Chapter 16

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Louis's POV

"Because she doesn't remember you"

My heart immediately drops at the sound of Ari's words. She doesn't remember us? I built a really close relationship with her and we were getting along so well but that has all gone down the drain because she doesn't remember me.

"What?" I hear Nialls voice say from beside me. I can see tears start to form in Ari's eyes and I know she has been regretting to tell us this information. She attempts to wipe the tears and Harry walks over to her putting his arm around her shoulders while he tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear and Ari speaks again.

"She has Amnesia.... The last thing she can remember is arriving in Paris." Ari admits with tears running down her face.

All of a sudden I feel little drops of water running down my face aswell and before I know it I fall to my knees and the small drops turn in to a steady flow of tears. Ari rushes to my side and pulls me in to a massive hug burying her head in my neck so I can feel her tears dropping on to my shoulders and her small sobs on my neck. Once we have both calmed down she helps me slowly to my feet and we shuffle back to the waiting room and sit on the two seater couch. The rest of the boys join us and sit on the other chairs that are scattered on the edges of the room, while Nia sits up from her positon on the couch looking around at the six of us and by the look on her face she has realised what has happened so she stays quiet.

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you, I couldn't bring myself to do it," Ari begins, after a long silence and links her arm in to mine.

"I think it will be best if I go in alone and prepare her before you guys come in as she will be overwhlemed with this information because she does know who One Direction is but it will make it worse if you are in there too and she doesn't need that at this stage of her recovery because she gets tired easily trying to take in everything that we are already telling her and this is massive news because of your reputation so don't be put down if she's just not ready at the moment," Ari explains all in one breath, looking around at all of us. I can't seem to take my eyes away from the ground to reassure Ari that it's fine, this information is a lot for me too, Kenz has become like a little sister to me so it is hard for me to take it all in.

"She will come around, I promise," Ari looks around at us again before stopping at me. "For now we just have to be there for her and hopefully her memories will slowly come back. We just can't pressure her or the process will take longer," I nod in response before she slowly gets up and walks to the door that leads to the corridor.

"I'll go see her and come get you guys if she's ready, okay?" Ari speaks, leaning against the door frame. The boys and I all nod in response before she disappears in to the corridor.

Ariana's POV

That was the hardest thing I have ever had to tell someone, especially Louis. He has come so close to Kenz recently and to have that ripped away from him just like that must hurt so much. Once I was out of sight from the boys I let out the sobs that I had been holding in for so long. I lean my head back on the cold corridor wall before sliding my back down it and hugging my knees with my head rested on top of them. I need to be calm before i go in there and break the news to Kenz that One Direction want to see her because she will be full of excitement and shock but seeing her like that will be even more heart breaking for me.

After a few minutes of fanning my face with my hands to make myself look like I haven't been crying and wiping the remaining tears away, I re-collect myself and make my way in to Kensi's room.

As soon as I am revealed to Kensi sitting up on her bed she gives me the biggest smile but her smile soon falls as she keeps staring at me.

"Have you been crying?" Kenz asks with a concerned look on her face. I obviously didn't do a very good job at hiding my red face.

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