12- Where did she Go?

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The Other Woman- Lana Del Rey

Blythe woke up the next day with a pep in her step, she felt good, she felt okay with life, she sat on the couch, sipping her tea, and reading a book, the news on in the background, more people woke up as the day went on, it was 3 pm when Blythe got worried, her sister should've been up, Milo had even gotten a bit nervous, Sure Elle hadn't slept for a few days, but the girl had gone to sleep at 3 pm the day before, she had now slept for 24 hours, and when blythe go up to check on her, She wasn't even there, of course first she called Ian, when he answered, and Told Blythe that Elle wasn't with him, They both got worried, "Well- where could she be?" He asked, "I don't know... Can you call her?", "No... she blocked my number after I killed Jerome.", "Let me call Damian Wayne... maybe she's with him.", Damian Wayne said the same thing, Elle wasn't with him, Blythe called Elle next, but yet again, it went to voicemail, Elle was missing... Again.

She walked through the streets of Gotham, The wind funneling through the buildings, Elle left last night, she felt like she was suffocating, she wanted to feel the world again, in her city, and she ended up in Ian's part of town, she was so angry at him, but she realized she shouldn't have been, Ian saved her, what happened if he never knew? What would've Jerome done to Elle? She didn't want to think about it... But soon she was at Ian's home, knocking on his door, walking through his home, then knocking on his office door, "Come in!" He said, she slowly opened it, he looked up, "Elle- Your sister just called me-", "I'm sorry for not talking to you... I just needed time to process everything." she stared at her shoes, Ian got up, bringing her into his arms, "Shh... It's alright, you don't need to apologize.", Elle melted in his arms, she felt so numb, so disgusting, Ian made her feel clean, "Babe?- oh sorry am I interrupting something?", Elle opened her eyes, turning around, it was a woman, she had raven hair, she was tall, and absolutely beautiful, "No, uh this Elle, Elle this is Teresa... My girlfriend.", Boom, a shot through her heart, "Oh nice to meet you- I've heard so much...", She brings Elle in for a hug, The smaller girl doesn't hug back... Elle had never felt insecure, she's always loved her body, her flat stomach, her small waist, and perfectly big hips, but she did hate her scars, and her tattoos, the way she sexualized herself, sitting in her pity wondering when she would feel like herself, But this woman... this woman who was holding her, this woman was beautiful, this woman was not sitting in pity, no this woman was soaking up the sun, she was everything Elena Nygma wanted to be, "Stay for lunch?" She asked, looking down at Elle, not with disgust like most people, but with... Admiration? What was this? Elle didn't know what to say... but Ian answered for her, "Yeah she will stay, I want you two to get to know each other..." He smiled, looking at his girlfriend, the same hight as him, and then down at Elle, over a foot smaller, she felt so invisible...

Lunch was nice, but Elle didn't talk much, she was afraid of saying something wrong, of being the wrong person, Ian walked her out, "I'm having another Gala soon Elle, You and everyone else are invited-", "It's my birthday celebration." Teresa smiles, Elle looks up at the two, she simply nods before leaving, she ran as soon as she reached the street, she just ran, and ran, rain falling, she ran until her legs gave out, and she fell to her knees, scraping them in the process, no one was around, she could scream about everything that was wrong, but she couldn't, "Are you alright ma'am?", Elle looks up quickly, it was a man, holding a hand out, "Uh... yeah." She takes his hand, standing up, "I'll buy you a drink... if you're old enough." He chuckles, Elle didn't know what to say, but she found her words, "Do you like the color red?", the man looks confused, Elle pushes him against the brick wall, stabbing a knife into his chest, blood comes out of the man's mouth, she stabs again, sliding down the wall as he did, and she stabbed again until she knew he was dead, her body felt cold again, in a good way, like when tension builds up and is released, she took her knife out of his body, licking the blood off of the sharp object, before walking away, simply walking away.

She's Got You- Patsy Cline

Elle walked home, arriving early in the morning, her sister waiting for her, "Elle? Where have you been?", "I went to Ian's he made me eat dinner, he said we have to go to his gala for his new girl toy, she had big tits, I think I might kill her.", Blythe was taken back, "We'll uh- decide that on a later date... why are you covered in blood?", "I killed some dude. I don't know why- he was really nice- he was gonna buy me a drink- but I stabbed him.", Blythe looked less shocked, "Alright then-", "Wait you're not mad?", "Elle, I can't control you, I've learned to accept that, you need a bath...", She grabs her sister's arm, pulling her along, into Elle's dirty bathroom, "You know I can bathe myself...", Elle undresses as her sister runs the hot water, Blythe doesn't respond to her, soon the bath is filled up, and Elle slips in, and her older sister bathed her, washing her hair as she used to when she was little, Elle just sat up, her knees pulled into her chest, silence, until Elle spoke, "Ian makes me feel really bad sometimes, but I could never hate him, even when I really wanted to... I could never hate him.", Elle choked on her words, "Jasper makes me feel the same way...", Blythe drops the wash cloth she was cleaning Elle with, Elle looks at her with curiosity, "I think it's what makes love worth it, the small moments where you would do anything to get away from that person... but then the moments all you want to do is be around them, in their arms, the smell of them." Blythe smiles slightly, "That's how I feel about you sometimes, I'm sorry I'm so hard to deal with Blythe...", Elle says, nothing but the sound of dripping water, Blythe puts a hand on her sister's cheek, "I wouldn't have it any other way...", "And I feel bad about Milo... I wanted him back so bad, for you, but I feel like I just ruined it- I ruined everything.", "No you didn't love, Milo loves you, and we'll figure it all out, I promise...", Blythe nods, a comforting smile, "I am happy you're talking about your feelings.", Blythe stands up, Elle pulls out the drain, Blythe leaves, giving Elle some privacy, the girl stares at herself on the mirror, it was like everything fell into place, Elle recognized herself, and the world around her, she knew what she wanted, and she would do anything to have it...

Elle showed up at their home early in the morning, Teresa answered the door, "Elle! Hey! Come on in..." She smiled wildly, Elle slipped in, "Uh-", "Ian is at the Gym- ugh I finally got him to go...", She says, Elle knit her eyebrows, Ian was fit as is, Teresa walked through IAN's house as if it was her own, like Elle used to... but in a cockier way, "Oh uh- that's fine... I actually came to see you...", "Me? Why?" She chuckles, pouring some coffee, Elle could see it so clearly, she knew what she wanted to do, Elle wanted to attack the girl, she wanted to stab her in the throat, and watch her choke on her own blood, she wanted Teresa to die, but she knew she shouldn't do that, Ian would be mad, Ian would be livid, Ian would never talk to Elle again, and Elle could never do that to herself, Elle was so obsessed with Ian, and if Ian cut her out of his life, Elle would never be the same... So Elle put on a smile, and she said, "I wanted to talk about your Gala...", "Oh god- Ian is putting his all into it, He even gave me a diamond ring...", "Did you have to ask for it-", "Excuse me-", "I did not mean to say that..." Elle covers her mouth, "If the shoe fits- what has he bought you?" She chuckles, in a bitchy way, "I would tell you but I don't want to make you jealous." Elle smirks, Teresa turns around, a knife gripped in her hand, "No Elle, Really... tell me.", Elle looked up at her, "Do you really want to do that?"...

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