Chapter 27

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Harry's POV

"Thank you guys so much for coming! It was so great to catch up," I yell towards my childhood friends who were walking towards their car. They all yell back saying "No problem," and "It was great," before getting in their car and driving away.

I turned back around to the four boys that were still sitting on the couch.

"So, what do you boys want to do now?" I asked them, going to sit by Niall.

"We could go to the 5SOS house and hang out with them and the girls since we have some spare time," Zayn said from the opposite couch.

"Yea! That's a great idea! It will be nice to finally spend some time with Ari," I reply looking at the rest of the boys who are nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, and I haven't been able to hang out with Kenz for ages!" Louis said excitedly while grabbing the keys from the kitchen bench.

"Lets go then," Liam jumped up and ushered us all out the door and we all got in the van before Louis drove us to the house.


As soon as we arrived I was eager to get inside. I haven't spent enough time with Ariana and this is finally my chance!

The boys are scurrying quickly behind me as well, obviously eager to see the girls also.

We walked through the gate and noticing the sliding door at the side of the house was open I walked in side to find the boys and Kenz sitting at the dining table laughing and looking like they are having a good time.

"Hey!" I yell with the biggest smile on my face.

When I look around at everyone the smile is not returned and the laughs fade out while they just stare at me, Kenz with a massive scowl right across her face. I look back at the boys who are standing behind me with looks that match mine. What's going on?

"Where's Ari? I'm sure she will be happy to see me," I say, laughing it off.

"I wouldn't count on it," Kenz says quickly, not taking the scowl off her face. Okay, Now I'm really confused.

"What? Why?" I question her.

"In fact," she begins, standing up, "You are probably the last person she would want to see right now!" She finishes, emphasising the 'last.'

Why would she not want to see me? I haven't done anything.... have I?

Kensi's POV

How dare he show his face here after what he's done! He's made me even angrier now because by the look on his face he's not here to find Ana and apologise!

"What's going on?" He dares to ask me.

"What's going on?!" I begin, standing up from my chair to walk towards him slowly while starting my rant. "What's going on is, you hurt my best friend and I don't know if I can forgive you for that! We were all waiting for you at the diner today and you never showed up! Ana left nearly in tears and when I got home she was barely holding herself together!" My voice is getting loud now and by the look on his face he has finally clicked. If I had a camera on me I would take a picture because right now it is a mixture of sadness, regret and even a hint of scaredness and I love it, but at the same time it has filled me with even more rage.

"And I can't believe I had to tell you for you to remember! You're such a jerk!" I screamed, picking up a blue pillow from the couch and throwing it at him before quickly pacing towards the British jerk but before I could lay a finger on him, I feel someone pulling me back and holding me tight, which I could tell was Louis because he was now missing from his spot behind Harry, lucky for him too because nobody messes with my best friend and gets away with it!

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