Chapter 17

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Kensi's POV

My mind was swirling up a storm and I had memories flashing back at me. The boys in front of me were real? I thought they were just on my computer screen. I mentally shake my head. No, I've met them before, but when? A small part of my memory is triggered and I wince in pain reaching up and touching my head. Ana rushed to my side and hands me a glass of water while the famous music group stand in the entrance to the room not knowing what to do.

"I, uh, hi," I stutter after taking a sip of water. I hold the glass in my hands and shake the pain from my head.

"Hi there, Kenz," I hear Louis says as he slowly approaches me looking unsure if he can come closer. I motion for him to sit down and Ana brings multiple chairs over for the rest of the boys to sit on while she takes her place at the foot of my bed. I sit upright and cross my legs under the sheets.

"How are you feeling?" I turn my head to my right as I recognised Liam's voice.

"I've been better," I smile which earns a few chuckles from the people surrounding me. "I feel good. When you guys walked in I had a- a flashback."

They nodded in understanding and Harry cautiously pressed further.

"What did you remember?" He questioned. I wriggled my foot as it was starting to feel numb and rubbed my thumbs together.

"I remember meeting you but I don't know why or when," I look at each person as I speak. Across from me I see Ana fiddling with her hands and I give her a confused look.

"Oh, Ana told me what happened but I um, I don't remember. I'm really sorry."

"Hey, don't be sorry, it's not your fault," Louis leans forward and takes my hand in his. I smile at him as we start talking about what has been happening in the outside world. At one point I look over at Ana who can't seem to sit still. What is she so nervous about? I brush it off but soon feel the tension in the room as our never ending conversation starts trailing off. As I look around the five boys in front of me are mimicking my best friends actions.

"What's going on?" I question and they all look at each other as if to say 'Who wants to tell her?' After a while Louis speaks up again. I look him in the eye with a serious expression on my face which resembles his own. I hope he doesn't have bad news.

"Before the crash," he almost whispered that word, "we invited you to come on tour with us around Europe. We had to finish the shows while you were here but we want to know if you like to come with us on a different tour."

My heart was beating fast and my cheeks were heating up. One Direction just asked me and my best friend to go on tour with them! I looked at Ana and she was looking at me with a blank expression while I was smiling. She seemed to know that I still saw these people as a famous band rather than friends. I sighed and looked down.

"I'm sorry," I said again. I looked at each of the boys and they had confused looks written on their faces.

"I still can't remember us as friends and it scares me that I'll be jumping into this without properly knowing you," I spoke softly.

"We don't have to decide right now Kenz," Ana smiled at me. I nodded my head in response and the boys started to stand up.

"Thank you for coming," I smile before the group makes their way to the door.

I get a chorus of 'Anytime hun,' and 'You're welcome's.'

"Hey Louis?" I stop him just before he leaves the room. "Where is it? The tour."

He smiles before shaking his head and looking right at me. He says one word before exiting the large room.


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