27- The best week of her life.

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Peace- Taylor Swift

"-Yea so I killed some dude cuz I thought he was going to hurt me- but honestly it's kind of your fault cause you made me mad in the first place-", Elle rambles as they drive into the city, "It's not my fault... you just can't control your emotions." He shrugs, "And you can't control your dick but you don't see me complaining about that." She crosses her arms, sitting back in her seat, Ian forgot how sensitive she was, "I love hearing you talk...", He keeps his eyes on the road, but reaches over, grabbing her hand, "Please keep talking.", "There's nothing else to talk about...", "You can tell me about your performance... the night I left.", Elle swallows thickly, "Well... It was really fun... and then Lexxi told me you left so that was... Unfortunate.", Ian chuckles, which makes Elle giggle, the girl shakes her head, a smile playing on her face, "What are we doing..." He says with a goofy smile, "I think we forgot how to talk to each other." Elle says as she giggles, Ian turns into a parking garage, a large building above it, "This is where we'll be staying for the next 3 days." He says as he opens her door, taking her tiny hand in his, leading her into the elevator, "ウィルソンさん、こんにちは、ペントハウス?" The Elevator operator says,  "はい." Ian smiles, the other man looks at Elle, and then back at Ian, "これはあなたが話してきた女性ですか? 最後に、どのくらいの期間後に彼女をここに連れて来てください..." He laughs as the elevator begins to move, "とても美しいウィルソンさん。" He continues, "ありがとうございます", They reach the penthouse, Ian leads Elle into the apartment, and She stares in awe, "This place is beautiful...", "I knew you'd like it." He hugs her from behind, He craved to be close to her, he leaned down, kissing her cheek several times, as she giggled, his lips tickling her, "I love you so much, Elena.", "I love you too Ian."...

Elle slept for the rest of the day, jetlag was killing her, but she woke up bright and early the next day... at 6 Am, Ian sleeping next to her, she was laying in his arms, the morning sun shining threw the blinds, she sat up, rubbing her eyes, she slipped out of bed, grabbing her phone, dialing Blythe's number, it rings a few times before she answers, "Elle? Did you make it safe? Where are you?", "Japan..." Elle breaths out, "Where mom is from...", "Yeah, Were in a penthouse, it's like- too nice.", "Too nice?", "For me... Too nice for me." She worries, "Elle, He flew you to Japan. In a private plane..." Blythe chuckles, "Yeah but-", "But nothing. I'll have max call you later, Have a good day, I love you.", "I love you too.", Elle hung up the phone, and sneaked back into Ian's room, getting back in bed, she studied the man, had a new piercing, a lip ring, Elle smiled, it looked hot on him, he had smudged eyeliner under his eye, and a new tattoo on his ribs, "Do you like it?" A voice said, She looked up, smiling at the tired boy, "It looks an awful lot like me.", "It is.", He sits up, taking her in his arms, and laying back down, pulling her down with him, "What do you want to do today baby?", "Mmm... Eat." She snuggles into his chest, and Ian laughs, "I can't believe I'm here with you..." She whispers, taking in his scent, closing her eyes as he rubs her back, She just wanted to feel him.

"It's not cute-", "Yes it is-", "It's just me smiling.", "Well, I love your smile..." Ian says, his smile playing upon his face, Elle smiles widely, blushing, "God damn you..." she giggles, "I miss you.", "I'm right here..." Elle says, slightly confused, "I know.", A woman sets down food in front of them, smiling and bowing before walking away, Elle immediately started eating, the warm soup allowing her to feel whole, and warm inside, it was like heaven, the way the fat was melted into the soup, and the taste of meat, the noodles soaking with flavors, it was just perfect for the girl, and her cold body, Ian watched her, he enjoyed watching the girl closing her eyes in pleasure, basically moaning as she ate, it sorta... turned him on, something about her was just so, inviting, he wanted to hold her, touch her, "This is really good..." Elle smiles, "Hmm?" Ian looks
up, deep in his thoughts, "The food... it's really good- uh-unless you don't like it- you haven't Uh- touched it...", "I was just thinking...", "About?", "You..." He bites his lip slightly, Elle covers her face, blushing, "Stop-", "Your such a nerd-" Ian laughs, "Shush..." Elle smiles, "So... Lexxi wanted me to try and convince you to come back..." Elle sighs, Ian shakes his head, "She's called me 60 times...", "So you have your phone on... good to know.", "Elle...", "I'm sorry- We're here we're having a good time- I'm sorry that my brain keeps trying to mess it up." She shakes her head, "Stop Elle- You're fine, Were gonna have to talk about it sometime.", "But not now... Tomorrow is Christmas, and I actually want to enjoy it this year...", She reaches over, grabbing his hand, "I want to enjoy it with you."...

Nervous- The neighborhood

And enjoy it they did, They snuggled next to each other, video calling their friends, they didn't get each other gifts but that was okay, it was just them, they enjoyed being in each other's presence, just the two of them, being with each other is all they want, it's all they ever wanted, but it felt so different, they were alone, in a different country, and tomorrow they would be in another, it felt good though.

Elle rubbed her eyes, "Buy me a coffee, or I'm not getting on this airplane." Elle threatens, Ian chuckles, setting her bags in the car as she gets in the passenger seat, curling up in her seat, facing Ian, "Your so cute..." He smiles, and she blushes, "My little psycho killer blushes when I call her cute.", "Shut up, You're making me soft.", "Good, maybe you'll stop murdering people.", she gasps, "Your rude.", "No I am not-", "Yes you are.", "Your sister called me last night.", "Really?", "Yeah... She said not to take advantage of you, and that if I did she would cut my dick off." He chuckles as the light turns green, "If anything I would be the one taking advantage of you...", Ian raises an eyebrow, "Mmm And how would you do that?" He says, his voice seductive, it makes Elle tingle, "If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise..." She smiles, and he gulps, "God damn."...

"I'm worried about her Lex... she's never been out of the country... or alone, with Ian.", "Nothing gonna happen, plus she's basically on a mission.", "How?", "Her mission is to get Ian to come back...", "That's not her job." Noah scoffs, "What is your problem?", "His problem is that Elle kissed him a few times and is now on vacation with MY Ian." Zoe says, "Ian isn't yours and never has been, you kissed him and he didn't like it, and now you're a bitter bitch because Elle literally broke your face." Blythe laughs, Jasper bursts out laughing, Lexxi holds in her laughter, Zoe growls, Blythe rolls her eyes before walking away, Jasper follows her, Zoe leaves next, Noah sighs, "You really liked her?", "What does she see in him... Why did she fall in love with him so fast...", "You don't know?", "Know what?", "Ian and her story?", "There's a story?", "Ian and Elle fell in love when Elle was 15, Elle was in a coma, and when she came back, it was so complicated, for so long, and now they are okay- and-and- I don't want to make you feel bad... But this is a good thing, Elle deserves this- no- they both deserve this... Don't make it complicated for her, That's an order, got it?", "Yes, Ma'am."...

Ian watched as Elle slept, he was so in love with her, such a beautiful soul, such a beautiful woman, he could look past all of her damage, look past anything that made her seem imperfect, which was practically nothing because in Ian's eyes Elle was perfect, But yet he watched her, her chest breathing in and out, as the plane flew, and she rustled at every bit of turbulence and winced in her sleep like tiny needles were piercing her mind, he cooed her to sleep, running his fingers through her hair, rubbing her temple, slowly he fell asleep to, it just felt perfect, but soon they landed, and the two were woken up again, Ian held Elle's hand as he led her to the car, and she fell asleep again, soon they made it to the place they were staying, "Where are we?" Elle yawned, "Cancun... Mexico." Ian smiles, "The beach..." She giggles groggily, smiling widely, "Hope you brought that bikini..." He chuckles, "Your a nerd."...

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