16- The Beginning of Her.

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Pursuit of Happiness- Kid Cudi

Elle woke up when the sun rose, a foggy Gotham morning greeting her, she found a place to charge her phone, and as soon as she had 20 percent, she called Lexxi... "Hello? Elle-", "Lexxi, I'm back in the city...", "Good- I- where are you? You shouldn't be out there- we have a room for you- with all your stuff...", Lexxi heard Elle sob, "A-Are you okay?", "Yeah... I just- you guys aren't mad?", "No... Not at all Ellie. We had time to understand why you left.", "I'm in Gotham Square, A coffee shop.", "Okay Elle, I'll be there soon."...

Elle wouldn't admit how much she missed Lexxi, her soft-spoken voice, beautiful smile, and the way she cared, no judgment, "So where's Damian?", Lexxi kept her eyes on the busy road, "He's paranoid in Central City... We were in Texas when we were spotted, and have been running since, He thinks someone will kill us if we came back to Gotham, I left him." Elle explains, looking out of the window, Memorising the drive, "How's Blythe?", Elle asks, Looking at Lexxi, the older woman smiles, "She's uh- She's actually doing really well, She and Jasper are renovating an old bar downtown, Their gonna run it together.", Elle smiles, "I'm happy for her.", Elle swallows thickly before asking, "What about- Uh- Uh-", "Ian?" Lexxi speaks, looking over at Elle, the girl slowly nods her head, "You know the night you left-", "His wedding?", "He didn't get married.", "I- What?", "We tried to call and tell you but-", "My phone was off- Is he alright?", "About not getting married- Fuck yeah- He found out that she was guzzling his money into an offshore account, over 56 million, like a penny for him but still, the word is she's dead...", "Well damn.", They pull up to a new looking building, it was 4 stories tall, Elle felt intimidated, She got out of the car, looking up, A "Misfits" logo painted on the side, "Everyone should still be sleeping, let's go up to my office, we can discuss things.", And Lexxi was right, Everyone was asleep, they when all the way up, A hallway separating several rooms, But at the end of the hall, on one side was Lexxi's office, and the other was Ian's, The two girls turn into Lexxi's, shutting the door behind them, Elle sits down, Lexxi sitting in a larger chair, on the other side of the desk, "So..." Elle looked around, "What do you want to know first?", "Maybe a rundown of this place?", Lexxi chuckles, "There is an underground garage, each person has 4 parking places-", "My car?", "Don't worry, we didn't leave any of your things behind... The first floor is the kitchen, living room, weapons room, and dining room.", Elle nods, "Second floor is the new trainee's rooms, we have 3 new members so far, their rooms are like the old warehouse rooms.", "New members?", Lexxi nods, standing up, walking over to a screen, a few faces pop up...

"Noah Kravits, He's 20, He can make anything appear in the palm of his hand."


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"Zoe Kyle, She's 23, Daughter of Catwoman..."


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"And last but not least... Koryak, We uh- don't know much about him, He hasn't arrived yet, but he is the son of Aquaman so... yeah."


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"They're all so-", "Beautiful yeah..." Lexxi chuckles, "So third floor?" Elle asks, "Third floor is where we all sleep, Hazel and I, Jasper and Blythe, Aurora and her new boyfriend... Pheonix, Milo, Ian, and You...", Lexxi smiles, "There's a bed for you if you want to go check it out."...

And that's what Elle did, lugging her suitcase around, trying not to wake anyone as she found her room, Across from Blythe, She slowly opened the door, smiling at the view of the city... but she would definitely be getting curtains for those, some of her stuff was unpacked, just clothes, hung up in the closet, Elle got started immediately, unpacking, finding the perfect places for her things, hiding her valuables, putting her black sheets on the white bed, and soon it felt like home, it was night and still, no one had come to find her... Guess no one knew. Or maybe no one cared... deep inside Elle knew that they did.

Elle had a plan, Lexxi had told her that there was a dinner alarm... which hadn't sounded yet, it was dark outside, yeah, but it was only 6, Elle could doll herself up, and put on a nice outfit, maybe casually walk into dinner... Yeah, that's what she would do.

House Of Memories- Panic! At the disco

She did exactly that, but she didn't exactly put on a nice outfit, it was more of her usual skimpy outfit, but I mean... that was Elle, and soon the Alarm went off, Elle could hear everyone talking as they went down the halls, she pressed her ear against the door, someone stopped, "Ian, You coming?" Blythe spoke, "Huh?" Another voice said, "Dinner, are you coming?", "Oh- yeah sorry...", Elle waited a few moments, as the voices dissipated from the halls, she waited a little longer, until she assumed they were all eating dinner, she snuck out quietly, taking the steps down, The elevator would be too noisy, slowly she snuck down, she could hear laughter, it almost made her sad, but she got closer until they were in sight, there was a spot open for her, in the middle of Aurora and Blythe, she hid behind a corner, Breathing in and out, deeply, before walking straight to her seat, the chatter stops, Elle breathes out, "So what's for dinner?" She speaks, looking around, but careful not to look at him... "Elle- When did you get back-", Blythe attacks the girl with a hug, "Uh last night... I slept on Max's grave, Lexxi picked me up this morning.", Elle rests her head in the crook of her sister's neck, taking in her scent, Lavender, Camomile, summertime, she grips her tighter, "I'm sorry... for everything.", "It's alright Elle.", They pull away from the hug, Blythe examed her sister, "What happened to your hand-", She grabs Elle's bruised knuckles, "I got mad... that's all.", "I'm happy your back.", Aurora hugs her friend, "I miss you too.", Hazel got up, walking around the table, Hugging Elle, "Fucking goof, you could've warned me...", They chuckle, "If I told you, you would've told everyone." Elle smiles, pulling away, Milo comes up next, hugging his little sister, "I missed you kid.", "I missed you too...", Milo ruffles her hair, before sitting back down, after the shock wears off, everyone goes back into their small conversations, Elle could feel someone staring, but she was so hungry, all she could think about was eating, she didn't even realize Blythe was speaking to her, "Elle- Elle!", "Huh-" she looked up, "How is Damian? His father has been coming by every month looking for him...", "He is alright, I think- I don't know, I haven't seen him in 2 days, He's in Central City, sleeping in a shitty motel.", "Wait- You left him there- That boy can not take care of himself-", Elle chuckles, shaking her head, she pulls up her shirt, revealing tons of bruises, Blythe examines them, "Damian did this?", "He has anger issues.", Elle drops her shirt, returning to her meal, mashed potatoes were some of her favorite food growing up, it was easy, cheap, and Blythe could always make them special, these weren't the ones in the packet that Blythe would make, these were hand mashed, seasoned to perfection, none of the fake stuff, and Honestly, it was the best thing Elle had ate in months, she savored every bite, no one said anything, they didn't know what Elle had been through for the past few months, Ian watched her, or I guess I should say side-eyed her, It felt so foreign to see her, and she had a different vibe, a more mature vibe, it had only been 3 months, but it felt so different, why was that? She was basically dead for a year and even after that she didn't feel as different as she did now... it was sort of attractive, to see her like that, but after everything he did? He couldn't speak to her, he couldn't look at her, He would just ruin everything she was, any progress she had made, he would ruin it, make her feel like a fool, and he couldn't- Wouldn't do that to her, he wouldn't hurt her again, like how he had months ago, he didn't want to break her again, but her smile, and her laugh, it drew him in again...

The Lies And Mistakes Of Elena Nygma. #2Where stories live. Discover now