Chapter 23

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Ashton's POV

I turned the lock and pushed the large door open before entering the house. I heard sniffles from the couch then complete silence as the tv was switched off and I made my way to the lounge area, taking small and quiet footsteps.

"Why are you hiding Ana?" I asked curiously, a smirk plastered across my face when I noticed that she had buried herself under the duvet so that she was completely hidden. She removed the duvet from her head and her small body emerged from the covers she had been snuggled under.

"Oh my gosh Ash! You scared me!" She exclaimed and picked up a pillow from beside her and aiming to throw it at me. Luckily I ducked in time for it to miss me and I turned around to pick it up before walking back over to her and returning it to its original place.

"You might wanna keep this," I smiled as I propped it under her head and she nestled down looking super cosy.

"Is your laundry going to do itself?" She tilted her head as I was filling a glass with water for her and made my way back to the lounge to place it on the coffee table before I crouched down beside her, leaning against the base of the sofa.

"Uh, yeah, I thought I had things to put on but I don't," I looked down at my lap and covered my lame excuse with a cough. She raised an eyebrow but, luckily, didn't push any further.

"Well, do you want to finish the movie with me then?" Her smile grew wide and I jumped up onto the couch next to her. I felt her duvet touch my leg and I went to take it but she pulled it away from my reach. I looked over at her and she had a playful smile on her lips, she was obviously feeling much better already. I went to reach for it again and she pulled it further away, a small and totally adorable giggle escaping her lips which made my stomach flutter. I bit my lip as I stretched my whole body out across the couch the touch the tip of the duvet corner.

I heard a small gasp and a shocked look crossed Ana's face as she looked between my eyes and my hand on the duvet. She narrowed her eyes at my hand before looking back up at me and I smiled, taking this opportunity while she was distracted to take a full grasp on the duvet and pull it over myself making Ana pout.

I couldn't leave her like that for too long otherwise I would have issues controlling my erupting butterflies so I lifted up the cover and she hesitated before slowly crawling around the sofa to sit under the duvet next to me. She picked up the remote and pressed play watching the movie intently and I continued to look at her for a moment longer, taking in her beauty. Gosh, I was falling hard. And I would be okay with it if there wasn't someone else in the picture.


I heard muffled whispers and I fluttered my eyes open to reveal four people surrounding me. Their faces turned into smirks when they realised I was awake and I caught a glimpse of Kensi putting her phone in her pocket a bit too quickly. I looked to my left and noticed that Ari's head was resting on my shoulder while she slept, an occasional soft snore leaving her slightly parted lips.

Smiling at the sight I didn't notice that I was staring until a cough broke me from my thoughts. I shifted my gaze and saw my band mates walk towards the kitchen with Kensi moving slowly behind them giving me a pointed look as if to say, "Don't do anything you could get caught doing."

I nodded at her and she looked at me for a moment longer before turning and sitting at a bar stool with a glass of water and lemon, the same way Ari has hers.

"Ari," I whispered as I lowered my head to her ear. "Wake up, hun."

She stirred in her sleep and moved her head to a more comfortable position before falling asleep again.

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