Chapter 10

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Louis's POV

"Louis?" A raspy male voice says from beside me as my eyes slowly drift open.

"W-where am I?" I stutter, looking at Harry sitting in a sofa seat next to me.

"You're in the hospital, we were in a car crash. The doctors said you will be fine, you'll just be a bit sore," he said a little too abruptly. He obviously has something else on his mind.

"What?!" I yell with a jolt and wince at the pain that was coming from...everywhere!

Sure enough, the scene of the car crash comes flooding back to me and all I seem to remember clearly is Ari's terrified scream and the look in Kensi's eyes before everything went black.

"Are you alright?" I ask, concern filling my voice.

"I'm fine, the worst I got was a few bumps and bruises," He states, looking at the ground with his head in his hands.

"What about Kensi?" He lifts his eyes up to meet mine and runs his finger through his hair, placing his elbows on his knees. There is something that he is keeping from me and since Kensi was sitting right where the car hit, I'm not sure I want to hear what he is about to say.

"Uh... Sh-.... She's in a coma," he stutters, leaning back on his chair again.

"You can't be serious!" I yell, wincing at the pain in my body again.

This is all my fault! If I had just been concentrating then I would have had more time to think and maybe even get out of the way of the obviously drunk driver that was coming towards us.

"And Ariana?" I say, knowing she will be a sensitive topic for him, but I have to know.

He flinches at the mention of her name and turns his head to look out the window. After what seems like decades he answers me, pain evident in his voice.

"I haven't seen her yet... I can't"

"Why not-"

"Because I can't see her like that, that's why!" He shouts cutting me off and standing up from his chair.

"She needs you Harry," is the last thing I say before he quickly exits the room.

Harry's POV

"Room 244, just down there," a nice young nurse points to a door right at the end of the corridor before scurrying off with a clipboard in hand.

My feet start taking me towards the door that I have been avoiding to walk through since I got out of my room. Louis is right, she needs me and I want to be there for her when she wakes up. I finally arrive to at the dreaded door, Number 244. I stand outside the door for ages trying to muster up the courage to go in.

Finally, I reach my hand out to touch the steel door and slowly push it open before stepping inside. Looking around I see a curtain drawn and a nurse steps out from behind it before nodding as an acknowledgement of my presence. I slowly walk towards the curtain and draw it back revealing a very tired looking girl. I smile down at Ari and she smiles back at me, thankful I came I breathe a sigh of relief and silently thank Louis for making me.

"Hey," I speak softly as I sit down and take her hand in mine. "How are you feeling?"

She looks down at our hands and then locks her eyes with mine. "I've been better," she smiles. I laugh at her shaking my head. That's the girl I've come to know. Even in the last few days I've noticed how what she says and how she says it shows how she feels. We make small talk, her asking about Louis and the others but I notice she is completely avoiding the topic we have all been discussing. She looks straight ahead at the baby blue curtain shutting her off from the rest of he world. I squeeze her hand tight and look her in the eye.

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