Chapter 26

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Ariana's POV

"You guys are too cute!" I speak over my shoulder to the two love birds that are walking behind me towards Lukes car.

I didn't get a reply but I didn't need one because I knew they were smiling like idiots at eachother behind my back. I feel quite awkward at the moment to be honest because I feel like i'm intruding on one of their dates but its's only because Harry isn't with us yet, as soon as I see Harry at that diner I will feel a whole lot better. I can't wait to spend some time with him, even if it's not just the two of us it's still something because he's been so busy lately!


"Here we are!" Luke exclaims as he pulls in to the carpark of the diner.

"Why thank you driver," I say poshly as I exit the car.

"Don't push it," he laughs, while he opens the passenger door for Kenz.

"Someone's excited!" Kenz says as she points to my feet which can't seem to stand still.

"I am! It's been way too long since I've been out with Harry with no distractions," I smile at the couple who are returning the gesture, but I can't help but notice the quick glance from Kenz at her shoes which immediately tells me what shes thinking, 'If he even shows up.' I quickly shrug it off and put a reassuring smile on my face, keeping a positive mind. He will show up! He has too.

"Well we better get inside! We're already late, he's probably waiting," I say, partly trying to convince myself that he will be there.

The couple nod in agreement and we make our way inside where the diner is nearly packed. I quickly scan the crowd, standing high on my tip toes hoping to spot those curly brown locks I've been missing for so long. After scanning the crowd at least 10 times I finally give up and look back towards the others who are staring at me with sad looks in their eyes.

"He'll be here, he must just be running a bit late," I say to the to uncertain faces looking straight back at me, but I must agree with them becasue doubt is starting to cloud my mind. I just have to stay posititve, something I always live by even if it can let you down sometimes.

I watch as Luke leads Kenz past and gestures to her to sit down at the closest booth with the sweetest smile on his face and a look in his eyes that is always present when he looks at her. I smile at the sweet little sight and he turns and gestures to me as well so I slowly walk over to the booth, sliding in opposite them.

Before I could start conversation to distract me, a very attractive guy that looks to be around our age comes walking towards us.

"Hi there, my name's Ollie and I'll be your waiter for this afternoon. May I get you a drink?" He smiles at the three of us. Luke and Kenz both decline, accepting the water that has been placed on the table.

"And for the lovely lady," He says, his eyes landing on me.

"Uh- " I begin.

"We're still waiting on one more person," Luke interrupts me.

"Alright, I'll come back a bit later," he replies and we all smile as he walks away.

20 minutes of staring out the window, scanning the crowd, multiple visits from Ollie and sympathetic looks from Luke and Kenz go by when I finally realise that he must not be coming.... again.

"Guys, I'm so sorry I don't think he's coming. I think I'm just going to go," I say as I start to stand up, grabbing my bag and trying not to burst out in to tears right here. Before I could move any further, Kenz grabs my wrist and pulls me in to her for a hug as she stands up. "I'm so sorry Ana, please don't go," she whispers in to my hair.

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