Chapter 5

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Ariana's POV

I turned the lock and put my keys in my pocket when Harry took my hand. Leading down the stairs we stopped in the lobby and picked up an umbrella. Walking out the rotating doors we crossed the road to the local park with a luscious green pasture.

Harry was very sweet, walking around the park we talked about his life back home and his family and he asked me about mine, as well as how we ended up where we are.

It wasn't raining as much as it was earlier but we still strolled around the beautiful area. As the clock read 10:12 we made our way into the small café opposite our hotel, harry holding the door open for me.

"I'll have a strawberry macaroon and a hot chocolate with two marshmallows, both pink please," I spoke to the man on the counter.

Harry laughed as he placed his order of a flat white and a chocolate slice. Sitting down at a table so beautifully placed by the window, I watched as the rain made everything under the sky glisten.

I smiled a 'thank you' to the waiter as he set our orders on the table. Harry cut his slice and put half on my plate. I looked up from my macaroon and met his eyes. I picked up my macaroon and started twisting it in half before realising it was stuck together.

Struggling to split the treat, Harry must have seen the look of frustration on my face because he took it from my hands into his large ones before easily breaking and placing half in my mouth, the other in his.

We both laughed and I picked up my hot chocolate, letting it warm my hands on this cold night.

"What are you laughing at??" I exclaimed laughing at Harry laughing.

Harry just shook his head and whipped the marshmallow coloured froth of the tip of my nose before meeting my eyes again. Bright emerald eyes sparkled as they searched mine as if looking for a clue of some sort.

"You have the most beautiful eyes," Harry finally spoke.

"And the most beautiful smile," he added when I smiled and looked away and returned my gaze.

We stayed like that for a couple more seconds before he started talking again.

"So what's with all the pinkness??" He asked.

I laughed and shrugged,"It's a sweet colour."

"That's why it suits you!!" He exclaimed before chuckling.

I joined him and we continue talking for a long time. It was such a long time that at 11:30 the man working here told us he was closing for the night.


"Thank you Harry," I smiled at the curly haired boy standing in front of me outside my hotel suite.

"You're welcome, anytime love," he kissed my cheek as he handed me a small piece of paper.

"Goodnight," we both whispered.

I opened the door and locked it behind me leaning against the hard wooden panel. Placing my keys on the cabinet in the doorway and taking off my shoes I walked over to the couch to see Kenz and Louis asleep on the L-shaped couch, heads together.

Ill have to tell Kenz everything in the morning otherwise I'll never hear the end of it, but right now I'll get ready for bed. Bringing my duvet up to my chin and wrapping it around my shoulders I unravel the piece if paper Harry have me. Every word put a smile on my face and I can tell you that I was the happiest girl in the world at that moment.

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