Chapter 25: A fearful flirt

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Logan closed the door, sighing happy to be home as he leaned against the cold door. He closed his eyes happily, breathing in deeply, but his eyebrows scrunched as he didn't smell the usual aroma of food being served. His eyes opened slowly and he couldn't help but look at Soo Ryeon confused before looking at the empty table.

"Hey, baby." He said trying to hide the confusion. He didn't want to come home and say; 'where the hell is my dinner?' Although it was what he was thinking, but what kind of jerk would he be if he actually said it out loud? She looked over the back of the couch at him, her eyes widening as she looked at the clock.

"Oh my god. I haven't even started dinner." She said looking at him apologetically.

"Oh, it's..okay." He said, hushing his hungry stomach. "It's not like I expect dinner on the table every time I come home." He continued letting out a fake laugh.

"I've just got so caught up in this book." She said holding up the book Seo Jin had given her.

"You're really getting into that stuff." Logan noticed smiling at her before he turned to the fridge bending down scanning it's remains.

"Yeah, it's so cool Logan." Soo Ryeon said as he closed the fridge finding nothing to snack on. He smiled at her again and walked to the counter opening the cabinets hoping for some source of food that would please him.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah." She replied oblivious to his hunger. "It really lets you take a good look at the relationship you're in. You should read it."

"Yeah I'll get right on that." He muttered sarcastically and she rolled her eyes.

"We have a great relationship according to the book."

"Well I'm so happy the book approves." Another sarcastic remark slipped his lips as he peaked from behind the cabinet, giving her a grin.

"You know, it also says sex is a big part of the relationship, but most relationships are based too much on sex. We have a healthy sex life right?"

"No, more sex I say." He said and Soo Ryeon giggled.

"No really Logan come on. Do I..satisfy you?" She asked awkwardly. Logan smiled to himself at the question, closing the doors to the cabinets and looking at her red cheeks.

"Baby of course you do." He replied walking over to couch and sitting beside her. "You're the sexiest woman alive." He continued wrapping his arm around her shoulders and she smiled at him giving him a quick kiss. "And the best cook." He added and she smiled at him, giggling quietly before looking back at the book. Logan sighed, his shoulders slumping at the fact she didn't get his hint before he stood up and walked back to the kitchen, rummaging through the pantry, before moving back to the fridge.

"Sex not only connects you physically but emotionally as well." Soo Ryeon rambled as she turned around, looking at him over the back of the couch again.

"Mm." Logan agreed carelessly.

"I think we should have more sex." She said abruptly and Logan's attention was quickly diverted to her, closing the fridge. "In the book they talk about positions and other things that will bring us together emotionally, while satisfying our sexual needs at the same time."

"So, let me get this straight." Logan said walking over to the couch and bending down so there faces were close. His breath hit her face and he smiled at her dough eyed expression. "You're saying you want to have more freaky sex with me?" He asked and she blushed.

"Well, technically. It will connect us, it'll bring us closer."

"Hey, I'm not complaining."

"I didn't think you would." She replied in almost a whisper, feeling no need to talk any louder. His forehead laid gently against hers and she smiled as he kissed her roughly. He climbed over the back of the couch not breaking the kiss making a giggle vibrate against his lips. He gently laid on top of her, placing soft kisses to her lips as she moaned quietly, running her fingers through his hair. His hands reflexively went up her shirt, caressing her stomach making her squirm slightly at the feeling. She sighed contently, relaxing into the soft fabric of the couch feeling his tongue swirl around her mouth, toying with her own. He pulled away licking his lips as he took in a deep breath looking down at her. Her chest rose up and down trying to catch her breath.

"Would it, totally kill the mood if I said I couldn't do this on an empty stomach?" He asked and Soo Ryeon smiled softly, rolling her eyes at him.

"Grilled cheese okay?" She asked and he nodded happily lifting himself up so she could go make his sandwich.


"I am a man!" Yoon Cheol said as he walked up to Logan, his arms raised above his head.

"I'm Bob Hope!" Logan replied quickly, grinning teasingly and Yoon Cheol gave him a deadpanned look. "What are we doing?" He asked excitedly and Yoon Cheol rolled his eyes.

"I am telling you that last night, Yoon Hee and I.." He broke off, raising his eyebrows suggestively.

"Wow congratulations. Happy to see you finally lost your virginity."

"Shut up." He replied to Logan's joke and he laughed. "I happened to lose my virginity when I was eighteen thank you very much."

"Wow late bloomer."

"Shut up!" He said again and Logan laughed.

"Okay, okay, so you and Yoon Hee had sex. It's about time, you guys have been dating for like a month and your just getting it now?"

"It's not that long. You just think it is because you jumped Soo Ryeon in an on call room the first week."

"On call room, supply closet, OR." He listed dreamily smiling at the memories and Yoon Cheol's eyes widened making Logan laugh.

"OR!? Dude!" He said slightly disgusted.

"There's something so dirty about a clean room." He said and Yoon Cheol shook his head laughing at his best friend. "Don't tell Soo Ryeon I'm telling you all this, or I'll turn into you and not get any for a month." He continued and Yoon Cheol glared playfully. "So, how was it?"

"Dude it was awesome! She does this thing where she like bends her back, it's the hottest thing."

"Nice." Logan said as they gave each other a high five. "Go on.." He encouraged.


"You did what!?" Yoon Hee screeched and Yoon Cheol cringed. "That is so humiliating Yoon Cheol!"

"I said all good things." Yoon Cheol defended weakly scared of his angry girlfriend.

"What were you thinking Yoon Cheol!? How did you think it would make me feel that you told Logan that we.." She broke off looking around the crowded hospital before lowering her voice to a hiss. "..Got busy." She said awkwardly. "That was none of his business."

"Logan was doing it to."

"If Logan jumped off a cliff would you do it!?"

"If it was fun and there was a giant net at the bottom!" He replied and Yoon Hee looked at him in disbelief before groaning loudly and storming away in a huff.

"Yoon Hee, you okay?" Soo Ryeon ask watching her walk behind the counter furious.

"You know what he did!? He ran to your stupid fiancé and told him all about our sex life!" She said and Soo Ryeon just looked at her, waiting for the rest.


"Apparently Logan and Yoon Cheol just gather together and talk about sex, seeing whose was better the night before! That's private information! Can you believe that!?"

"Yoon Hee there guys of course they do that. And it's so adorable. Logan's always sneaking around trying to hide the fact that he blabs the details to all his friends. It's so cute he thinks I don't know." She giggled and Yoon Hee looked at her confused.

"You mean, your not angry that he talks about it?"

"No! I'm actually a little flattered that he brags."

"I can't believe you're not upset. Don't you think it's immature?" She asked and Soo Ryeon gave her a look saying; 'are you kidding?'

"Yoon Hee, it's Logan. Of course it's immature, he's the definition of immature." She giggled. "And Yoon Cheol is no different. There best friends, you don't get one without the other. You have to get used to the fact that both Logan and Yoon Cheol are complete idiots."

"But it gets so frustrating, why do you put up with it?" Yoon Hee asked baffled. Yoon Cheol had been driving her crazy and they had been together less then a month, she didn't know how Soo Ryeon could do it for three years.

"Because he's my idiot."

Soo Ryeon sighed tiredly before looking up at the clock, relieved her shift was almost over.

"Hey." Logan greeted seductively, flipping the bangs from his eyes dramatically as he leaned on his elbow looking at her, and she just stared at him amused.

"Hi." She replied, looking at him strangely.

"I saw you from across the room, and I just had to come say hello."

"What are you doing?" She giggled and he straightened so he was standing properly and looked at frustrated.

"I'm keeping the relationship fresh, now play along." He joked leaning back on his elbow and Soo Ryeon giggled. It was never dull having him around. "I'm Logan."

"Logan.." She giggled shaking her head.

"I was reading your book, and I agree. We need to..connect." He said seductively and she smiled, she new giving him more sex would come back to bite her in the ass.

"I thought you didn't want to read the book?" She asked amused.

"That's before I found out it had pictures." He joked and she laughed quietly, nudging him. "Come on Ryeonie, play along, it's fun." She giggled at his words and leaned on the counter. "I'm Logan." He repeated.

"As in the city?" She asked teasingly bringing her body closer to his.

"Mm." He mumbled looking her up and down and Soo Ryeon laughed. "You know, the Trojan war took place there. As in the condom." He said and Soo Ryeon laughed loudly and he smiled looking down at her as she nudged his chest.

"What are you doing?" She asked again shaking her head as she giggled.

"I told you, keeping the relationship fresh." He said before putting his hands around her waist and bringing her close. "Once we're married we have to keep our sex life active, so I'm starting early." He said quietly and she giggled, tugging on his scrub top. "So, what's your name?" He asked and she shook her head smiling at him. She bit her lip slightly, as she mentally rolled her eyes at herself for going along with this stupid idea.

"Soo Ryeon." She said slinking closer to him and he let out a jagged breath making her smile sexily.

"Mmm" He mumbled in her hair and she tried to contain the wide smile.
"I think your trying to seduce me." She said and he smiled.

"What man could possibly say no to a body like yours." He replied quietly in her ear. She rubbed his shoulders, her arms circling his neck loosely, while the wide beam remained on her lips.

"I shouldn't be doing this." Soo Ryeon breathed. "My fiancé..he wouldn't't approve." She continued and Logan smiled widely grazing his nose against her neck. He opened his mouth to reply but he groaned as a familiar voice interrupted.

"Dr Lee." The chief called and Soo Ryeon tensed pushing Logan away gently while Logan sighed in disappointment turning around and looking at the chief. "I need a second opinion on one of my patients, and I also have news on the meeting today." He said and Logan sighed again before turning around.

"It was nice meeting you." He said to her and she giggled again. He looked over his shoulder at the chief before taking her by surprise and pressing a quick kiss to the top of her head.

"You have terrible timing do you know that?" Logan asked as he walked with the chief down the hall.

"The meetings cancelled today." The chief told him, ignoring his comment.

"Thank god, I can only be around chubby men in suits for so long." He said and the chief rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, it's postponed for tomorrow." He continued ignoring his comment.

"Oh, I can't make it tomorrow."

"This will be good." The chief muttered referring to his excuse as he stopped walking preparing for the lame explanation. "Why can't you make it?"

"Soo Ryeon wants to look at this church tomorrow."

"A church?" He asked confused.

"Yeah, for the wedding." He replied in a duh tone.

"Wait, you and Dr Shim are getting married?"

"Did I forget to tell you?" Logan asked and the chief sighed. "I was sure I told you." He continued thinking hard. "Well, Soo Ryeon and I are engaged. Yay." He informed and the chief rolled his eyes.

"Well congratulations. Glad to see you got over your fear." He replied flipping through the chart as they continued to walk and Logan looked at him confused.

"What? What fear?"

"Your not a hard man to figure out Dr Lee."

"Darn, just when I thought I had the mysterious, brooding type down."

"You're scared. You tell jokes because you're afraid to be serious, because if you're serious then things matter, and if things matter, you end up hurt. Dr Shim matters, and that's something new to you. It explains the hesitation to wed, the constant jokes about your relationship and the fact that you can't reply to a simple statement without a sarcastic reply." He said and Logan just stared at him. "I'm guessing she's your first love?" He added and Logan looked at him hesitantly before nodding. The chief just smiled softly at him before repeating; "Glad to see you got over your fear."

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