23- God's and their toys.

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Godspeed- Frank Ocean

Elle ran as fast as she could, "Elle stop-", "No! He said he wouldn't leave again! He has to be here!" She ran up the steps of the mansion, to the left, she ran, into his room, in HIS mansion, nothing, Everything was gone, nothing but a piece of paper on the floor, she quickly picked it up...

"Elle, If you shall find this it means I have left, move on Elena, I will not be back. When I first saw you, my heart flew away, you are my sun, my shine, you are the reason I wake up in the morning, and you are the reason I fall asleep at night, You make my days, and for the time I knew you, made all of these years worth it, you always make it worth it, the fighting, the backstabbing, the fear, you always make it worth it because I love you. But I can't love you. We will not grow old together, we can not make children together, I can not keep you from growing old, I will forever stay in this body, young, while you will flourish in life, grow beautifully old, make boys fall in love with you, just to break their hearts. Do not come looking for me, Do not have Lexxi send men, I can not be a part of your life anymore. I love you more than I've loved anything ever, but I can keep ruining things for you. - Ian Wilson."

...she sobbed, "I'm sorry Elle." Lexxi hugged her friend, Elle shook her head, "What-what about your partnership- he signed a contract...", "I checked the contract... his signature is gone.", "Wa-What...", "His pen is... magical I guess. Let's go home, Elle.", Elle frowned, but allowed Lexxi to lead her out of that mansion, The mansion she fell in love with.

It took her a month to stop crying, another month to start smiling again, she knows why he did it, he was afraid of falling deeper, Elle wanted Ian more than anything in the world, But this isn't a love story, and they were bound to break.

She sat cuddled next to Max, watching Disney movies, it's all they did now, just sit in each other's presence, talking, Max didn't know how to comfort Elle, he always hated when she cried, but while he watched her in death he realized that she needed to cry, and let it all out, he missed his best friend more than anything in the world, but all Max could think about was Liam, The man who killed him, where was he? How could Max kill him this time? Max had to, he couldn't let himself seem weak, "What are you thinking about?" Elle asks, Max looks down at her, "Killing Liam, where is he?", Elle shrugged, "Last I knew he was in Black Gate, Anna was too, but she's out now, so I'm not sure." She sat up, "I'll go with you to see if he's still there.", "And if he's not?", "Then we'll find him, Either way, I'm with you, Max."...

They had decided that next week they would begin looking, Elle was still feeling weird, she didn't want to do anything during the weekends, besides staying in bed and well... crying, and if she did anything else besides that, it was getting high out of her mind and passing out, she had drunk so much alcohol that Lexxi had to lock up all of the liquor, she also confiscated all of Elle's drinks, Elle felt bad, but she needed to hide it all, she kept putting on a happy face and pretended everything was okay, but it wasn't, she was so out of it, she didn't know how to live anymore, she couldn't even sleep, not without someone by her side, most nights it was Max, but sometimes Blythe would leave her boyfriend, and sleep with her sister, they all knew how different it was now, Ian was not coming back, it was clear.

The two strut into the jail, "There." Elle points over to a table, a familiar face sitting down at it, "Are you sure you want to do this?" She asks, Max nods, taking Elle's hand and walking over to the table, "M-Max? Y-Y-Your dead-", "You wish, You shot me! What is your problem?!" The boy comes off strong, "Liam what the hell." Elle questions, "You're supposed to be gone too-", "Oh my god- You're like the worst bad guy ever." The two chuckles, "I needed money- guys I'm sorry.", Elle knits her eyebrows together, "So you weren't hypnotized?", "No, I wanted to make it seem that way, I was told that if I killed Max then I would get a couple of million, all I got was 20 years in this dump.", "Who contracted you?", "Your dad and joker." Liam admits, Max nods, "Then we kill your dad Elle.", "Trust me I would love nothing more than that but there's a small problem with that-", "Which is?-", "He's been dead since I was shot."...

"The Riddler is dead and you all failed to tell me?", "We don't know if he's dead for sure." Blythe argues, "He's just been offline, same with my father, none of them have been seen for 2 years, other villains have been on the uprise, But as of now, The Riddler, the joker, the penguin, and Harley have been pulling strings from outside of Gotham." Jasper explains, "And now Ian is gone- this city is going to fucking fly into chaos.", "Which is why we need to look for him." Elle says, "Elle, You are forbidden from looking for him, in fact, all of you are, he doesn't want to be found." Lexxi says sternly, Elle scoffs, "Elle, it was his wish, it's all he asked.", "It's not fair.", "Nothing is fair.", "Okay, so what do we do now?" Max sighs, "We look for our parents."...

Heaven Knows I'm miserable now- The smiths

"Hi, This is Ian Wilson, Call back later." She heard for the hundredth time, she was becoming desperate, "Why don't you send an email?" Max sighs, "I thought you weren't going to help me find him." She chuckles, "Well, Your gonna be here alone for the next 4 days, and id rather you not obsess over his voicemail.", Elle felt sadness in her chest, "It's the only time I get to hear his voice.", "Email him, maybe he'll have a sudden realization and come back.", "He won't, he's stubborn.", "But maybe he will Elle, I have to get going, I love you kid.", "I love you too max.", She kissed her friend's cheek, hugging him goodbye, before sitting back down, she thought for a second, before reaching for her laptop, sighing as she made her way to the email tab...

"Ian, I don't know why I didn't think to email you sooner, probably because no one emails anymore, But Max said to, and idk why I'm listening to him, I told him your stubborn, but he doesn't listen to me. Even if you don't respond, or I guess even see this, I just want to say I love you. And I'm not mad this time, I know why you left, I think it just sucks, and kinda hurts... okay it hurts a lot, okay maybe I am a little mad-"

She sighs...

"-Okay I'm a lot more than a little mad, I'm really mad, but I'm only mad when I think about how mad I am, can't you just stay? Once, I know you want all this gushy stuff for me, what if I don't want that stuff? What if I just want you? What if that's all I've ever wanted? Shouldn't that be taken into account? I want you here Ian, I want to lay next to you, and comfort you when you cry, I want you to hold me while I sob my eyes out, I want you to tell me everything is okay, I want you to tell me you love me, I want you, Ian. Please, come back, I miss you, and I don't want to live without you, please, just say something, a call, just one call please Ian I'm begging you. Please say anything. - Elle Nygma."

She hits send, and shuts her laptop, sighing, she lays back in her bed, shaking her head, she quickly gets up, into her closet, she searches, and after a few minutes, she finds her stash, she grabs two bottles of Bacardi, she opens one the bottles, pouring it down her throat, the liquor ripples out of her mouth, and down her chest as she choked, but she kept drinking, her throat burning, she gagged as she opened the second bottle, pouring it down her throat, her clothes soaked with alcohol, she stumbled as she got up and made her way to the bathroom, she found herself looking in the mirror, her reflection wasn't moving with her, "I've lost my fucking mind...", She stumbles into the tub, giggling as she laid back, slowly her mind shut off, and the world went away.

The Lies And Mistakes Of Elena Nygma. #2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora