Chapter 16: Repairman sorrow

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The two slammed against the metal shelves, not caring as the medical supplies fell around them. Logan's hands snuck up her scrub top while her hands roamed through his hair making him moan into her mouth. He gripped at her skinny stomach trying to get her as close as possible. There tongues danced in perfect sync as one of her hands moved from his hair to the side of his face bringing him closer.

"Logan, should we really be doing this at work?" Soo Ryeon panted as he started to bite at her neck.

"Yes." He answered quickly, continuing to kiss and nibble against her soft skin. Soo Ryeon was about to argue with him but sighed dreamily feeling him bite her soft spot. He felt her melt in his arms and smiled against her neck.

"Okay.." She said and he laughed quietly before kissing her quickly on the lips. She bit her lip slightly before kissing him deeply.

"Just think," He whispered in her ear. " a big white wedding, you walk in with a beautiful white gown-"

"What are you doing?" She asked with a giggle.

"I thought this would get you hot." He said teasingly and she punch him in the chest playfully.

"You're an ass." She giggled and he laughed before kissing her passionately. She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and he picked her up slightly, squeezing her into his chest. He placed her back down, slipping off her navy blue top before kissing her neck. Her fingers snuck between his hip bones and his pants, playing with the elastic waistband while her pointer finger toyed with his hipbone. She giggled against his lips as he briskly dropped his pants.

"Oh, ha-ha, laugh just because I'm eager." He said before kissing her making her laugh again.

"Aren't you always?"

"You have no idea what you do to me." He said leaning over her, placing his arm on the shelf. She smiled at him before kissing him lightly on the lips. He suddenly heard her gasp and look at her watch.

"I have surgery." She said and he looked at her with wide eyes. She bent down grabbing her shirt, making him move his arm, still looking at her surprised. She threw her shirt back on to her torso before kissing him passionately, her hands on either side of his tan face. "Just think, a big white wedding, me in a beautiful white gown." She said teasingly before shrugging simply and walking out of the supply closet. Logan's open mouth finally closed as he shook his head, picking up his pants and tying them securely to his waist, muttering to himself.

"God damn woman. Gunna kill me one of these days."


"Mr Coo!" Soo Ryeon greeted happily. "Logan told me you were here."

"And your just visiting now?" He asked pretending to be offended.

"You know I would of come earlier but when ever I finally get the time your either sleeping or in chemo."

"I'm sorry, dying has taken up a lot of my time." He joked weakly.

"Now, Mr Coo, you are not dying, not on my watch." She said and he smiled.

"Of course not sweetie, now you know how much I love to here about you and Logan. He told me you two were still together."

"He better of." She said making him laugh. "Did he tell you how worried I was when I heard you were back in here?"

"I'm pretty sure it came up."

"Well good, because its true."

"Hey! Are you trying to steal my woman?" Logan asked walking in and pressing a greeting kiss to her head before muttering in her ear. "That stunt you pulled wasn't funny." He whispered making her smirk.

"A girl like this wouldn't go for an old dog like me." Mr Coo said with a laugh.
"Well I wouldn't be so sure, I haven't been getting a lot of hits on my dating profile." Soo Ryeon joked and Logan nudged her.

"Dating profile my ass." He muttered. "Show him the ring." He said proudly and Soo Ryeon rolled her eyes showing her hand to Mr Coo.

"You guys are engaged?" He asked excitedly and Logan turned panicked.
"Considering the fact that Logan goes white as a ghost at the word, I'm gunna have to say no." Soo Ryeon said.

"I do not..go white as a ghost." Logan laughed nervously. "We're um.. discussing, the whole marriage thing."
"Logan's thinking about it." She elaborated and Mr. Coo nodded.
"Hence the ring."

"Yeah, it may not be Tiffany's but.." Soo Ryeon said and Logan smiled wrapping his arm around her waist. "Well I should go, I have a few patients I need to check on. Get better okay? I'm sick of seeing you in here." Soo Ryeon said hugging Mr Coo carefully before turning to Logan. "And I'll see you later."

"Yup." He said pressing a quick kiss to her lips. "Maybe after you can go update your dating profile."

"That's my plan." She called to him walking out the door. Logan smiled to himself before turning back to Mr. Coo who was looking at him sternly. "What?"

"What the hell do you have to think about?"


"Come on Logan! It's Soo Ryeon! It's you and Soo Ryeon, it will always be you and Soo Ryeon. You have absolutely nothing to think about."

"Look, I've just opened up to the possibility of marriage less then three hours ago, this is all too much information."

"What ever you say." He laughed.


"Hello ladies." Soo Ryeon greeted coming up to the nurses station where Seo Jin and Yoon Hee were sitting.
"Hey." Seo Jin replied happily while Yoon Hee typed at the computer before writing on a piece of paper.

"Hey Yoon Hee." Soo Ryeon said only getting a head nod. She looked at Seo Jin questionably.

"She won't talk to me either. She's just been typing like crazy." Seo Jin answered.

"That's because I'm busy." Yoon Hee mumbled as she quickly scribbled something down before pushing the wheeled desk chair to the filing cabinet putting the folder in before pushing herself back to the desk.

"Oh your in work mode." Soo Ryeon giggled earning another distracted nod from Yoon Hee.

"So what have you been doing?" Seo Jin asked.

"I just checked on a few patients, it's been pretty slow. I don't know if that's a good thing or not." Soo Ryeon said giggling again. "But I got to finally go and see Mr Coo."

"Oh good. Poor guy, I can't believe he's back in here. He must be so sick of this place." Seo Jin said shaking her head.
"Yeah, probably." Soo Ryeon said she turned to Yoon Hee before she gave her a confused look seeing her freeze. She suddenly looked back down playing with the ball point pen in her hand. Soo Ryeon looked to where Yoon Hee was looking before she started to fiddle with her pen, and smiled seeing Yoon Cheol buying a soda from the vending machine. "Hey Tay, there's Yoon Cheol." Soo Ryeon said smiling at her, knowing she had already seen him.

"Huh? Oh yeah."

"Are you guys dating yet?" Seo Jin asked seeming frustrated that they were tip toeing around each other.

"No." Yoon Hee said also sounding frustrated. "We've been on like, two dates. Shouldn't he have asked me to be his girlfriend by now?"

"Why don't you just ask him?" Seo Jin said like it was obvious.

"Isn't that kind of emasculating?" Yoon Hee asked and Soo Ryeon scoffed.

"Emasculating? When me and Logan go to bed, I make him turn over so I can lean my magazines on his back." She said making them laugh. "Just go ask Yoon Cheol. I bet he'll be happy you came up to him."


"Yeah!" Soo Ryeon replied. "Just go for it. He's probably just too scared to ask you. I mean you've been the one turning him down this whole time."

"Yeah, I guess your right." She said letting out a nervous breath before standing up reluctantly. She set down the pen before walking over to the vending machine slowly. "Hi." She said quietly and he spun around to her.

"Oh..hey." He said a little nervously.



"What's up?"

"Uh, just grabbing a soda."

"Do you want to be my boyfriend?"


"I was just asking, I mean if you were gunna ask, I could totally just come back and we can do this whole moment over again."

"No." Yoon Cheol laughed. "It's okay, I'd prefer you right here." He said and she looked down at her fingers as she played with them nervously. "I'd love to be your boyfriend."

"Okay." She said nodding. "I uh, have to work."

"I have to drink my soda." He said and she smiled.

"Bye." She muttered awkwardly.

"Bye." He replied amused and Yoon Hee walked back to the girls casually, making them both smirk at her.

"Now that's a love story in the making." Soo Ryeon joked earning a glare.

"Shut up." She muttered and the girls giggled.


"Seriously, it was the cutest thing." Soo Ryeon continued and Logan smiled. He flipped on the blinker turning right.

They finally got away from the hospital, and were pulling out of the parking lot. They hadn't seen each other for most of the day and were going through slight withdraw. There linked hands laid in between them, as Logan kept his other hand firmly on the wheel while Soo Ryeon rambled on about Yoon Cheol and Yoon Hee. "Yoon Hee looked so uncomfortable."

"I'm surprised she even went up to him. You wouldn't of come up to me."
"I might of."

"No you wouldn't." He laughed knowing his girlfriend.

"Well it was because of me she went up to him in the first place so there." She said sticking her tongue out at him teasingly.

"Oh really?" He asked smiling, squeezing her hand.

"Yup, I gave her a little pep talk."

"I'm so proud." He teased and she shook her head. "So do you mind if we just head home? I know you wanted to go out tonight but I'm so tired."

"Are you sure? You don't look tired. I bet once we get there you'll be more alert."
"What?" Logan laughed. "I think being in the comfort of my home, taking a nap would make me more alert."

"But, but that's just a sign that your getting old. You don't want to come across as old do you?"

"I think I'll live." He laughed again turning left, heading to there house.
"Logan.." She whined.

"Why don't you want me to go home?" He asked smiling slightly amused at her attempts.

"I just want to spend time with you." She said smiling cutely and he rolled his eyes.

"You can spend time with me at the house." He said turning onto there street and Soo Ryeon crossed her arms over her chest, pouting.

"God your stubborn."

"Really, you don't want to go upstairs." Soo Ryeon begged chasing him up the stairs as he walked up to the apartment casually, digging his keys out of his pocket. "It's boring in the house, there's nothing to do. You really don't want to go in there."

"Why, is there another man in there or something?" He joked. "Waiting for you to come home, while I'm naively at the grocery store or something? Thinking about my beautiful girlfriend and our happy life, while your-"

"Okay, okay." She giggled. "God that imagination of yours." She muttered making him laugh. She quickly stepped in front of him before he could put the keys in the door and he looked at her some what frustrated.

"Ryeonie, I'm tired, I don't like this game anymore." He said and she smiled at how cute he was.

"I'm warning you, when you go in there, your not going to like what your about to see."

"Well I appreciate your warning." He muttered to her. "But I'm a big boy. And this big boy needs a nap." He said and she shook her head at him as she moved out of his way. Logan smiled obviously amused and feigning excitement as he opened the door making her roll her eyes, before his jaw dropped. "You know I was kidding about the whole other man thing right?" He asked seeing a man in there apartment.

" Oh, hello miss Shim. I'm all done, I don't think you'll have any problems with it now." The man said and Soo Ryeon smiled, giving him her thanks.

"Problems with what?" Logan asked slightly panicked afraid of the answer.

"Ms Shim called me to fix her heater." The repairman said slowly, slightly confused as to why he didn't know he was there.

"No!" Logan whined and Soo Ryeon looked at him biting her lip. "I was going to fix it."

"I was freezing baby. And I know you, you'd put it on the bottom of your list, and then eventually forget about it."

"I don't do that." He said and she just shrugged her shoulders slightly looking at him innocently.

"Um, miss S?" The man called and Soo Ryeon looked at him.

"Oh right!" She said remembering and she dug into her purse writing him a check. "Thank you so much for coming. I don't know what I'd do if I had to sleep another night with no heat." She said and he smiled, nodding his head at her before walking out of the apartment, she turned around and her smile turned amused as she looked at a pouting Logan. "I warned you."

"I could of fixed it."

"I know baby." She said rubbing his stomach soothingly.

"Really, I was going to do it tonight."

"I'm sure you were. Now, why don't you go have that nap you've been talking about all day." She said smiling amused as embarrassment flashed across his features. He just sighed and looked at her.

"I am really tired."

"Then you go sleep. I'll start dinner." She said kissing him and he nodded walking to the bedroom muttering to himself.
"I am old." He muttered and she giggled rummaging through the pantry.

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