Chapter 18: Travel traditions

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Soo Ryeon sat comfortably between Logan's legs as they sat on the couch. She laid on her hip her head resting on his solid stomach while his hands ran lazily through her hair, moving his thumb back and forth through the soft curls. The only light filling the dark living room was from the TV, watching the movie Logan suggested.

"Logan, this movies disgusting." She mumbled turning her head into his stomach so she didn't have to watch the screen.

"Mhmm." Logan mumbled distracted as his eyes were glued to the screen. She peaked up from his grey T-shirt before hiding her face again not being able to look at the gory sight. His eyes however, remained trained on the TV, completely fascinated with the film, although Soo Ryeon would never know why.

"Gross." She mumbled into his stomach and his hands continued to play with her hair. Soo Ryeon wasn't even sure if he had blinked since he put the stupid movie in. "Lets do something else." She suggested not wanting to have to look at all the disgusting stuff that had caught her boyfriends attention.

"One sec." Logan mumbled still watching the TV. Soo Ryeon crawled up his body pressing a soft kiss to his ear before whispering to him.

"Come on. I have an idea on something we can do." She whispered seductively and he looked at her surprised. Soo Ryeon suggesting sex? That never happened.

"Really?" He asked hopefully and she smiled while biting her lip.

"Mhmm. I mean I'll be home all alone tomorrow night." She mumbled kissing his neck softly as her hands rubbed his chest. "You'll be all the way in Ulsan, and I'll be here in the big bed all by myself." She muttered placing another kiss to his neck.

"Oh well, we wouldn't want you lonely."

"No, that would be bad."

"That would be very bad. " He muttered before she kissed him feverishly. "Maybe I can tide you over tonight."

"Oh, that's impossible."

"Oh really." He muttered just inches away from her lips.

"Mhmm." She nodded. "I mean, it would have to be really amazing."

"I can do that."

"Oh can you?" She asked playfully before kissing lightly.

"Oh yeah." He muttered and her light kiss was forgotten as she kissed him passionately hearing him moan softly as her lips pressed against his. Her tongue circled his sensually as she laid on top of him and his hands moved from her hair to her butt cupping her jean clad ass in his hands as the slow and tantalizing kiss toyed with him. "Do you still want to watch the movie?" She asked innocently and he gulped shaking his head vigorously.

"Hell no." He answered picking her up in one swoop making her giggle loudly. She wrapped her legs around his waist as her elbows locked around his neck, and he carried her into the bedroom eagerly.


"Okay what about these ones?" Seo Jin asked holding up a picture of floral enragements.

"Yeah, those are great." Dan Tae said carelessly.

"Dan Tae! Will you please take this seriously."

"Sweetie, I am, I just don't care about the flowers. Your so much better at that stuff then I am. All I care about is seeing you walk down the aisle in a beautiful dress."

"Your lucky you covered that jerk comment with the dress part." She said to him and he laughed quietly picking up a picture.

"I like these ones." He said and she smiled widely.

"I like those ones too." She said happy he was contributing. "Have you decided who your best man is yet?"

"I think I'm going to go with Logan. I've known him longer and he'd probably throw a fit if he wasn't and eventually just guilt me into it." He said making Seo Jin laugh. "It'll just save us time saying it now."

"Good thinking. And that works too because Soo Ryeon's mine, so that means they can walk together and Yoon Cheol and Yoon Hee can walk together."

"And that leaves my brother walking with your sister right?"


"Okay, that works perfectly." He said. "What's hard is the seating."

"Oh god, don't remind me. That was terrible. Aunt Soo Jin want's to be by cousin Ja Kyung but Ja Kyung hates Ok Myung who absolutely can't live if she's not next to Soo Jin, oh and then there's Bun Soo who I have to keep away from Soo Ryeon at all times, but I don't know where else to put him since Ja Kyung took his spot at Aunt Soo Jin's table and then-"

"Okay, okay. Seo Jin just breathe. I'm sure Soo Ryeon will live with Bun Soo there."

"Are you kidding? Logan will freak if he even catches him looking at her. I'm not having a fight at my wedding Dan Tae!"
"Okay, okay, we'll figure it all out later." He said laughing quietly to himself as she took deep breaths nodding as she started to calm down.

(cover) Night like these [Shim Soo Ryeon x Logan Lee]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora