17- Wrongdoings.

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Watching Him fade away- Mac DeMarco

Elle felt accepted again like she never even left like everything was okay, and she felt great, she explored after dinner, and she even found out how to get onto the roof... I mean it wasn't hard, There were stairs... when she felt the cold air... it felt like everything would be okay, finally, after so long, her mind was so clear, her feet dangling off the side of the building, she laid back, smoking her cigarette, humming a song, "Why'd you come back?", Elle jumps, sitting up, turning around, she rolled her eye's, it was Ian, "I came back because it's my city- why the fuck are you here huh- you didn't grow up in Gotham- You don't belong here-", "Why do you talk so much..." Ian chuckles, sitting next to her, she scoots away from him, "Why are you so mean?", "If I was nice I wouldn't be known as the scariest man in Gotham-", "No one calls you that.", Elle bursts out laughing, "I fuckin hate you." She shakes her head, still laughing, "Is that the truth?" He asks, Elle looks over, a smile still on her face, "Yeah... I think it is." She says, Ian nods, a sad look on his face, "Can I ever change that?", He didn't look at Elle, he didn't want her to see the tears brimming in his eyes, "Ian... I was 15 when I met you, and I was so obsessed with you- for so- so long, and you never wanted me, I don't think it's fair that you just want me to play with-", "That's not true.", "It is though Ian.", She looks at him, nodding, he was frowning, his heart heavy, almost like it was breaking, "I really- really want this to work, but we're not good together..." Elle allowed tears to fall from her eyes, Ian cracks, a sob escaping his mouth, his bones shaking as he cried, Elle sat on her knees, facing him, She reached up, wiping his tears away, she then grabbed his hand, holding it in both of hers, he finally faced her, "I'll be better for you- I-" He sobs, "I-I promise- Elle- Please..." He pleaded, Greif in his eyes, this was more than just Elle, this was more than realization, this was fear, waves of anxiety, creeping into his heart, she brought his hands up to her lips, kissing the back of his hand softly, holding it against her lips, "Don't- don't leave me- Please-", slowly she stood up,  walking away, she breathed in a shaky breath, it wasn't anger anymore, No she wasn't angry at him, not like she was before, It was like deep sadness, the kind that never really goes away, Elle could feel her heartbreaking, and Ian could too, the dread deep inside, they never even dated... They kissed ONCE, but this felt like a breakup, the end of a friendship, nothing would ever be the same after this, they both knew it...

Elle enjoyed waking up in the early mornings, She liked to be awake with the world, it made her feel normal, she got up early that morning, she went down and made herself coffee, not expecting no one to be awake, but she saw a redhead, with shaggy hair, staring out the window, people watching, Elle slowly walked up to him, "It's Noah, right?" She speaks, he turned around quickly, spooked, "Oh I'm sorry- I didn't mean to scare you.", "You're fine." He chuckles, he had an accent, something Elena wasn't expecting, it was some sort of Russian accent, maybe Ukrainian, "Do you speak Russian?" She asks, Looking out the window with him, "Ukrainian." He says, "Uh..." She nods her head, "Do you know any?" He asks, she looks up at the much taller boy, "I was in Arkham for a long time, at one point I had a roommate, She was Ukrainian, she taught me some, but it's no good." Elle chuckles, she Shrugs, "Try me...", He smiles, "Okay Uh... Який ваш улюблений сніданок?", He smiles, Clapping, "American breakfast is my favorite... Maybe I should take you out to get some, Huh?", "Met you two seconds ago and you're already asking me on a date?" Elle jokes, "Maybe I am." He smirks, looking down at her, "Let me change..." Elle smiles, butterflies fluttering in her stomach.

Single- The Neighborhood

"HAHAHA- No-", "But she did break the table-", "Yes! Yes! God- I love Anna but she was crazy- is crazy..." Elle laughs, "I think it's okay to be crazy, if you aren't crazy then your just boring...", Elle looks up at him, smiling, "So what's your story?" She asks, "My story..." he thinks for a moment, "I grew up in Ukraine, close to Chornobyl, when I was 6, There was a storm, mom wanted to keep us all inside, but my dog ran out, so I followed her... I was struck by a bolt of Green lightning, I was in a coma for a week, when I went home I discovered what I could do, the rest is history." He smiles, Elle nods, "So how'd you get to Gotham?", "Moved here when I turned 16.", Elle thinks back to when she turned 16, zoning out, "Are you alright Ellie?" He asks, She looks up, "Don't call me Ellie-", She chuckles, "I'm fine, just thinking, about when I turned 16.", "Oh- did you have one of those American Sweet 16's?", Elle bursts out laughing, "No-no, I got really drunk... a few days later I was kidnapped, and then my best friend died, and then I got shot- and then I was in a coma for almost a year-", "Seems like you've had a crazy couple years.", Elle nods, something about this boy made her feel safe, it didn't feel wrong, it felt... Okay.

Ian hasn't felt the same since that night, he realized his mistakes, his WrongDoings, how could he treat Elle like that? Like she was a toy, No he never meant to make her feel like that, but he was too focused on himself, he didn't know what to do now, except dig himself more holes, push himself into work, ignore Elle in the halls, block out her voice during dinner, stay up all night dreading the next day, he couldn't end the feeling, he couldn't make Elle love him, He couldn't make her melt in his palm, and that was the worst part, the fact that he knew she hated him, The way she loved him all these years, maybe he would move on, find another girl, marry another girl... but no he couldn't, all he wanted was Elena, but how could he apologize? How could he get her to forgive him...? Ian knew one thing about Elle, One true thing, Elle loved Max, Elle missed Max, What could Ian do about this?

He lit her another cigarette, the white stick hanging between her lips, he laughed at something the man on the radio had said, "Noah-", "Elle-", She looked at him and chuckled, throwing her head back, "You're a nerd.", He smiled widely, admiring the girl, "What are you lookin' at?" She smiles, and he shakes his head, "Oh nothing.", she takes another puff of her cigarette, "Do you ever feel like you should rule Gotham? Like a king or something..." He speaks, Laying back on the roof, staring at the stars, "I am the king of Gotham.", She lays back with him, Scooting into his arm, he looks down at her, "Prettiest king ever.", "Damn right.", she smiles, "I never really felt like I was supposed to be this... scary villain of Gotham, But if that's how it ends up, then let it be.", "Will you tell me about your childhood?" He asks, Elle swallows deeply, "Where to start-" She chuckles, "I grew up in the narrows, My sister and brother- Milo and Blythe, Were child prostitutes, life was boring until I turned 6, My dad started pimping blythe and I out to rich Gotham folks, when I turned 11 my dad went to prison, my dad killed Milo, left Blythe for dead, and I was sent to a Group home, I met my best friend there, we started killing people, we were caught, I took the blame, ended up in Arkham, now I'm here." She says, Monotone, he doesn't speak, but he sits up, pulling Elle up with him, He wrapped his arms around her, it was a simple thing, but it meant the world to Elle, With Ian, it was always anger, rarely comfort, this was different, Elle liked it, and she fell in love, quickly yes, but she could feel it, deep deep inside her broken bones, she felt it, he pulled away from her, Staring into her eyes, "Can I kiss you?", She blinks, Before nodding, He leans in, Placing a soft, tender, kiss on Elena's lips, it took her breath away, bliss overtook her, all the pain melted, she wasn't afraid, she welcomed the love, and she felt at peace.

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