Mother figure- Maybank

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Jj had accidentally gotten a girl pregnant. Honestly it was no surprise. Except the mother had the baby girl and left jj without a word. Jj named her Bailey. She was beautiful.

The pogues have been around as much as they can to help raise her. But y/n and John B were there the most. Y/n and jj had always like each other, but they could never admit to each other.

Y/n dropped out of school in her last year to help raise Bailey as much as she could. Which ended up with her moving in and sleeping in the couch. John B did his best to keep a roof over their head. He had to manage a job and school. So did jj. Jj tried to drop out, but y/n refused. Instead she did. Bailey loved y/n.


"I don't see why you can't just make a move." John b said while helping clean up dinner. Jj was at work.

"Because I can't John b. Bailey and his job, there just isn't time for me." I said while frowning.

"Yes there is! You just need to tell him." He encouraged.

"No! Bailey is too important and I don't want to overstep." I said trying to drop the conversation.

"Fine. I'm going to work." He said grabbing his keys and saying goodbye to Bailey.

"I'll have breakfast on the table when you get home." I said as he walked out the door.

"Your the best y/n!" I heard him shout then starting the van.

"Cmon Bailey. Time for bed." I said picking her up.

"Aww but I want to wait for daddy." She pouted.

"Alright we can wait on the couch but you have to try to sleep." I said laying us down in the couch.

"Okay." She said.

After about 5 minutes, she was sound asleep. I started drifting off into a sleep.

Jj pov:

I walked in at around 9:30pm after work.
I looked at the pull out couch where y/n usually sleeps. There she was, y/n, and Bailey.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Bailey screamed as she woke up.

"Shh. Don't wake up y/n."I whispered.

"I'm sorry." She whispered back.

"It's all good, cmon I'll take you to bed." I picked her up and started taking her to bed with me.

I showered and changed and walked out into the kitchen to find food.

I look over at y/n.

'God she's so beautiful..." I thought to myself.

I ate and went to the pull-out couch. I picked her up bridal style and took her to Bailey and I's room. Bailey had her own bed in the corner. I laid y/n down and climbed in next to her. I pulled her close and fell asleep.

Y/n pov:

I woke up to Bailey shaking me awake. I blinked a few times so my vision came into focus.

"Hey bails, what's up?" I asked groggily.

"I'm hungry." She whined.

"Alright let's go." I said getting up. Then I realised. I slept with jj.. he was still fast asleep.

I made pancakes and just as I finished, John b and jj walked out. John b through the front door and jj through the hall.

"Morning boys." I said while placing their plates on the table with pancakes.

"Daddy!!" Bailey squealed. I smiled and turned around before it became noticeable.

"Hey princess." He said picking her up.

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