🌊Come dry me off🌊

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They were now in direction to see their friends, sailing one last time on his boat. He was saying his goodbyes already, hugging everyone on the crew and crying his eyes out as he smiled through it.

"We're here..." chan spoke softly, putting a hand on his shoulder. They went to shore and ateez were waiting for them there.

Hongjoong walked up to him and smiled at Felix, ruffling his faded blond hair.

"Are you ready? A boat is waiting for you over there..." the captain said, making Felix turned around to see the people he's been with for a year. He ran to them and had a huge group hug, crying his eyes out even more.

"I'll miss you all so much"

"We'll miss you too..."

He split the hug and looked at Minho who was bandaged up, crying just as much as he was. They almost jumped on each other, even thought it hurt his chest, it felt good to be able to hug him one last time.

"You saved my life in more then one way Min, I hope you know that, you'll always be my bestfriend"

"An eye for an eye..." Minho looked at his chest that had been healed, smiling at the younger one.

"Never forget me, I won't let you" Felix chuckled.

"That's never happening, and don't you dare forget what happened here with us"

"Never." They held each other one last time before turning around to see Hyunjin holding his hand out, the wind flowing in his hair gently as their eyes locked together.

He took his hand, grabbing onto it tightly.

And so they walked on the beach, looking back at his friends waving at him, seing beautiful smiles mixed with tear stains.

They reached the small boat and got inside of it, Hyunjin starting to row them to the horizon.

"You know...when I used to cut my skin, when I would cry myself to sleep or when I jumped off that bridge...I never would have thought I'd be here. That I'd fall in love, make friends, just being myself. I'm glad I did this with you and had this time given...thank you so much."

"Felix...no one could be more proud then I am of you, that whole year with you made me happier then the past twenty I've had here...I'll never forget what we went through together. I just wished we had more time together, what am I supposed to do without you?"

Felix sighed as they got closer to the glowing light, the portal now being so close that they could see it, the boat spinning around it calmly.

"Here's the thing about our universe...the sun and the moon need each other, it control the water and the warmth on earth, where we live. But here, something happened that had never happened before...the moon and the sun met for the first time after being appart for thousands of years. They were never meant to be there at the same time, only to alternate between day and night, cold and warm...but they had a chance to meet through us and what we became...we became one"

Hyunjin smiled as he stopped rowing and took Felix's hands in his.

"The sun is meant to look at the moon all it's life in wonder...never to be touched or approached, but you sure as hell melted me more then I thought anyone could..."

They both looked at the sky, the sun setting in the horizon and the moon glowing on them, guiding them through this. They were both there, at the same time but very far away from each other, millions of years away and yet they still needed each other.

The stars also started to glow more, constellations watching them in their final moment together.

"Don't forget to keep learning as much as you can about the stars and the universe...do it for us, for you...and never lose yourself Felix"

"I won't, I can promise you that...Hyunjin I-" he cried, falling into his arms.

"I dont want to let go either" it's like he could read his mind simply, depicting his every thought and making it his own.

"One last kiss...?" Hyunjin smiled and pulled him into a soft kiss, swiping away the fresh tears on his eyes as they both smiled.

"You should probably have this back..." Felix was about to take off the necklace Hyunjin gave him, but he stopped him and smiled.

"It was a gift, I want you to have it" he helped him tie the blue gem with gold chain back on his neck as they awaited the final moment.

"It's time..." the water started to sparkle as small particles floated around them, a golden colour on them. They both got up and held hands as they kissed one last time.

"My sun and warmth..." Felix cried out.

"My moon and stars..." they both closed their eyes as Felix slowly faded away into the air, his skin glowing as he was sent into the water, piece by piece.

He felt his body compose itself again as the water around him became colder and colder, what used to glow like the sun was now dark. Black surround him as he tried to find his way, and just as he let himself float, he spotted a light.

He swam to it, he didn't know why, but he had a feeling that where he needed to go.

Soon, he emerged out of the water, taking in big chunks of fresh air. He looked around him and finally looked up to see that bridge he had jumped off of. He swam to shore, his body freezing from the temperature of the water. His hands trembled but soon stopped when the sun shined on him, his skin glowing and feeling good again.

He looked down at his clothes and frowned. He was wearing his hoodie and jeans again.

Was this all a dream?

He started to panic but stopped when he felt something cold around his neck. He looked down and saw the necklace Hyunjin had handed him, so he smiled as he looked up into the sky, smiling at the sun.

"Thank you..."


He was tapping his leg in front of a house he called home for so many years of his life. He was wondering what he should do, hoping he wouldn't have to explain himself so much.

He then took a big breath in and out, walking to the door with all the courage he had left in him. He heard footsteps inside and shouting, but the door soon opened revealing his mother, the one he had missed so much.

"Felix...? Is that really you?" she widened her eyes like she was seing a ghost, then touched his face to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

"Our son is back..." she mumbled, smiling widely as tears filled her eyes.

"Our son is back!" She yelled and they ran for a hug, falling on heir knees pretty quickly. His dad soon same running, smiling widely as he saw Felix smiling for the first time in years. He bent down and held both his wife and his son on his hands, the family reunited at once.

"I missed you so much..." Felix cried out, pulled them as close as he could.

In outer sea | hyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now