Chapter 21

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Ashton POV

As soon as she walked through those gates and I saw her smile, it immediately gave me butterflies and I couldn't help but put a smile on my face too. I know I haven't talked to her much at all but I knew as soon as I saw her that I wanted to get to know her, I wanted to know every single detail. But what I also knew was that it would be too good to be true if a girl like that was available.

My thoughts were answered when I met her as she was pulled in to his arms. If only I had got to her first. My smile immediately fades as presently the same thing is happening, he pulls her in to his arms and she has the most beautiful smile on her face. All I can think about is 'Why can't that smile be for me?' I catch Kensi take a glimpse at me looking at them and I quickly look away walking inside hoping I wasn't being too obvious.

I busied myself by making an iced tea when I heard shuffled footsteps and then a noise behind me that sounded as if whoever had joined me was taking a seat at the breakfast bar.

"Ash, I'm not going to ask what's wrong because I can see it in the way you looked at her," a soft New Zealand accent filled my ears as I opened the fridge, pulling out a bottle of lemonade.

"Instead, we're going to sit up on the balcony and you're going to tell me how you feel."

Pouring the lemonade into a cylinder holding my tea I snapped the lid on and started to shake it.

"I'm fine, Kensi, you don't ha-" I was cut off when she held her hand up in the air. Jumping out of her seat and making her way over to the freezer she pulled out a tray of ice cubes before making her way to the cupboards and removing two glass tumblers.

"Ashton, get your tea and go to the balcony," she said in a very serious tone as she moved around the kitchen. I did as she said and poured the drink into the glasses before carrying them upstairs and through my room towards the balcony.

The fresh air hit my face and I was thankful that we didn't have a view of the outdoor living area, where Ari was. I quietly sipped on my tea as I leaned against the rail of the balcony looking out at the beautiful views of Los Angeles. I couldn't help the flicker of Ari's face cross my mind as I studied the landscape, there's was no doubt that she was more beautiful. I shook my head and focused on what Kensi was saying.

"... you can always talk to me, you know that, right?"

I turned around to face her.

"I know, thank you," I smiled at her, this time a genuine one. I sighed before turning around again and starting my endless story.

"I feel like she would make me happy, gosh even her presence makes me happy and I don't even know her! She has this genuine atmosphere that makes me feel all warm inside, it gives me butterflies. As soon as I saw her I was just magnetised," I breathed out and ran a hand through my hair.

"Kenz?!" I heard a sweet accent that matched Kensi's.

"Whenever you want to talk,' the Kensi's voice whispered and I felt a small hand touch my shoulder before muffled voices could be heard from the doorway and I was left alone with my thoughts and my tea.

Calum's POV

I was sitting on the large grey sofa watching Finding Nemo with Ashton, Michael and Luke. Well, Luke had fallen asleep when the girls left so it was just my two friends and I finishing the film.

"I'm H2O intolerant," I quoted and earned pointed looks from Mikey and Ash.

"What?" I shrugged and focused back on the movie. A few minutes later I heard a barely audible sound from the seat next to me that held a sleeping Luke. I leaned down to place my head next to his when I heard him continue, he must be sleep talking.

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