Chapter 1: Nights like these

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Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul.

Workplace of resident,

Logan Lee: Black eyes, silver hair, sexy smirk. He has it all right down to the energetic, charismatic, goofy personality. Living life at full throttle and loving every minute of it. Also long time boyfriend to Shim Soo Ryeon.

Shim Soo Ryeon: Another resident at SNUH. Smart, beautiful and incredibly passionate. Dark brown eyes and wavy dark brown hair. Logan's pride and joy, his light, his jelly to his peanut butter if you will. Hard working, and determined. Definitely a hard ass and takes her job very seriously. The two could not be more opposite, and could not be more in love.


Soo Ryeon was leaning on the counter at the nurses station filling out charts. She sighed and ran her hand through her long hair, pushing her bangs out of her face.

"Hey, there" Logan chirped cheerfully placing a kiss on her cheek, as he came up to her. She turned looking at her boyfriend of almost three years.

"Logan, we're at work." She scolded. He grinned amused.

"I figured, seeing all the sick people, and the distinct smell of..yup, vomit." He said and Soo Ryeon couldn't help but smile. He leaned in and kissed her right on the lips.

"Logan. You know we can't act like this at the hospital." She murmured tugging on his navy blue scrubs.

"I do know." He murmured to her placing another kiss on her lips, which made him receive a look of disbelief from Soo Ryeon. He smiled widely and kissed her again before she could rebut. "I also know you yell at me every time I try to kiss you here."

"Well you'd think that would make you learn." She giggled.

"Well, you know I'm not a very good listener." He smiled.

"But you are damn good surgeon, and you currently have your arms wrapped around one of my residents." A voice boomed and Logan's infectious smile grew.

"Hey chief!" Logan greeted the chief of surgery Dr. Coo, a fifty-three year old man, dark skin and grey hair. Intimidates everyone, except Logan of course. Soo Ryeon sunk behind Logan embarrassed.

"I agreed to letting the two of you be sexually intimate as long as you didn't flaunt your relationship around the hospital." The chief scolded.

"Yeah, I know but I'm not a huge fan of that rule. Not the sexually intimate part, I'm all for that, am I right Ryeonie?"

Logan asked turning to her and she turned red, staring at him like he was insane. He smiled and brought her in front of him putting his arms around her waist and leaning his chin on her shoulder.

"Just the 'no flaunting the relationship' part. I mean look at this face." He said looking at the side of Soo Ryeon's face, who currently looked mortified.

"Isn't she just the cutest thing? How do you expect me not to flaunt?" He asked.

The chief rolled his eyes before walking away.

"Logan! Your going to get us in a lot of trouble." She said turning to him and smacking him across the chest. A sudden beeping went off and Logan looked down at the pager that hung from the waist band of his scrubs.

"I have to go. I'll see you later." He said before giving her a quick kiss. "Love you."

Soo Ryeon rose her arms incredulously as she felt him kiss her quickly again and she watched him saunter down the hallway. He would never get it.


"Hello Mrs. Wang, I'm Dr. Shim, I'll be assisting on your bypass surgery along with one of my interns. Now can anyone tell me, why Mrs. Wang needs this surgery?" Soo Ryeon asked.

SNUH was a teaching hospital, one of the best actually. Interns followed their residents learning about different procedures and competing, to see which intern would be the one to scrub in.

"Mrs. Wang has ischemic heart disease, also known as coronary artery disease."

"Very good Dr. Kang." She praised her intern. "And what are the effects?"

"The heart doesn't get enough blood, because the artery is either partially or fully blocked."

"Well done. Get a tox screen and later you can scrub in." Soo Ryeon said smiling warmly at her intern.

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