Chapter 17: Dinner guest

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Logan ran his hand through his hair as he walked through the crowded halls of SNUH. The nurses and doctors were once again buzzing around the white hospital and it felt like he was doing a million things at once. Soo Ryeon was at home, which he didn't like very much. He hated it when she had days off and he didn't. It was so boring without her, at least he still had the chief.

"Sup chief?" Logan asked jumping on the counter, and the chief jumped from fright, putting his hand over his heart and sending a quick glare to the young man.

"Oh Dr. Lee. I was actually just about to go find you. I wanted to talk to you before you left." He said getting over his scare and Logan looked at him confused.

"What? Me?"

"Yes." He replied shortly gathering the folders he was working on in his arms. "Come to my office." He said walking towards his office and Logan's eyebrow rose before he jumped off the counter and following him.

Logan closed the door to the chiefs large and sophisticated office. A big mahogany desk sat in the middle of the room, and the chief walked around it sitting in his large leather chair folding his hands in front of him waiting for Logan to sit. Logan looked at him cautiously before sitting slowly. He felt like he was in high school again. He was probably in the principals office every other day.

"Now, as you know you've been in the running for chief resident." He said. "The board has been watching you closely."

"Creepy." Logan muttered and the chief sighed resisting the urge to roll his eyes.

"They seem to think you have the maturity to take on the job." He said shaking his head unbelievably at the sentence that just came out of his mouth and Logan laughed loudly.

"Are they serious? Me? Oh Soo Ryeon's going to laugh at that."

"My thoughts exactly, but the interns take a liking to you, as well as the staff and even the patients have made some excellent comments about your bedside manner. They were very worried, and were reconsidering once they heard you were shot a couple months ago but since I was the doctor on your case I told them everything was fine and you healed nicely. So if your interested they think you'll make an excellent chief resident." He said and Logan's eyes widened.

"Yes, definitely." Logan agreed quickly and the chief nodded.

"Alright then." He said reaching his hand across the table and Logan shook it. "Congratulations Dr. Lee."

"Thank you. Wow, now I'm a chief. Feels good."

"Now don't get ahead of yourself. It comes with a lot of extra work."

"And the pays better right?"

"Well, yes. But remember you're the head resident on the staff now and you'll have to be working on-"

"Do I get my own office?"

"Actually yes. It's not much but it's just a small space where you can get your work done. Which has increased."

"Will people call me chief?"

"No." The chief answered quickly getting aggravated. This was there chief resident? "You'll still be known as Dr. Lee."

"But everyone calls you chief."

"That's because I'm chief of surgery and your chief of the resident staff and interns. There two very different jobs."

"Oh, so I'm like your wingman." Logan said nodding his head in understanding.

"My what?"


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