Chapter 5: Bring it on

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Logan cringed slightly as an annoying beeping filled his ears. He groaned slightly, opening his eyes only to see the ugly walls of the hospital. He looked down at his body seeing an ugly bandage wrapped around his torso.

"Hey your up."

He heard Yoon Cheol said. He turned his head to the right looking slightly confused, before it all came back to him. The creepy guy, the woman crying, and how could he ever forget the painful feeling of the bullet entering his chest.

"What's up with the coat?" Was the first thing Logan muttered painfully seeing Yoon Cheol wearing a white lab coat.

"Oh, um..I'm chief of surgery now Logan." Yoon Cheol muttered looking at him sympathetically.

Logan's eyes widened slightly. How long has he been asleep?

"Logan, what day is it?" Yoon Cheol asked carefully.

"Uh." Logan closed his eyes thinking hard. "Thursday, because Soo Ryeon and I get up early and go out to have breakfast on Thursdays." He muttered.

Yoon Cheol hung his head sadly which made Logan grow scared.

"Logan, you've been..'asleep' for a little longer then you think."


"It's been almost five years Logan."

Logan's eyes widened.

Yoon Cheol's serious face suddenly turned playful. "Nah! I'm just playing with yeah, you've only been down for a couple hours." He laughed and Logan breathed a sigh of relief before glaring at his so called best friend.

"You're an idiot." His hoarse voice sneered.

"Logan!" He suddenly heard and his head turned to the door smiling brightly as he saw Soo Ryeon with a coffee in her hand. "Are you okay?"


"Oh my god, I was so scared. What's the matter with you!?"

"I'm sorry?"

"You better be sorry. I told you! I told you that guy looked freaky and for you to be careful, and what do you do? You get yourself shot!"

She scolded and Logan tried his hardest not laugh. He really wasn't surprised to get a lecture about almost dying. While most girls would cry and just thank god that their boyfriend was okay, his girlfriend yelled at him. It was just her way of showing him how much she loved him. So he was slightly flattered by her scolding.

"I'm terribly sorry darling. I'll never do it again."

"That's not even funny Logan! You always have to be the brave guy don't you?" She asked before muttering under breath. "Making me worry like that." She mumbled unbelievingly shaking her head. "And you know what else Logan Lee-"

"Ryeonie, breathe sweetie." He said pulling her waist so she was sitting on the bed. "Your gunna be here yelling until your blue in the face."

"Don't scare me like that ever again."

"I promise."

"I don't know if I can trust your promises anymore."

"Once! I get shot once, and all my promises are out the window?"

"Well you know what Logan, you should of thought of that before."

Yoon Cheol stared at the couple who they had forgotten was still there. Noticing this, Yoon Cheol didn't know what to do except sneak out. He stood carefully walking out of the room like he hadn't just been forgotten.

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