10- No, It was wrong of him.

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I Can't Handle Change- Roar

Ian Wilson was losing his mind, what had he done to make her hate him? He knew but he still asked the question, how many times could he say sorry? 325 times. That's how many time's he had texted and called her, and she hadn't answered him once, She was having too much fun with Jerome. A week had passed since Elle had gotten back, Ian didn't want to just show up at the warehouse... but he did, so he figured out an excuse... have a meeting with Lexxi.

"What do you need Ian?" She closes her office door, before sitting down, crossing her legs under the desk, the man didn't say anything, "Ian?-", "Huh- Oh uh- A favor, You cleared everyone else's names, can you do the same for me?", The woman chuckles, but Ian had a serious look on his face, "You're being real?", "...Yes.", "Oh uh- Yeah, but why? Can't you do it yourself? Surely you have a GCPD higher up on your payroll...?". "Nope- But uh- Whose yours?", "The mayor.", Ian nods, reaching in his pocket, he pulls out $10,000 in cash, putting it on the table, and standing up, his hand on the door, but he turns around, "Is Elle here?", Lexxi swallows thickly, she looked down at the money, then back up at Ian, "No uh- actually she's on a date at the moment.", Ian's mouth went dry, "A date?", "Yeah-", Ian slams the door, Lexxi was shocked for a moment, but she knew why he did it, she knew he was in love.

"Wait so you've never been to the circus?" He asks, "No-" She chuckles, sipping her drink, "Growing up, uh, my dad, his idea of family gatherings was teaching us how to shoot with live targets." She nods, He had a sad look on his face, reaching across the table, putting his rough hand on her soft cheek, "You shouldn't have gone through that...", She looked into his eyes, but she got scared, pushing the feeling away, she reaches up, grabbing his hand, bringing it down to her lips, she kisses it softly, "Hey! Let's go get ice cream.", she drops it, standing up, he stands up too, grabbing her waist, pulling her in, kissing her lips, roughly, she melts, kissing him back, almost bliss, but something in her head was screaming, she pulls away, "I'm sorry-", "No- I liked it...", She blushes, He smiles widely, looking down, "Ice cream?", Elle nods, taking his hand, and pulling him along.

Elle wasn't going to let this go this time, She wouldn't force herself to not like Jerome, she was determined to be his, and he loved that she was, he felt so much love for her, that night they stayed in the same bed, and Jerome held Elle's waist, and Elle felt gross, so gross in fact, that she felt sick, slowly she removed his arms from her waist, slipping out of bed, grabbing her phone, and leaving her room, she went into the kitchen, turning the glitching light on, she paced, almost panicking, she sat on the floor, curling into herself, repeating "Fuck.", she couldn't believe herself, she couldn't believe what she was doing, leading a man on, she wished Max was still here, he'd know what to do, He'd kiss her cheek, tell her everything was okay, and then they'd go out partying, but he wasn't there, he was dead, maybe she could go visit him, yeah that's what she could do, slowly she got up, grabbing a coat from the rack, and her car keys, walking into the cold night.

She held the coat closer, walking up to the grave, a tear fell down her cheek, she fell to her knees, "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry for everything.", She collapsed, curling into her body, "I'm sorry..." She sobbed, rain began to fall from the sky, but she didn't care, as she slipped into sleep, on The Grave Of The Prince Of Gotham...

-"What do you mean Elle is missing?", Ian storms into the Warehouse, "We woke up and she was gone." Jerome says Ian looks down, pointing at the Redhead, "Who the fuck is he?", "Jerome Valeska...", "And how does he know Elle?", "I'm her boy-", "Uh-", "Boyfriend.", Lexxi cringes, Ian raises his eyebrows, he smirks, nodding, "Then he can find her.", He turns around, ready to walk out, "Ian- she's your friend." Blythe speaks, Ian turns back around sharply, "Oh so now you care about us being friends? Fucking Blythe always needs someone else to save her slut of a sister.", "Don't talk about her like that!" Jerome shouts, It was like Ian was a vampire, the way he appeared in front of Jerome, Hands around his throat, the man chokes, his face turning blue, "Your not even worth it." Ian throws him to the side, the man left, Lexxi felt shocked, Ian was powerful, she knew that, but also she knew The only way ian could have Teleported like that, Was If he had become what they called "Satanas"...

505- Arctic Monkeys

"And I had to admit, the waiting was the worst- do you remember when I dyed my hair green? And you told me I looked like swamp-thing... but when I started crying you bought me a candy bar... Best day of my life, then a week later you dyed your hair to match mine- Max, why'd you have to die- fucking lame dude.", "You know he can't hear you...", Elle looked up, sighing, "How'd you find me?", Ian sits down next to her, "Just guessed... I met your boyfriend, you like redheads?", "No... He's not my boyfriend- who said he was my boyfriend." She aggressively picks at the grass, he grabs her hand, "He did.", She looks up, pulling her hand away, bringing her legs into her chest, "He had his hands around my waist, and it felt so wrong... not like when you do it, I like when you hold me.", She admits, "Elle.", She attacks him with a hug, "I'm sorry but I need to be with Jerome."...

She got home that afternoon, "Elle!", "Hey...", She accepts his hug, but it was nothing like Ian's, he was soft, he cared, he held her right, he was warm, Jerome was cold, he was awkward, it made her want to vomit, his hand trailed down her back, landing on her ass, Ian walks in behind them, she tenses up as he grabbed it, kissing her cheek, looking straight into Ian's eyes, telling the man he wasn't afraid, "Thank you, Ian." Blythe smiles at the man, "Yeah whatever.", "Ian, can we talk in my office?" Lexxi says, getting up, "I guess so.", the two walk away, "Are you alright?" Jerome asks, a caring look in his eyes, Elle smiled slightly, "I'm fine...", He reached down, holding her cheek, "I want to take you on a date again."...

"Wait let me get this straight... you want to co-own the group?", "Yes, and build a facility- get more members- come on Ian it would be fun.", Ian nods, his finger tapping his lips as he thinks, "How long will it take to build this new facility?" He asks, she looks back down at the blueprints, shrugging, "If it's just my people... 1 year, but if your men join in, 5 months tops.", Ian nods, "I assume you have a contract written up?" He takes out his pen, Lexxi had never actually seen it before, the two had never signed contracts to each other, but she had heard of it, when he signed with it, the deal was real, not something you could break, like selling your soul to the devil, he reads over the paper, before signing it, "Guess we're partners then.", "Guess we are." Lexxi smiles wildly, this was the start of something great.

Elle spent that night in the bathtub, Jerome in her bed, after he had touched her like that she felt dirty, almost guilty, for what? She didn't understand why. it was 2 am when she got out of the bath, she got dressed, and lay back down with Jerome, He woke up as she laid back, "You have nothing going on with that Ian guy right?", he wraps his arm around her, the girl's stomach drops, but she says, "Ian hates me, and most of the time I really hate him, so no, don't worry.", she turns away from him, "Are you sure?", "Very.", She feels his hand trailing up her body, landing on her neck, squeezing, "J-Jerome- stop-", He squeezes harder, she claws his hand, she was now laying on her back, he was squeezing her neck harder, "Say it- say your mine.", "I-I'-I'm y-yours-", He releases her, she shoots up, coughing, wheezing, trying to catch her breath, her heart beating, faster than it ever had, he lays back down next to her, pulling her down too, she sobbed, "Shut up. I'm trying to sleep...", She stopped crying, trying to hold it in, what did she get herself into? Surely someone would notice her neck... what would they say? What excuse would she make?

The Lies And Mistakes Of Elena Nygma. #2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin