15- The End Of Them.

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Breathe Me- Sia

And Elle stayed away, for a whole month, she stayed away from him, whenever he was over, she stayed locked in her room, pretending she wasn't there, Until that day, The day she fell apart, the day her heart broke, "Elle- Letters.", Blythe handed the girl an envelope, Elle's name neatly written on it, "We all got them?" Elle asks, "Yeah...", Blythe opens hers, Elle following soon after...

-You have been formally invited to join-
Ian Wilson
Teresa Falcone
-In joining their families with marriage-
June 5th

...She dropped the letter, her heart beating, Blythe looked down at her, Elle had an empty feeling in her stomach, slowly, she looked up at blythe, she felt dizzy, sick to her stomach, but all she could say was, "O-On my B-B-Birthday?" She frowns, Blythe didn't know what to say, Hot tears flowing down Elle's sunken cheeks, she got up quickly, "Elle-", Blythe tried to stop her sister from leaving, but Elle was too fast, she went out, and got her car, she drove into the city...

"A Girl dangling over Wayne Building, We have sources saying that it is a Known child killer, Elena Nygma, we're not sure how long she has been up there but we do know she is walking on the ledge, she has even slipped and caught herself a few times, Lexxi Luther is now arriving on the scene, GCPD is preparing her to go on the roof-"

"Elle please just get down-", "No- I have nothing left Lexxi- Did you read it?- Did you read the fucking letter?!" Elle shouts, sobbing, but the rain covered that fact up, Lexxi frowns, "I did Elle... and I'm sorry but you can't kill yourself over this..." She shakes her head, "Just get off the ledge.", "No! He can't do this to me- He can't!", "But he did Elle. And he's not going to call off his wedding just because you think he belongs to you.", Elle is taken back Lexxi's words, Elle turns around, closing her eyes, the wind blowing around her body, swaying her towards the ledge, until she is flung backward, Her back hitting the roof hard-

30 minutes before...

"Ian- Ian Elle is on the news!", "What- Why?", "A Girl is dangling over Wayne Building, We have sources saying that it is a Known child killer, Elena Nygma, we're not sure how long she has been up there but we do know she is walking on the ledge, she has even slipped and caught herself a few times, Lexxi Luther is now arriving on the scene, GCPD is preparing her to go on the roof-", "Oh god...", Ian rushed out of the room, as fast as he could, downtown, He could just make out Elle on the roof, Helicopters flying around her...

-"What the fuck-", Elle opened her eyes, Ian... "No- No- No- Why- Why do you have to ruin everything-", "Elle I'm sorry-", "I just want to feel something- I just wanna feel!" She sobs, grabbing on his jacket, Banging her on the concrete roof, "Elle stop-", She bangs again, "Elle-", and again, and another until she blacks out...

Elena woke up in a familiar place, but still... she hadn't been there in a while. Her room in Ian's home, She tried to move, but she was strapped down, "What the fuck...", She tried to escape, but she couldn't, it was no use, "Help-", The door opened, Ian steps in, "Let me out of here.", "Elena.", "Ian I swear to god-", "Elle- I thought you loved me." Ian didn't look at her but at the floor, she was taken back, "I-I do." She speaks, "Then why won't you let me be happy?", "I won't let YOU be happy?" She chuckles, "Yes Elena- You won't let me be happy-", "I haven't done anything!- To you-", Ian look's up at her, Pain in his eyes, Elle's mouth opened, "I haven't bothered you for an entire month and then YOU!- You Ian! You! Send me an invitation to your wedding? That happens to be on MY birthday!?", "It's not about you! I wanted my best friend at my wedding!", "Oh, now I'm your best friend? I didn't know people kiss their best friends- or sleep in the same beds-", "That was all an accident-", "Was Christmas an accident?", "The biggest of them all." Ian raises an eyebrow, Elle smiles, "Good to know- Let me out of here.", "I can't.", "Why not-", "Your gonna do something to hurt yourself-", "Oh really? Let me out Ian or I swear on my life that I will hate you for the rest of forever-", "Elle-", "Ian Wilson Let me out now!", The man sighs, Taking the straps of Elle, the girl sits up, Her head pounding, she closed her eyes for a moment, before standing up, and walking out.

June 5th came along, Everyone but Elle attended the wedding, and while they were gone, Elle packed a bag, or I guess I should say a large suitcase, she packed valuables, anything Max had ever given her, some clothes, a gun, a few knives, she wrote a note too...

"Off to find better things, be back when I stop being a problem, love you all."

And she was picked up, By Damian Wayne, and they left, off to find a place where Elle hadn't caused damage, Elle felt fine, until they could see the city in the distance, Her city in the distance, she had a feeling in her stomach, her heart pounding, Damian looked over, "We don't have to leave, We can still go back, You can fix everything.", Elle looked at him, she chuckled, "You may not be a hero anymore, but you still sound like one.", "Elle, I'm just trying to help you.", "I know Damian, I can't fix anything, I wish you knew how bad I messed up...", "I do Because I messed up before.", "It's not the same.", "I know, But When I killed Dick I lost my best friend, and my brother, My parents still don't look at me the same."...

Blythe giggled as they entered the warehouse, "Elle we're home!" Hazel shouted, "We brought chocolate!" Aurora smiled, walking down the hall, she opened Elle's door, it was dark, she reached next to the door, switching the light on, Elle wasn't in the room, "Elle?" Aurora says again, she walked over, into Elle's bathroom, Nothing, Blythe entered the room, "Where's Elle?" She asks, she spots a note on Elle's bed, and she quickly picks it up, scanning over it, "What- What does it say?" Aurora asks, "She left."...

1 month in...

"Texas has amazing BBQ..." Damian smiles, "Yeah I'm not really into uh- meat.", "There- There she is..." Someone said, Both Elle and Damian look towards the commotion, Men stare at them, and then at the TV, the two look at the TV...

"Son of Bruce Wayne Spotted in Texas, Alongside Child KIller Elena Nygma, The two are wanted in Gotham for Robbery..."

"fuck..." They get up quickly, running out of the place, speeding off...


2 months in...

"Okay- Damian maybe we should go back to Gotham-", "Elle! We're wanted there!" The boy freaks out, "Okay then- Let's go to Central City- We'll be safe there-", "Okay Let's- let's go..."


3 months In...

"No- Damian let me go!" Elle pulls herself away, "If you go back to Gotham They'll find you!", "It's a fucking robbery charge from your father! I didn't even do it!" Elle shouts as she walks away, "Elle if you leave you'll see him again- Do you want that? To see Ian?", "Fuck off." She keeps walking...

she caught a bus, took it to the city, Damian was holding her back, he expected her to follow her everywhere, through everything, but Elle was never liked that, Elle couldn't be held back anymore, Gotham was her lifeline, and if Damian thought he could be a replacement? He was sadly mistaken...

Elle didn't know what to do now that she was back in Gotham, She could go home, but to be honest, she was embarrassed to see anyone, so she opted for the next best thing... to see Max, She sat on the grass, it was sort of wet, but Elle didn't mind, after walking several miles to get there, sitting was heaven, "Hey...", She spoke softly, pulling out a few weeds that had grown, "Max, I finally saw Central City... it was as beautiful as you described it... But I wish you were there. I don't know why- but in my mind, I feel as if I keep begging maybe you'll come back.", She sniffles, looking down, and then back up at his stone, "Maybe if I keep pretending your still here- Maybe you'll be here, next to me- and we can go to our diner, fuck- I really hate being 18." She sobs, covering her face up, running her hands through her hair, "Just come back so life won't suck anymore...", she punches the stone, hissing, she slumps to the side, resting her forehead on the cold headstone, curling into herself, crying as the sun went down...

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