Chapter 4

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Louis POV

Walking to the side of the stage I peeked around the slider hiding my figure in time to see Ariana and Kenz being guided towards their seats. I smile and pop my head back in.

During the show they danced and sang, smiling the biggest smiles. I couldn't help but laugh and smile at how much fun they were having. I'm glad they're enjoying the concert.

Running backstage I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn to see Liam smiling at me.

"Did you see them??" He asked.

Zayn jogged over to join us.

"They sure can dance." He laughed before he picked up a water bottle and went to have his microphone set taken off.

Liam handed me a bottle of water and we joined Zayn before heading back to our dressing room as a group. We got changed and started getting ready to head back to the hotel for the night.

Back at the hotel I was surprised to find not a single pap or fan. That's unusual. Getting out of the van I turned to see the other boys with a look of relief on their faces but as I got walking I bumped into something. Actually, someone.

Kensi's POV


My foot stumbled and the point of my heel caught on the step leading into our hotel lobby twisting my ankle.

I felt a small but sharp pain as a hand caught my wrist and pulled me back up so I stood grounded on my two feet.

"Kensi!!" I heard a clear British accent.

"I'm so sorry. Are you okay?? Did you twist your ankle??" Louis stuttered. I held his arm as he carried me on my way in.

"I'm okay Louis, my ankle is just a bit sore, I'm probably being soft." I smiled and watched as Ana unlocked the door to our suite opening it wide enough for Louis to carry me through.

Louis placed me gently on the sofa and I saw the rest of the boys come in while Ana close the door, placing her bag, and mine, on the kitchen counter.

"Thank you," I murmured to Louis.

"No worries hun," he returned my smile, "Where do you keep your ice packs??"

"Freezer drawer under the granite cabinet," I directed him. He got up and walked to the cabinet when Ariana sat down beside me handing me a glass of water and a Panadol tablet.

I laughed at her gesture. "I'm okay, really. But thank you Ana."

"You're welcome Lou." She ruffled my hair before propping her feet on the coffee table picking up the remote.

"Do you boys want to watch anything in particular??" She asked as Louis came back over with an ice pack and placed it on my ankle.

Zayn shook his head whilst Niall started flicking through the TV guide magazine.

"Um. I can't read this," Niall spoke.

Everyone laughed before Ana took Harry to the kitchen. I tried to concentrate on the program that were flashing across the screen but I wasn't really paying attention.

I shot Ariana a look and she held up ice cream. My face must have looked disappointed because she searched the freezer and pulled out my favourite flavour, making me smile.

Bringing a bowl over to me, Harry placed my hand on the bottom edge of the bowl where I felt a soft sheet with a sharp edge. I pulled the tacked note off and placed the bowl on my lap.

I tried discretely to open the note but I could see Liam turn his head out of the corner of my eye. He focused back on the TV and I continues to read it.




I smiled and looked over my shoulder at the door behind me to find it closing and the lock being turned.

I leaned my head on Louis' shoulder and picked up my spoon letting the deliciously soft cotton candy flavour work wonders.

A Long Way From Home (5SOS/One Direction Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now