Chapter 19

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Ariana's POV

I was awoken by whispers that sounded like they were right next to me. I slowly lifted my heavy eyelids to see where the whispers were coming from. The bed beside me was empty which means Kenz must already be up so I lift my tired body up from the matress and turn around to see all 9 boys and Kenz sitting around the kitchen and the sofas placed at the opposite end of this massive room.

"Morning Ari!" They all chimed before I glanced at the clock and rolled my eyes flopping back down on to the comfy matress and covering my face with the duvet.

I heard more whispers and chuckles coming from the other side of the room and then a pair of footsteps that seem to be getting louder and louder before there is complete silence. I let out a huge sigh of relief and allow myself to have a few more minutes of sleep but was interrupted when the duvet was ripped away from me and I was picked up and slung over what I think is Harry's shoulder. I look back to where my comfortable bed was only to see a hysterical Ashton standing there waving at me who I assume is the culprit who ripped my duvet off me. I give him a glare at the same time as I am plomped down on to the sofa beside Louis. Harry sits beside me and immediately pulls me on to his lap where I sit there, my arms crossed, resisting the pulls I get from Harry to lean back to him. My still sleepy body gives in pretty soon and I lie back on to him while he wraps his arms around my waist.

I heard the familiar sound of Kensi's phone and when the sound of movement didn't follow I looked up pulling myself away from Harry's chest and saw thst Kenz was no longer in the room. I looked at Louis who just shrugged his shoulders and saw that Calum was walking over to the bed next to ours.

"Hey Calum, can you please bring me Kensi's phone?"

"Sure," he smiled before taking it out of the small pocket on the side of her bag where it was peeking out and walking over to the sofa.

"Here ya go love," he handed the small object to me.

"Thanks," I smiled and unlocked my best friends phone. I read the message and was quickly typing a relply to Nia, who Kenz forgot to call last night. Right on cue I looked up and saw a brunette bun bobbing through the door. Kensi was holding a brown paper bag but it wasn't the breakfast that caught my attention, it was the person who walked in behind her.

"We got breaskfast," Luke said as he placed more bags down on the kitchen island, mimicing Kensi's actions. Everyone immediately stood up and made their way straight to the kitchen while Harry and I stayed on the sofa waiting.

"Do you know what's up with Luke?" I asked him quietly as I watched the tall Australian stare at Kensi.

"No, but I do know he can't take his eyes away from her," he chuckled as Kensi turned to Luke asking him something and he shook his head, snapping him back to reality. Harry and I both laughed which caused 10 heads to look in our direction. I looked at Harry before standing up and taking his hand as we made our way to the kitchen.

I walked past Luke on my way to get some water and stopped briefly to give him some advice.

"She loves Starbucks," I whispered on my way through. I filled a cup of water and turned around to lean on the bench, taking a small sip from the glass. Luke smiled at me before turning back and returning to his previous conversation.

Liam's POV

I was sitting on the bar stool in the pristine kitchen eating an orange when I heard movement from beside me. I looked to my right and saw the youngest member of the group, one of his hands through his hair.

"What's up mate?" I turned to him as I ate the last slice of fruit. He sighed before swiveling his chair to face mine and leaning his elbow on the counter top, his hand holding up his head.

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