22- When I fell in love before.

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Yesterday- The Beatles

Elle was sitting on the couch, it was a rainy day outside, and the wind was blowing hard, Blythe sat next to her, reading a book as a movie played on the Tv, Ian was making popcorn, a knock on the door, "I'll get it..." Elle got up and opened the door, her heart dropped, her face fell, and the world stopped, "Elle- Elle who is it?", Blythe got up, Her eyes widened, "What- H-how-", The boy stared at them, "Max..." Elle breathed out as tears fell out of her eyes, Ian entered the room, Max looked straight at him, "Why don't you ask him how I got here.", Elle turns to look at the man, "Ian?", "I- I uh- I got him reanimated...", Elle blinks, she was dumbfounded, "I just wanted to make you happy...", Max walked in, Blythe closed the door, she knew he was angry, she could feel it, they all could, "I was dead! Ian, you should've left it that way!" He shouted, Lexxi through the hallway, "Why is there yelling- Max?", "Ian reanimated him." Blythe explains, "Your messing with things that shouldn't be messed with! I should be dead!-", "But y-your back...", Elle attacked him with a hug, tears falling out of her eyes, and she sobbed, it took a second for Max to hug back, but he did, he held her tighter than he ever had before, "How long has it been?" He asks, "I'm 18 now...", He felt his heart clench, "Oh god...", He was afraid, "What's happening-", "Aurora, Why don't you prepare a room for Max.", Aurora gasped, before nodding and leaving, "You guys have upgraded...", "Max we'll have to get you a new contract and clear you for missions.", "He just got back Lexxi let him breathe," Elle said as she let go of her best friend, she looked up at him, tears pooling in her eyes again, "Can we uh- go somewhere else..." Max says, Elle nods, taking his hand, and leading him up to her room, they sit on the bed, "What's happened?", "Last thing you remember?" Elle asks, Max takes a moment to think, "I told Blythe to tell you that I loved you, and then it was dark.", Elle nods, "After that, it's all foggy for me, It's been over a year and yet I still can't remember the events... I was shot in the lung, or at least that's what I've been told, I woke up from a coma... 11 months later. I couldn't remember anything..." She pauses, "I shouldn't say anything...", She frowns, "It was that day, we found a meadow in the woods-", "The bees were buzzing around us, we were talking about your dad." Max nods, "Then I turned 17... and I found out that Blythe, and Lexxi, and everyone else was lying to me about who Ian was, I found out and blew up at them, ian took me back to his place, the next morning he took me to see your grave... Then I remembered everything, I was so... sad." She frowns, The boy reaches over, holding her hand, "Aurora and I killed someone... it felt nice, Blythe found out, she was mad." She bites her tongue, she frowns her eyebrows, but she shakes her head, "Anyways then-", "What is it- you wanted to say something- just say it, hun...", "I know you cheated on me with blythe." She whispers, a tear falling out of her eye, Max looked guilty, "I'm sorry-", "No- Max I don't want to talk about it... I tried to kill myself that night, but Ian found me, I lived with him for a while...", The day went by as Elle told him everything that had happened, They fell asleep next to each other...

Lovesong- Adele

Elle woke up around 3 am that night, she shot up, looking around, max was right next to her, she feared it was a dream... but he was really there, She shook her head, slowly she got out of bed, her throat felt dry, the girl made her downstairs and into the kitchen, a tall figure slipping whiskey, "I-I'm sorry Ellie, about bringing max back." It was Ian, he slurred his words, "Are you kidding? This is the best thing anyone has ever done for me." She smiles, sipping the clear liquid, "It just... took me by surprise is all, it's all weird, my brother is dead... again, and now my best friend is alive. It's just confusing my mind." She sits next to him, stroking his cheek, "I love you Ian, and I'm grateful." She kisses his cheek, he smiles, she frowns, the smell of liquor, "How much have you drank honey?", "A couple of bottles-" He laughs, "What does it m-matter... I'm a god." A goofy smile plays upon his face, Elle shakes her head, grabbing the whiskey, "It matters because you go over bored- like- like I keep fucking telling you-" She pours it down the sink, "Hey-" He stands up, "Hey!" He shouts, Elle flinches, a small yelp escaping her mouth, her arms block her face, afraid he would hit her, fear strikes his heart, "I-I'm s-sorry." He stumbles back, into the corner of the room, The man sobs into his hands as he falls to the floor, "I-I-" Elle tries to talk but nothing comes out, "I'm sorry..." Ian sobs, "no, no baby I'm sorry..." She rushes to his side, she held his head close to her as he cried, apologizing over and over, she just whispered sweet things, hoping his pain would settle.

"I got you another gig." Blythe jumps in bed next to Elle, The younger girl chuckles, "Gig?", "Singing- at my bar...", "Blythe- I'm a serial killer- not a pop star..." Elle sits up, "Just one more time! Please Elle-", "Why are you bugging- You have something planned don't you?", Blythe sighs, "A couple of people that Max and I used to work with are gonna be there...", "What does that have to do with me?", "...I just wanted you to meet them, and everyone really liked your singing last time.", Elle rolls her eyes, "Fine."...

The two held hands as they walked, Max looking around, the place was so familiar, yet so foreign, He had been dead for 2 years, Gotham was different, It was forever changing, When Elle came back the city was grayer, now Max is back, and the city is greener, fresher, It was weird, they sat outside, eating, sipping coffee, "I missed you." Elle says, The boy chuckles, "Yeah... you've said that like a thousand times honey.", "I'm sorry, It's just... Your here, Unchanged, and I've-i", "You've changed, You've matured, and you look beautiful in it, soaking up the sun, I watched you from the other side, I watched you all.", "So heaven and hell-", "Oh totally real- but I wasn't good, or bad enough to go to either... Plus, Ian put me there.", "What-", "You know what he is Elle, His greek name...", "No... after Him and Lexxi left, I didn't want to hear anything about it.", "He is the God of the underworld, all of it.", "I thought that was hades...", "No... Hades rules the underworld... Ian is the underworld, that's why he has to keep going back, Elle.", "That's hot...", "It's dangerous.", "He hasn't hurt me, when and if he does then I'll deal with it.", "Did you not get the part when I said I've been watching you? He threw you against a wall.", Elle scoffs, Max reaches over, rubbing his thumb over her hand, as she shook her head, "That was a tough time... for both of us, and I forgive him.", "But I don't.", "It's not yours to forgive Max.", "You're my best friend, I just- don't want him to hurt you again." Max said, a worried look on his face, "I know max, but please trust me.", "I do."...

Ian was depressed. It was clear now, after thousands upon thousands of years of life, he was depressed, but why? He had Elle now, and Elle was happy, Which of course, was all he could ever ask for, As long as she was okay then he was too. But he wasn't, While Elle was out having fun, singing tribute songs at her sister's bar, Ian was in his bed, Alone, not at the new facility, but several blocks away, at HIS home, the home He's had since before Gotham was even Gotham, He thought everything would be fixed, maybe he was homesick, but he just laid there, thinking, and thinking, about everything and nothing at the same time, what was he to do now? The waters were no longer rocky, And he had nothing to do, except be there, was this the end for him? It could be, he could end it and it could be over, but then Elle would be alone, and Elle could never be alone, maybe max could take care of her, yeah... yeah he could, couldn't he?

"Elle-", "Lexxi? Why are you calling me- Blythe wants me back on stage-", Elle giggles, "I can't find Ian anywhere, is he at the bar?", "N-No... I'm coming hold on! I got to go-", "Uh- Don't stay out too late- if you see Ian please call.", "Yeah, I will Lex."...

The Lies And Mistakes Of Elena Nygma. #2Where stories live. Discover now