Chapter 22

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Ariana's POV

I was awoken by a pounding headache and a raging temperature. The clock on my bedside table reads '7:15' so I decide to get up and grab some panadol as there is no way I am going to get back to sleep.

Kenz is still fast asleep on her bed next to mine and I think I can even hear faint snores coming from her slightly parted lips so I know she won't be awake any time soon.

Every step I take seems to pound straight through me and make my head throb even more which is not helping the situation so as soon as I take my panadol I grab my duvet from my bed, a box of tissues and a big glass of water before positioning myself on our comfy couch in front of the TV where I don't think I will move from all day. I flick through the channels trying to find something good to watch but in the end just give up and put on a Disney movie that won't get me thinking too much.

About half way through the movie I hear a quiet shuffling sound coming from the direction of our bedroom. A couple of minutes later a fully dressed Kensi comes wandering out with a towel turban on top of her head and her make-up done to perfection. Right now she looked the opposite of me as I am bundled up in my masssive duvet in the middle of the couch with a red nose, messy hair and bags under my eyes. I can tell that she noticed straight away by the way she stopped dead in her tracks and immediately grew a look of concern on her face.

"Oh my gosh! You look..." She trailed off.

"Horrible? I know." I finished her sentence for her.

By the way she didn't reply I knew that she didn't disagree.

"What's up bub?" She said as she sat down on the arm chair beside the couch I was sitiing on.

"I have a massive headache, a blocked nose and one minute I'm hot the next I'm cold," I say quickly before snuggling up in my duvet and lying back down on the couch.

"Aw bub! Have you had panadol?" She asks me and I nod.

"Okay, well you should try get some sleep, call out if you need anything."

"Thank you Kenz," I look up from my duvet bundle and smile at her before burying my head again.

I can hear her stand up and head off to what I think is the kitchen. She starts to say something about going off to the boys house this afternoon and I can come if I feel any better then. "But I don't have to go if you don't want me to" was the last thing I heard before I slowly drifted in to a much needed sleep.



"Ana, are you awake?"

By the volume of the voice I can tell it is coming from right beside me.

"Um, yea," I reply rolling over so I could see Kenz who was kneeling on the floor beside the couch I fell asleep on.

"I'm so sorry to wake you, but it's 3 o'clock and I'm going to the boys' house. Are you feeling any better?"

I think about that question for a little bit trying to figure out if I am and, surprisingly, that sleep worked wonders. I still have a headache but it has dialled down a bit and my temperature has calmed down a bit too, I can't say the same for my blocked nose though.

"I am actually," I replied with a small smile.

"Great! Do you feel up to going for a drive?" She asked moving to the same armchair she was sitting on before I went to sleep.

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