Chapter 13

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Ariana's POV

I was still sitting on the cold, hard couch in an eerily silent room. Every time someone in a hospital uniform walked past I looked up to see if I recognised them as my best friends doctor or nurse. Unfortunaley, I had not moved from my spot for hours which told me she was still in the same condition that she was this morning. A tear rolled from my eye as I thought about her condition and I couldn't help but think about the worst possible outcomes.

I sat all alone, crying to myself and no one around me even bothered to stop and ask if I was okay. I felt alone and empty, like all the goodness in my body had been drained. I decided that the only thing that could help me right now was music so I pulled my phone out of my pocket and plugged my earphones in. Scrolling through my music to find the playlist I was looking for gave me something good to focus my attention on. A smile spread across my face when I found the playlist titled 'Kensi's favourite Songs', clicking on the item took me to another screen and all of her favourite songs started playing through my earphones on shuffle.

The sound of  'Close As Strangers' by 5 Seconds of Summer rings through my ears and calms me straight away even though it is so similar to our current situation.

'I won't give up, even though it hurts so much-' the sound of the soft lullaby was cut short when my earphones were gently removed from my ears as arms wrapped around my neck. I stood up and turned around to be greeted by a familiar hug as I collapsed in to her arms.

"I'm so glad you're here," I said between sobs.

Nia patted my messy hair as she comforted me. We stood like this, her holding me as I cried the tears I didn't think I had left in me, for what seemed like forever. She took my hand and lead me back to the sofa where I filled her in on everything that was happening in my world.

"Why can't she just wake up?" I spoke as she rubbed circles on my back. I carelessly played with the straw of my drink that she had brought with her and I heard her sigh.

"She will soon, hun, I know she will. We both know how strong she is and she wouldn't leave you here all alone," Nia said as she sipped on her beverage. all i could do was stare in to space as her words comforted me. I know she is right and i just have to trust that Kensi will get through this. 

"How about we go for a walk" She said as she stood up and tilted her head towards the door.

"No, sorry.... I can't leave the hospital. What if something happens? Or what if she wakes up? I want to be here when either of those things happen. I'm not prepared to leave, not just yet" I say sitting on the edge of the couch, holding my drink in both of my hands.

She nods in response and sits back down putting her feet up on the couch and facing me. I quickly mirror her actions and we sit like this talking about anything and everything, purposely avoiding the topic of what is getting us both upset. This goes on for what seems like forever until Nia's jet lag kicks in and her yawns get closer and closer together before she gradually falls in to a deep sleep in the middle of her sentence. I grab a blanket from the couch opposite us and place it on top of her making sure to tuck her feet in too.

Sleep hasn't been a regular thing for me since I have been at this hospital so I'm getting used to staying awake. Since Nia is now asleep and I have nothing else to do I decide it is time for another visit to see Kenz. Last time it didn't end so well and nurses are always rushing in and out of that room so I have always been dreading going back in there just because of what happend last time and it's so hard to see Kenz in the state she is in now. She looks so helpless and lifeless and I'm so used to seeing a strong face on her, always knowing how to handle everything and giving life her best shot. 

The door squeaks open and reveals the beeping machine once again and i'm thankful to see that there are no nurses to drag me out of the room like last time. I swiftly take the seat that is next to her bed again and place her hand back in mine. I begin to tell her everything that is happening at the moment in our lives even all of the celebrity goss such as what 5 Seconds of summer have been up to, reading out every single thing that they have tweeted since the the day of the incident because i know she doesn't like to be out of the loop.

We.... well, I continue to talk for ages about all the good things that have happened and what good things will happen when she wakes up, trying to keep a positive mood. I soon run out of things to say and just lay my head down on the matress beside her and close my eyes not letting go of her hand. I was just about to drift off to sleep when I feel her hand squeeze mine ever so slightly. The feeling shocks me and i jolt up from where i was laying, looking at her face then down at her hand. Did that really happen, or am i dreaming? before i could answer the question that i had asked myself I felt it again. My heart is beating louder now and i can't help the excitement seeping through me. 

"Kenz?" I say sitting up, holding her hand with both of mine now.

"Please be a sign that she's waking up, please!" I silently pray to myself. 

Nothing happens for several minutes and my heart begins to break once again, I should know by now to not get my hopes because every time I do I just keep breaking all over again. I fall back in to the chair feeling like I have been defeated. My thoughts take over my brain once again, i'm defintely not going to be able to get sleep now. What if that means she's waking up? It must mean that she is getting better at least, maybe she can hear me and just wanted to let me know that she was listening. My brain shuffles over all the possibilities at least ten times each before a voice brings me back to reality. The voice that I have been desperate to hear for the longest time, the voice that brings me happiness and warmth and the voice that comforts me when i'm sad, something that I have needed ever since we entered those damn hospital doors but was never able to get as it was becasue of that voice that I was sad.... it was her voice.


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