Chapter 8

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Ariana's POV

I could definitely feel the blush creeping to my cheeks and I was probably smiling like an idiot. I looked back up at Harry and met his eyes.

"Thank you, you look very handsome." As I stepped into the hallway Harry held his arm out and I gladly accepted his kind gesture, linking my arm through his. I noticed Kenz did the same with Zayn. Taking the elevator down to the lobby and making our way out to the van, the boys helped us inside and made sure they sat either side of us, to protect us from any fans that might try to get to them.

"You ladies look stunning," Liam and Niall spoke at the same time, making the rest of us laugh.

"Thank you,' Kensi and I smiled while Kenz added, "You all look handsome."

As we drove around the beautiful town that is Paris, I looked out the windows at the sights while simultaneously holding a conversation about football with Niall and Harry.

"But Doncaster is way better," Louis chimed in from his seat next to Kensi. Niall and Harry shook their heads, both agreeing that Manchester was indeed the best, after Real Madrid of course.

I felt the van slowing down as it pulled to a stop out the back of a very nice looking French Restaurant. I hope they have normal food! We made our way inside and gathered at a reserved table along with a few of the boys' management members. A waiter came over to our table and introduced himself.

"Bonsoir. Que puis-je vous commencer avec?" He spoke fast and in a strong accent. We must have all looked confused because he stuttered before trying to speak in English.

"Good evening. What can I start you with?" I heard Kensi translate the sentence for us. I was expecting her to tell us but the boys just looked at her in amazement.

"Yes I speak French," she stated noticing that all eyes at the table were on her, "Now what do you want to eat?"

I laughed at her sassiness. I think I saw Louis smile out of the corner of my eye for the same reason. We all ordered, Kenz and I laughing at the boys' attempts to pronounce the name of the dish they wanted.

"So," Liam started once all our food had arrived, "How come you never told us you spoke French?" He questioned looking at Kensi.

I looked at Kenz and she looked back at me nodding at my silent request.

I looked at the boys before speaking.

"Vous jamais demandé," I shrugged picking up my fork and placing a spiral of pasta in my mouth.

The boys looked astonished. 

"It's true! You never did ask us," Kenz spoke from her seat opposite mine while trying not to laugh and I could see Louis beaming from beside her.

"You speak French too!?" Niall exclaimed. "What don't we know about you girls?"

Kenz and I looked at each other again before replying in unison.

"A lot."

Across from the table I could see Kensi looking at Harry whilst Zayn whispered something in her right ear. Harry looked at me and just smiled. Something was up.

Harry's POV

As soon as the three words left Ari's mouth I swear my heart melted. I am a sucker for girls who speak French. Why Ari? I saw Zayn whisper something to Kenz, probably about my weakness for girls who speak French, while she looked at me Ari turned her head to look at me. I smiled back down at her and picked up my fork before eating a bite of her pasta. Yes, I had my own but it was much more fun to steal hers. Plus it was delicious.

After dinner we all walked back to the van and drove to the hotel. Once we were in the lobby I pulled Ari aside and told the boys that we would join them in the girls' suite soon.

"Thank you for dinner, it was lovely," she smiled pulling my coat around her shoulders to stop herself from getting cold.

"You're very welcome love. You're pasta was delicious!" I laughed and I heard her small giggle as she rubbed her eyes.

"I have to tell you something," I said as I lead her over to a bench seat in the corner of the large room. She had a look of worry in her eyes and I instantly regretted saying that last sentence but she deserved to know. Ari looked down at her hands as I started to tell her what I had to say.

"Bad news first I'm guessing?" I asked.

She nodded and looked up at me.

"Tonight was our last night here. We have to leave in 4 hours." A part of me felt so bad but she hadn't heard the other news and I know she was going to love it.

"Okay." She looked sad and a tear started to roll down her cheek. As I went to wipe it away she reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. I looked at her confused as she looked at the screen debating whether it not to answer it. I didn't see who the caller was because she swiped the screen before lifting her phone up and pressing it to her ear.

"What's up?" She spoke and I heard a faint muffled happy scream on the other end of the line.

"I'm kinda busy right now Lou." It was Kensi.

Ari looked confused as she turned her head to look at me.

"No, he hasn't. Why?"

Please don't tell her Kenz. Please!

Ari kept her eyes locked on mine as two words filled the silent lobby.

"On tour?"

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