Y/n Carrera - Pogues

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You were being chased by cops down the street. You were a fast runner since you've been doing this for 3 years. You knew how to do everything.

You ran around the corner and ran into someone. A tall blonde dude.

"Omg. I'm so sorry." I said panting.

"All good." He said.

"Y/n!?" Kie yelled.

"KIE!!" I yelled running up to her and hugging her.

"Y/n! When we get you, your in big trouble." A cop, you've gotten to know as Micheal, yelled chasing. You quickly let go of Kie and started running.

"You haven't got me in 3 years! It's not going to happen Michael! Give up." I yelled back at him.

"Y/n!" He yelled still chasing you.

"Michealllll" I whined.

"I'm gonna catch you one day! You run away fire their." He stopped running.

"Hey, love you too man!" I yelled as I slowed down.

I walked around the town. Pickpocketing strangers. So let me tell you about my back story.

Me and kie are cousins. My mom never got married. Yet she still left me with my father and left for good. My Uncle, mike, kies dad, and my dad kept in touch often for the sake of us. That was until I turned 10. He started abusing me both physical and sexually. I hated him. So when I was 13, I left. But not after setting the house on fire. He managed to escape. Bastard.


I walked into a party. At this place on the beach. I walked around for a bit, talking to random people.

"Y/n?" Kie asked as I was talking to a really cute touron. I winked at him and stood up to talk to Kie.

"Y/n, how are you?" She asked.

"Could be better." I replied looking down.

"How's your dad?" She asked.

"I ran away from him 3 years ago.." I said.

"Why would you do that? You left him on his own!?" Kie yelled at me.

"You don't know what happened!! I had every right to leave!" I argued.

"Selfish bitch." Kie said and walked away. Tears started pooling in my ears. I walked towards the beach and sat down in a log.

"We'll who do we have here?" A blondish boy asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Go away. I don't wanna talk to you." I said with annoyance.

"Why don't we go back to mine?" He suggested.

"Fuck off." I stood up and punched him to the ground.

"Bitch! You wanna fight?" He asked.

"Come at me!" I yelled gaining attention from the crowd. We started fighting. Soon everyone was watching and cheering me on.

He had blood all over his nose and face. He was about to pass out till I felt to hands grab ahold of my waist, yanking me back.

" Watch the fuck dude!?" I yelled at the guy I ran into earlier.

"You can't just do that." He said to me.

"Oh but I did." I said walking away.

Over the next few months it seemed I was seeing the pogues every day. And everyday they saw me, I was running from the cops. I showed up to all the parties they were at. Every time, getting drunk and letting some boy walk me home, never hooking up due to my past. I was always careful. It came to the day when I saw them at the shops.

"Oh y/n, the slut." John B said. I turned around and walked away, not wanting to start anything.

"Walk away, pussy." Jj said, just loud enough to here. I stopped and turned to look at them.

"Say that again." I said with bitterness in my voice.

"What? That your a pussy. Let alone a slut?" Jj repeated. I charged at him. I punched him right in the nose then the balls.

"You don't have the right to call me that." I said walking away.

"Yes we do. You go home after every party with a random." John B said. I looked at him with tears in my eyes, remembering my past.

"Doesn't mean I hook up with them! I cant! I'm too scared. He reminds me of everything I do and it gets overwhelming. I'm not a slut!" I yelled at them full on crying. Kie looked at me shocked. Pope just sat there with a sad look in his face. He was the only one that helped me and was kind to me. I told him everything. John B stood there with eyes wide open, so did jj.

"It's okay y/n, they don't understand. Let's go." Pope said hugging me.

"I hate him!" I cried into his chest.

"Y/n I think we need to talk." Kie said barely above a whisper. I nodded.

"Please, I need you." I said.

Later that day I went around to the château to talk to them. I sat next to Pope feeling comfortable.

"Y/n.. please tell us what happened. I shouldn't have called you selfish for leaving your dad if he did something bad." Kie said apologising.

"M-my dad was the coolest person to me until I was 10.." I looked down in shame.

"What did he do that was so bad!?" Jj asked. Not caring cause he didn't think things could get worse that they were already for him.

I took a deep breath in. "He um.. he started abusing me.. I have scars all along my chest... and sexually.." I said.

"Y/n.." Kie whispered.

"Don't. Just don't." I said standing up. "I better get going.. wouldn't want a slut around anyways." I said smiling.

"Y/n.." John B started.

"No John B. Just because you know what happened, doesn't mean you have to act differently. So keep calling me whatever you guys want." I said leaving.

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