sigh, waiting by the car for Izzy.

She brisk-walked towards me before getting in and I slipped in right after. We wasted no time in speeding out of the compound and the whole ride was filled with silence as she understood the need for me to dwell in my own thoughts.

I felt the hurt and pain catch up to me as we drove, the tough facade I had to mantain in school wearing off extremely quickly. When we reached the mansion, I immediately took off and made my way to my room, slamming my door behind me.

I let out a small yell when I realised I didn't have my punching bag in here to let off some steam but my body found another way to compensate as hot, sticky tears started to stream down my cheeks.

I huddled up in the window seat and let myself cry quietly as I stared out of the window. It felt like one by one, all the people that I cared about were slowly leaving me. I had never felt more alone in my whole life.

I took out my phone and went to my whatsapp, my hand immediately clicking on Smith's contact. Again, no message. It was something I did every day, checking for any sign that he actually cared about my well being. But it seemed like he couldn't give a damn saying that he hadn't tried to contact me at all.

A sob escaped me and I threw my phone onto my bed with a rush of anger. I could no longer keep my pain silent but I didn't mind anymore, it wasn't like anyone bothered enough to care for me anyway.

I didn't know how long had passed it could have been 5 minutes, 35 minutes or even 5 hours and I had no clue. I just knew that when I lifted my head from my lap to look up at the sky, it was dark and stars glimmered from where they shone faraway.

I hadn't notice someone come in during the time but the clearing of a throat made me turn my head to the left, hands drying my tears quickly though it was obvious that the person had already seen it.

Chris stood there with impassive eyes and just the sight of him got my blood boiling. If he hadn't brought me here none of this would happen; I would still be with my brother, I would still have my friends but more importantly, I would still have a sense of normalcy in my life. Now, I just felt like my walls had been ripped down and shattered to the ground.

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