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Third person:
Y/n. Aang S twin sister. Fortunate for y/n, she is known as the last avatar that masterd fire, water, earth and air. She's also a mother to her daughter of 5 years. Oakley. She might as well make her time useful and teach the little one until she was invited into the pogues group. They don't know about her daughter or her abilities.
Y/ns POV:

"Y/nnn, do you have to go?" John B asked as I said getting off my dock.
"Yes. I have an important meeting to attend to." I said. Lying.
"You have to do something almost every night. It's summer relax." Jj complained.
"No. I cant." I said walking away. I cover up my marks with waterproof makeup.
"Whatever bye beautiful." Kie said.
Little did I know that the pogues were going surfing later at this little spot only I knew about. Or so I thought. I bring my daughter here to practice out abilities.
The pogues arrived and saw me with my 'little sister' walking around to where they were going. They followed and his behind a rock.
"Mommy! Mommy! Can we practice water today?" Oakley asked.
"Like I said every other day. You can choose." I said with a grin.
"I love you mommy." Oakley beamed.
"Oh hunny, I love you too." I said.
"Okay ready? Remember, not to high that anyone will get suspicious or to wide. Now bring a droplet to me." I said demonstrating. Unknown the pogues were watching. My tattoos glowed and my hair was pushed back by wind. This wasn't what I was meant to be doing. Something else was happening.
"Y/n. Oakley and Aang. We need you to return home asap. We need a leader and y/n is the next heir. Please return home." Something said in the wind. I suddenly stopped glowing.
"Oh no! Oakley we gotta go back. We need to find Aang." I said crying
"Let's go home!" Oakley said excitingly.
I pulled out my phone and dialed ang.
"Y/n?" Aang asked through the phone.
"Aang! We need to go home! Mom and dad are gone and I'm the next heir!" I said crying through the phone.
"Hey it's okay. Let's go home. Where are you I'll pick you up." Aang asked.
"The secret spot where we practice with Oakley." I said calming down.
"Okay stay there."
With the pogues-
"We gotta go" John B said.
The château:
"What the fuck.." pope said.
"She's leaving" Kie said.
"She's a fucking freak!" Jj said.
"Jjs right. She could hurt us! And she has a kid we didn't know about." John b said. Kie and pope agreeing.
The next day with y/n:
"Okay, We're all packed and I'm gonna go say goodbye to the pogues.." I said.
"All good. You have half n hour. I'll take care of Oakley." Aang said.
The chateau:
"Hey guys.." I said walking up the steps to the porch.
"Hey. Freak." John B said.
"What..?" I asked.
"You heard me. We saw you on the beach yesterday with your "sister". You glowed and we're taking about an ability. We don't want to hang out with freaks." Jb explained. With tears in my eyes, I turned around and left.
With Aang:
"Alright let's go." I said. "Oakley hang onto me. We haven't taught you air yet." I said blankly.
"Ok mommy." Oakley said gripping into me.
At the castle.
"Prince Aang, Princess Y/n and little princess Oakley." A guard said greeting us.
"Hello Jans" I said.
"Ahh the twins and y/ns daughter." The butler said.
"Hi! I'm Oakley." She said.
"Welcome Oakley. Y/n, your parents are on life support. There is no chance of them surviving and we need the new ruler." That bustle said gesturing to me.
"Alright I'll take over. Pull the plug." I said codly.
"All hail queen Y/n." The butler said bowing. The next day we put our parents in a grave and had a coronation while having a wake for my parents.
—- 10 years later.
I stayed single with me my daughter Oakley and my twin Aang by my side.
Today I was taking a vacation from being queen and heading back to the obx. Oakley wanted to see what the first five years of her life looked like.
"And we are here." I said lowering my self from the air.
"Yay!" Oakley beamed also lowering herself. She jas managed to learn air and water.
"I love it already she said!" Excitingly.
When we turn 18 we don't age anymore. So therefore I still look like I'm 18 Hopefully the pogues moved away or aren't friends anymore, I can't bare to look at all of them.
The next day-
"Mom! Let's go shopping!" Oakley begged.
"Alright alright." I said with a smile.
We walked around for what felt like hours.
We walked to the ice cream truck and took around the cut. I avoided going down John bs road.
As we were about to go into a surf shop someone said my name.
"Y/n?" Pope said. I stopped in my tracks.
"Mom?" Oakley asked.
I turned around to see all of the pogues. Standing there staring at me...

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