Chapter 15

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Ariana's POV

It feels so great to finally have my best friend awake. The only problem is, how am I going to break it to the boys that she doesn't even remember them? I will have to tell them soon otherwise they will come back and rush straight to see Kenz and completely overwhelm her which she doesn't need at this stage of her recovery.

After I brush Kensi's hair and make sure she is comfortable, I leave her to get some rest and decide that it is about time that I used the hotel that the boys left for Nia and I and get some proper rest. Nia has been in to see Kenz and is now back at the hotel probably still sleeping off her jet lag.

As I enter the door to our hotel room I hear a faint snoring which seems to be coming from one of the bedrooms. I decide to sleep on the couch in the middle of the living room because I'm so used to it now and it looks like there has already been someone sleeping here so it does look very inviting. Just as I was about to drift off to sleep my phone vibrates from the coffee table beside me, Leaving it sounded like a good option for me but then again it might be Kenz.

*Awesome news that Kenz is awake! Make sure you get some proper sleep now babe xx* It's a text from Harry.

*I know, I'm so happy! I can't wait to see you again. Yes sir! xx* I quietly chuckle at my reply before putting my phone back on the coffee table and drifting off in to a deep sleep.


I wake up to the smell of waffles wafting through the big hotel room. The smell instantly gets me to my feet and as I turn around I see Nia sitting at the table with a waffle maker placed on the table in front of her and the waffle mixture beside it along with a few other ingredients to go on top I assume.

"Mornin! Can you believe they had a waffle maker in the cupboard?! I just had to go get some mixture and I also went to the corner store down the road to get a few other things to go on top but that is so cool!!" She exclaims chirpily. I just smile at her because I know if I try to talk no words will come out as I can barely keep my eyes open. Although, I was about to question if she went to the store in her pyjamas noticing what she was wearing but quickly stop as I already know the answer, Nia would go anywhere in her pyjamas. She quickly gets up from where she was sitting and turns to open the mini fridge behind her, pulling out a small plastic container.

"I got strawberries!" She squeals and suddenly I seem to be wide awake as my eyes grow wide and I quickly shuffle to the seat opposite her and hold my plate out as she places a freshly baked waffle in the middle and I pile it high with everything on the table, doubling the strawberries.

"Thankyou so much!" I excaim, "This is a perfect way to start off a perfect day."

Nia just chuckles and continues making the delicious waffles before speaking again.

"Are you going to see Kenz today?"

"Yes definitely! Are you coming?" I reply.

"Yes please!"

She finishes off the last waffle and puts the rest in to the fridge for later after we had finished.

"I'll just have a quick shower and then we can go," I smile before padding off to the bedroom to get my clothes and then hop in to the shower.

It feels so refreshing to finally have a shower as I haven't had a shower in at least 3 days. The hot water seems to wash away all the negative experiences that have happened in the past few days and I soon feel ready to start the next chapter of our lives and put everything else behind us.

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