2- In which he held on.

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Two Birds- Regina Spektor

What was the worst thing that could happen? What is the worst thing that's ever happened? Why did they have to happen? How can we stop these things from happening, How can we stop ourselves from thinking of the people? No, Elle didn't care, Elle didn't care when someone she doesn't know dies, It was just another person in the world, But two nights ago, when she saw that man on the news, The "King" of Gotham...? Something about him felt so familiar, she wanted to ask Blythe about it, but her sister was dodging her, and Lexxi was crying in her room all day, Who was this man?

Jasper loved Blythe, he admired the way she cared for people, He loved the food she made, the way she kissed, Her soft hands, just about everything about her, he was so in love, so deeply in love, but he didn't know how to express it, he didn't know how to hold her right, how to show affection, They had a dog together and he still hadn't told her that he loved her, No, Blythe didn't mind, she was secure in their love, but it also pained her, was she doing enough? Did she do enough, to help him, his sister going to Blackgate, when she gave him up to Joker, sure it all worked out but was it worth it? I mean saving Elle... was it WORTH IT. she didn't even remember half of what happened, she's not herself, and it was Blythe's fault if she hadn't wanted Elle to be better... maybe she would be herself, Hell maybe Max would still be alive, maybe she would be content. Or maybe it was all a joke, a dream? If only it was a dream if only she could wake up.

Since no one could help Elle, she decided to help herself, opening up her computer...

"Ian Wilson"

...she searched up, scrolling through all of the articles of his death, one stood out to her, an interview from 8 months ago, by "Crime Daily."...

"Give us the scoop Ian-", Both men chuckle, "Alright- scoop on what?" The man named Ian smiles, he looked like he was high on something other than weed, "Elle Nygma."-

-"That's me- What-" She said aloud-

-The man's tone changed, he sat up straight, it almost looked like he was pained, "We have a source that said you two were together- Now Ian... she's 16 so you better tell me its a lie-" The Interviewer chuckles, Ian shakes his head, "Knew her through Lexxi Luther, Not too well if I'm being honest.", "So it's clear- The King Of Gotham has never dated Child killer Elle Nygma- He is single ladies-", Both men laugh...

Elle shuts the laptop, it all made sense now, Why blythe was ignoring her, Why Lexxi was constantly upset Because their friend had died. Shouldn't Elle be sad too? Why couldn't she remember him? There was so much missing, it was so frustrating, The girl got up, who could she go to now? Hazel.

"It's okay baby, let it out." They hugged Their girlfriend, Rubbing circles on her back before- "Hazel? Can I talk to you?", The two of them look over at Elle, "Go, It's alright.", Hazel kissed the girl before following Elle, The two sit in the empty living room, "Ian-", "You remember him- Omg Elle-", "No- What? I'm confused-", "UH- nevermind- what about him?", "Who is he...?", "He owns- or uh owned, Lexxi rival company, "El Diablo", they were friends growing up.", Elle nods, "So I don't know him?", Hazel dodges Elle's eye contact, "Hazel-", "I'm not supposed to tell you-", "What- Why-", "Because he's a bad person, let's just say its a good thing he's dead.", Elle accepts the answer, but something still felt off... if only she watched the rest of the interview...

-Both men laugh, "No come on Ian, Tell us the truth.", Ian swallows thickly, frowning his eyebrows together, "I was-" He looks down, thinking, "I was mean to her, but uh-", he smiles, "She was one of my best friends, she had a crush on me, I didn't exactly hate the idea of being with her, but nothing ever happened. I miss her dearly.", The interviewer nods, "Well listen, man, I hope she gets better soon, She's one firecracker of a girl.", "Yeah... Yeah, she is."-

Elle was ashamed of what she did that night, she was almost obsessed with this man- this man she knew nothing about, but she couldn't stop thinking about him, she even went as far as to google photos of him, there were so many, articles about him being a god, "Satan Himself.", And honestly? It just gave Elle the hots for him... the HOTS for a DEAD guy. It was a new low. But she couldn't help but imagine him lying in bed next to her... Ok now, this is weird, she's not a creep- maybe a little bit- but there was so much allure to him, just the thought of him and she in the same room made the girl whimper, she felt like a fool, she didn't even know this man, and so that night, that beautiful, star written night, she felt... ALIVE.


He shot up, looking around the room, he was laying on cold metal, in a... examiners room, he thought quickly, wrapping himself in the white sheet that was once covering him, he runs, until his body dissipates...

Sexy Drug- Falling In Reverse

He appeared in the woods, he was so disoriented, but he recognized the area, he ran, until he met the driveway, quickly rushing in, he looked around, a woman coming out of the hall, "Sexy girl I just fell in love!" she shakes her body, facing the hall, before turning around, her eye's closed, "Sexy girl! come and lay with me! I'm frustrated-", she gets on her knees, running her hand down her body, "And its sexually-", she opens her eyes, throwing off her headphones with a yelp, "Why are you naked-", "I'm not naked-", "Fucking close to it- ill have you know I'm 16- hey... I know you- you're dead-", Yeah no she knew him for other reasons than "You're dead.", Ian remembers, Elle has no idea who he is, "Well- obviously I'm not." He says, "No shit sherlock- do you need clothes or something...?", This felt so weird to Ian, "Uh-i-uh-", "What's with people stuttering lately-", "Where is Lexxi?", "They all went to Bludhaven for the weekend for work," Elle says, walking down the other hall, Ian follows her, Her hair was long now, even Ian had to admit it was hot, Elle takes him into Liam's old room, rummaging in his closet, before pulling out black skinny jeans, and a black tee, as well as some clean boxers, she threw them at the man, standing there watching him, "A-are y-you gonna leave,-", "Oh! yeah.", Elle walks out, smiling as soon as she got in the hall, she bit her lip, walking to the living room, and soon he joined her, sitting on the couch opposite from her, "I'm just gonna leave if Lexxi isn't here-", "No! don't leave, i-i want you to stay.", Ian looked the girl, up and down, "I am lonely and I don't know how to cook." she nods with a smile, He looks at the girl for a moment, this was dangerous, but still he said, "Eggs toast and coffee?", "How-How did you know?", He stands up, smiling down at the girl, "Lucky guess."...

She lit a cigarette, he reaches out, taking it from her and smoking it himself, "You just got shot in the lung Ellie.", The girl frowns, "It's Elle, and only Elle.", He scoffs, taking a long drag, "Ok only Elle.", "Tell me about something." She says, "Like what?", "Like how you know me.", "I don't.", Elle shakes her head, "No one gives me straight answers anymore- I'm not a kid you know- I'm turning 17-", "They're just protecting you-", "From who-", "Yourself.", Elle huffs, Ian could hear her wheezing, it made him feel sick, "Dream of me tonight." He stands up, but not before he leaned down in front of her, putting out the cigarette on Elle's thigh, she hissed in pain, but at the same, it made her body tingle, she wanted him, but he left, and she was alone in that warehouse again.

She did exactly what he told her to that night, she dreamt of him, he did too, but he knew it wasn't fair, he kept their memories together, In Which He Held On, he held on so tight, like if he let go the whole world would fall apart, he needed to do something about this, he COULD NOT be with Elle, he needed a girlfriend, someone Elle would be jealous- But no he shouldn't want that... but he did, he wanted it so fucking bad.

"Ian Wilson alive and well!", That's what all the radios were saying, Elle had only been home for a few days but Lexxi and the group thought it would be fine to leave Elle at the warehouse... they were wrong, they left their business behind and headed back to Gotham.

"Elle?" Blythe was the first one in the house, "Huh? I thought you weren't supposed to be home for a couple more days..." The girl yawns cuddling into the couch, "Uh- we got finished early." She lies, "Yeah whatever." Elle falls back to sleep, Blythe sighs, relief... She didn't know Ian came by, and Elle would never tell her, It was their secret.

The Lies And Mistakes Of Elena Nygma. #2Where stories live. Discover now