Chapter 2: A feeling

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Soo Ryeon stared up at the ceiling. Something wasn't right. She could feel it. It swam in her veins. Something was different, something was wrong.
She sighed and shook it off. Glancing at the clock she decided it was probably time to get up and get ready for work. She heard a soft grumble coming from beside her, and she giggled quietly as she watched Logan sleep peacefully, a snore coming off his lips.

"Logan." Soo Ryeon whispered. "Logan." She repeated a little louder while gently brushing the bangs out of his face.

He groaned quietly and his eyes fluttered open to see Soo Ryeon smiling at him.

"We have to get up."

He groaned again and brought her to his chest, making her laugh slightly.

"I don't wanna." He mumbled.

"Logan." She giggled. "We have to go to work."

"I don't wanna." He repeated.

"Too bad." She said placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Can't we just stay here all day? Lay in bed and watch movies? I doubt they need us."

"I'm pretty sure they do, hun." Soo Ryeon giggled again. "Come on, get up."

"Wait." He said before Soo Ryeon could get out of bed. He leaned down and kissed her gently. "Good morning."

She smiled at him a slight blush tinting her cheeks.

"Good morning." She replied shyly before she placed another kiss on his lips and headed to the bathroom.


Logan pulled the keys out of the ignition as they pulled up in front of the hospital.
"So, I'm guessing the second we step in there, your not going to let me touch you?" He asked teasingly.

"That's right. But it's not like you'll listen anyway." She replied allowing him to kiss her. "Even though you know the rules."

"What happened to screw the rules?" He asked playfully.

"That was yesterday." She grinned stepping out of the car.

"Oh I see." He shook his head and got out as well, pulling her hand, which made her stop walking. "Well since, I don't know the next time I'll be allowed to do this, I'll just have to do it now."

She grinned as he leaned down and kissed her passionately. She giggled into the kiss before he pulled away reluctantly.

"Is it out of your system?" She asked.

"Not really."


"Hey Chief." Logan greeted as he and Soo Ryeon walked by. Logan had his arm draped lazily over her shoulders.

Chief Coo just gave him a deadpanned expression before going back to his paper work.

Logan pulled Soo Ryeon to him and laughed into her hair.

"Your going to get yourself fired, and then what am I going to do without you here huh?" She asked.

"Yeah, yeah. Now you get that sexy body of yours into a pair of scrubs and I'll see you in ten minutes." He muttered, while his hands her placed on her hips.

She shook her head at him before walking into the girls lockerroom. Logan smiled at the door for a few seconds before turning to see the chief glaring at him.

"Hello sir. How are you this morning?"

"Just follow me." He snarled.

Most people would think the chief hated Logan. It was actually quite the opposite and Logan knew it. The chief thought he was stubborn and hard headed-which he was. But he also thought that, those were the types of qulaties you needed to be a great doctor-which Logan was.

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