Chapter 12

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Louis POV

I walked through the two large hospital doors with a tray of drinks and a bag of bagels. Making my way over to the waiting area where Zayn and Ari were I sat down beside Zayn and handed him a drink.

"Thanks Lou," he smiled before getting up and heading back to the hotel. I waited until he had left to take the opportunity to place the blanket I had brought with me over Ari as she slept. I kissed her head before sitting back down on the opposite sofa and eating a bagel. I pulled out my phone and decided to text Harry about Ari so he knew she was okay when he woke up. After that I opened Twitter and decided to reply to some questions from fans while I listened to some music.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Ari stir in her sleep and open her eyes. She yawned before sitting up so I took the opportunity to talk to her.

"Hey Ari, how are you feeling?" I spoke softly and handed her the Strawberry and Crème frappé I bought from Starbucks earlier. She gladly accepted it with a small 'thank you' and held it to her lips while resting her elbows on her knees.

"I feel better after a sleep, I was so exhausted and sad about-" she cut herself off before any tears could start to fall down her cheeks. "I'm sorry I shut you all out earlier. You just wanted to help me and I shouldn't have ignored you, I should have let you comfort me, I needed it."

I smiled and stood up before going over to sit on the couch next to her. I pulled her in for a side hug and mumbled into her hair.

"That's okay, we're all here for you, you just have to give us a call or text us, we will always answer."

"What do you mean text or call?" She asked, "Why not in person?" She turned to look at me with a confused expression on her face.

I really didn't want to be the one to tell her but I know she won't accept it from anyone else. I sighed before telling her the news I have received earlier in the day.

"Management want us to continue and go to the next scheduled shows and come back in a few days," I whispered so it was barely audible.

All Ari did was nod her head slowly, over and over again. After a minute I had to stop her but she still hadn't said anything.

"I've arranged to have your friend fly out out to keep you company for a week while we're not here. Is that okay with you?"

"Yeah, thank you Louis," she said before placing her drink on the arm of the sofa and giving me a huge hug.


I walked out to the bus with Louis, ready to bid them goodbye. They had taken my suitcase to the hotel room that Nia and I would be staying in but Kensi's was still on the bus sitting in her bunk bed.

"I just need to do something quickly," I told Louis as I ran onto the bus and pulled Kensi's suitcase out from her bunk and dragged it onto the floor. I opened it and rummaged around for the item I was looking for. I pulled the zip on the small bag and gently pulled out a long silver chain with a tiny pendant on it. She only wore it on special occasions so I was glad it was here. Zipping the bag back up and placing everything back where it belonged I returned her suitcase and walked off the bus, sighing before I stepped down of the last step I looked at the bus one last time and remembered how I had promised Kenz that I wouldn't do anything without her on the tour and I wasn't even going to think about breaking that promise so I had no doubt that I was doing the right thing by taking her necklace with me.

I stood beside Harry and Niall while all the boys looked at me. I pulled the piece of jewellery out of my pocket and held it up to show them. The 'A' pendant swayed side to side and the mid-morning sunlight caught the diamond placed on the left where the side meets the middle.

"Is that Kensi's?" Niall asks and I nod in response. I then placed it back in my pocket and unclasped the chain around my neck. Holding it up as I did with Kensi's necklace I show the boys the 'K' that was hung around my neck. Like Kenz I only wore it on special occasions and had forgotten to take it off when we went out for dinner last night.

"They were our Christmas presents to each other when we were in London earlier on in our trip."

I felt Liam pull me into a hug and squeeze me before he pulled away and the rest of the band followed suit.

"Hold onto those Ari," Louis whispered in my ear before pulling away and walking to stand by the door of the bus with the rest of the boys.

Harry turned to me and picked up my hand opening it and placing something soft and sharp on my palm before closing his large hands over mine.

"Never hesitate, I'm here if you ever need me." He smiled before pulling me in for a warm hug. His tall frame engulfed my small one and I really didn't want to pull away but when the tears started to fall I knew I had to.

"You should go," I pointed towards the bus as I wiped away my tears.

He put his hand on the back of my head and leaned down to kiss the top of it.

"Never hesitate." He repeated before walking to the bus. I decided it would be better for me if I walked away before they left so they didn't have to see me cry again. When I got to the doors I turned around and waved to them before they boarded the bus. Turning and walking through the doors I looked at the piece of paper Harry had given me to see his number scribed in neat handwriting. Sitting on my couch and wrapping the blanket around me I put both the necklaces around my neck and didn't plan on taking them off until we were out of this dreadful place.

For the first time since Kensi fell in to a coma, I feel really alone. Sitting here by myself is making me appreciate what the guys have done for me even more.

I lie back down on to the couch, pulling the blanket over my exposed feet and play with Kensi's necklace between my fingers trying my best to relax to see if I can get a few more hours of sleep as I haven't been sleeping much lately.

Lying here, I can't help but think how much my life has changed recently. First, Kensi takes me to meet One Direction, and may I say that was by far the best day of my life. Then they ask us on tour with them and I start to have a relationship with Harry Styles of all people! If somebody had told me that I would be touring with One Direction and possibly have Harry Styles gain feelings for me, I would have laughed in their face. Although, I can't help but think that all of that has lead us to this moment right here, Kensi in a coma and me lying on this hard hospital couch waiting for my best friend to wake up even though the doctor told me she might not. Would our lives be easier now if we had never met them? Why would I even think that? I can't imagine my life now without the boys.

All of this thinking is obviously too much for my tired little brain to handle because soon enough my eyes slowly drift closed and my body starts to relax in to a peaceful sleep.

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