Avoiding love- jj

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It was a typical Friday night. At the boneyard, having a party. You simultaneously got drunk. Not too drunk to forget everything tho.

"Jjayyy" you whined walking up to him.

"Y/n. You good?" He asked.

"I-I'm fine, I need to tell you something..." you said slurring.

"What's up?" He asked looking at you.

"I've been in love with you for years.." you said looking at him. He looked back at you with wide eyes.

"Oh shit y/n!! Why would you say that? Fucking dumbass." You said out loud to yourself, you got up and left the party.

The next day-

You remembered how you drunkenly confessed your feeling to jj. Everything's going to be so awkward, so you decided staying home today.

Your phone started ringing, you looked who it was and it was Kie.

"Hey kie." You said into the phone.

"Hey hun. Wanna hang out on the boat today?" She asked. You thought for a second.

"Can't. Parents need me all day." You said lying.

"Alright. Love ya have fun!" She said.

"Luv ya too!" You said and hung up.

Your parents called you to come down stairs. They asked you to help them all day ironically. You agreed. First they decided to go to the shopping for new clothes. You agreed thinking that they were all on the boat, but decided to go shopping instead. Your parents decided to pick up your 5 year old cousin and take her with.

You guys got to the shops. Y/c/n started running around playing tag with you. You chased her all around the shop while your parents shopped. You ran into the toy section, weaving through people chasing y/c/n. You ran past the pogues. You didn't even notice them. They started walking after you.

You managed to catch up to y/c/n, accidentally tackling her to the ground. You got up rushed to her.

"I'm sorry.. are you okay?" I asked.

"Let's do it again!" She yelled. I laughed at her antics.

The pogues came up to us as we were laughing.

"Hey y/n" pope said.

You jumped out of fright. "Oh hey guys. Don't creep up on me." I said laughing with pope and kie.

"Y/nnn, I want ice cream!!" Y/c/n said. You turned around and knelt down to her height.

"Let's go ask my parents." I said with a smile.

"Yay!" She said dragging me along with her. I laughed at her. The pogues just watched as I left.

"Is it me or does something seem wrong?" Kie asked the others.

"That's what I was thinking." John B said.


I was by myself on a walk. Unknowing that the pogues were following me.

I walked into this nice antique shop. They followed me in. I noticed as they trailed in not long after me. I put my wireless headphones in and started looking so I didn't make them sus about me knowing their following me.

I left the shop and walked along the beach. I knew they were following me still. Until I saw rafe. Me and rafe have been friends for along time. So that's how I also became friends with topper and Kelce. I didn't tell the pogues I was friends with them. Since they were following me and I 'didn't know' I decided to go see them.

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