14-Pity Party.

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She- Harry Styles

"Ian and I have an announcement." Lexxi clears her throat, standing up, Ian stands up as well, Elle looks up, she hadn't talked to anyone all night, but now she was interested, "Ian and I will be joining forces to lead you all.", "And more, We will be finding other misfits to join the group." Ian smiles, "We will also be building a new warehouse, in the city, closer to the action, with bigger rooms, and better accommodations." Lexxi says, "And of course, a raise, $20,000 a mission, $10,000 a week." Ian finished, The table is speechless, sure it sounded amazing, a raise of altogether $15,500? anyone would jump at that, but Elle? Especially after everything that happened, no, Elle stood up, "No amount of money could ever make me agree to be owned by Ian Wilson-", "Elle stop-" Blythe stood up, grabbing her sister's arm, "NO!-No... I can't-", "Elle don't ruin this for everyone else." Blythe begs, she didn't see, deep inside Elle's eyes, sadness, until the storm of anger clouded, "I'd rather be 10 again than to have to see him every day.", Elle's words shot through Ian's heart, Bythe stared into her sister's eyes, whispering, "Please.", Elle stood her ground... for a moment, before giving in, "Fine.", She sits back down, and dinner begins again, everyone around her excited by the future, more money, more room, more friends, Elle didn't need more, of anything, she was fine the way she was, why did it have to change? Why can't anything ever stay the same?

They went to Ian's club after, Elle decided to enjoy herself, she drank, took pills, and danced, jumping around, swaying to the music, screaming the lyrics to every song she knew, she was so out of it, but she liked it, for the first time in forever she felt fine, snorting lines, flirting with random guys, screaming at the top of her lungs, and then... she saw him, his eyes closed, grinding on his girlfriend, jealousy filled her veins, she told herself she was over him, over his games, but seeing his chest, his tattoos, his grin, watching him move, it awoke inside of her, she ordered another drink, sat at the bar, and chugged it down, she ordered another, and another, until her head was spinning, she got up, finding a random guy in the crowd, "Hey..." She smiled, he looked down at her, lust in his eyes, "Wassup-", "I'm Elle." She bit her lip, "Mark." He took her waist, turning her around, Elle moved her body, as the man moved with her, Elle had her eyes closed, trying not to cry, but she felt so sick, she couldn't do it anymore, she pulled herself away, covering her mouth as she ran through the crowd, right past Ian, and into the bathroom, hurrying to find an empty stall, falling to her knees, throwing up into the toilet, everything, before slumping over, she couldn't help it, she cried, her ribs shaking as she sobbed, she felt so disgusting, she couldn't hear anything as she cried, but footsteps approached, he squatted next to her, he reached down, taking Elle's hand from her face, holding it, she opened her eyes, Ian, she pulled her left hand away, wiping her tears, "Leave me alone." She spoke, quickly standing up, "I don't want to fight with you anymore Ellie." he followed her out of the stall, and over to the sinks, "Don't call me Ellie.", she leans down into the sink, cupping her hands, collecting Water, rinsing out her mouth, "Please, I'm sorry for everything.", Elle turned around, he was right behind her, their chests touching, she looked up at him, and then down at his hand, he had a ring on, different than the others he had worn, she looked back up at him, "Your gonna marry her?", "No.", "Then whats the ring for?", Ian looked away, "Have you ever told the truth- about anything? ever- to me- to her-", "Elle-", "Was anything you ever told me the truth?- Ever? You didn't want Anna- you don't want me- so is it her?" He didn't say anything, Elle bit her lip, nodding, he looked down at her, he didn't know what he was doing, he couldn't stop himself though, he grabbed her face, leaning down, smashing his lips into hers, Elle's mind went blank, she let it happen, her heart was beating so fast, she closed her eyes, he pulled away, "It's always gonna be you, Elle." He said, before walking out, Elle was sort of shocked, her heart was still beating so fast, she felt like she was going to have a heart attack, her mouth was wide, and her eyebrows raised, "Elle?- I've been looking for you everywhere- Jasper wants to leave, so if you need a ride-" Blythe stopped, knitting her eyebrows together, "You good?" She asks, Elle looks up, she smiled, blythe had a look on her face, but she smiled too, "What are you smiling for?", "You can't tell anyone-", "Just tell me-", "Ian just kissed me."...

"I literally can not believe this Elle..." Blythe paces, "You said you hated him!" The older girl shouts, "Maybe I don't- You're confusing me!", "Elena he almost killed you-", "You almost got jasper killed once-", "Elle that's different-", "Okay your right- but please blythe- I'll be 18 in 2 months- and then he'll really want me.", "And if that doesn't change anything? I don't want you to get hurt again.", "Ian would never do what Jerome did.", "Elle- I-I know, but there are other things... Elle, he broke you- physically and mentally. Four ribs-", "A punctured lung, a dislocated shoulder- anything else Blythe?- I've spent two weeks dreading every moment of my life- following Ian around- like a madman! I was gonna kill him- hating him is so tiring.", Blythe softens her face, nodding, "I know...", Elle looks up at her sister, "He's gonna marry her anyway, so there's no use in trying to find a meaning for this." She stands up, walking over to her window, watching the rain run down the glass, "Wait- what?", "He had a ring on, I asked him, he didn't deny it.", "Wait no- wait no, Elle- he's not marrying her.", "What do you mean?", She looks back at her sister, "He's still married to Anna.", Elle's eyes widen, but soon she smiles, "I think we pay a little visit to the blondie."...

"Are we sure she lives here? This is kinda nice... especially for a Quinn." Blythe says as they walk up to the Gold Door, "Have we not already established that she's married to Ian- the richest man in like the world." Elle knocks on the door, and Anna answers it, "Elle- Blythe- what are you two doing here- did something happen?- Is Jasper and Aurora okay?-", "They are fine- everyone is fine. We just have to ask you something.", "Uh okay- come on in.", She steps aside, The girls walk in, Anna leads them to the couch, "So what's up?", "You and Ian are still married right?", "Yep- I haven't signed the papers he sent." Anna smiles, "Well are you going to sign them?", "Well based on the fact that he sent them two days ago, and my lawyer goes over them tomorrow, Yes, I am going to sign them.", "Can you wait till Elle turns 18?", "Sorry but no-", "Anna please-", "If I don't divorce him as soon as possible, ill never do it- Why do you want me to wait- aren't you two like a thing?", "No- I mean Yes- no- maybe- it's complicated- He's trying to marry someone else. It's only 2 months, Please, just this once." Elle begs, Anna looks down for a moment, thinking, before she looks back up, "I'm sorry Elle, but I can't... remember what I told you. When I was in your basement?-", "It's different from that Anna... He doesn't- care- like he used to, he actually likes her.", "Elle- He kissed you last night." Blythe chuckles, "He kissed you but he's marrying her? No Elle this is different- He's trying to make you jealous, the fact that he kissed you shows it-", "How-", "He didn't do that when he was with me-", "I was younger then.", "He didn't want you as much then." Anna smiles, reaching over, putting her hand on Elle's, "I know I've been mean to you, but I hope we can put it all behind us.", Elle nods, "By the way what happened to your arm?", "I was trying to kill Ian's new girlfriend and he got angry and threw me off of her, I broke some ribs, punctured my lung, dislocated my arm- old news." Elle shrugs, Anna's mouth was slightly open, "Okay then."...

Elle drempt that night...

"Ian doesn't love me- I'm too young for him-", "Like that matters?! Just wait until the day you turn 18-", "So you're jealous?!", "I've been in love with Ian since I was a little girl! of course, I'm jealous Elle!", "I don't want him, Anna!", "It's too late for that.", Anna curls back into herself, Elle could hear her sniffles, "He's wanted you all along Elle!", "What happened in-", "Hell? You! You happened, Elle! We were happy- we-we were married, the most sex I've had in my life! Elle he couldn't stop thinking about- you!", "That can't be- Lexxi said she convinced him-", "Yeah well Lexxi is a lier."...

Maybe Elle shouldn't pursue Ian, maybe she should let him come to her...

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