Chapter 12: Making up for lost time

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Logan sat on top of the small table as the chief examined his arm. Soo Ryeon was by his side loyally, sitting beside him and stroking his back lightly, an old habit of hers.

"Well Dr. Lee, it seems like we can take the sling off now." The chief said and Logan smiled widely.

"Finally." Logan said relieved.

"And you can start work tomorrow. As a doctor." The chief clarified.

"Thank god." Soo Ryeon muttered under her breath and Logan looked at her with a playful glare before looking back to the chief.

"If you have any problems, just let me know, and we'll do what we can."

"Alrightly." Logan said hopping off the table and rolling his right wrist getting used to the feeling.

"How does it feel?" The cheif asked.

"Feeling good." Logan said nodding and he swore to god he saw the chief smile.

"Good." The chief said deadpanned, the quick smile wiped off. "I'll see you two tomorrow." They both nodded at him before he left the room.

"He smiled right? You saw him smile?" Logan asked her and she laughed quietly.

"Yeah, he did."

"That's the first time I've ever seen him smile."

"He smiles all the time." Soo Ryeon said like it was obvious.

"Why don't I ever see him smile?" Logan asked, wide eyed.

"That's because he hates you."

"Oh yeah."


Later that night.

Yoon Cheol waited at the table nervously, waiting for Yoon Hee to come. What if she decided she didn't want to go and just stayed home? That would be embarrassing. Or what if she forgot? Should he call her to remind her that they have a date? Or would that seem to clingy?

"Yoon Cheol?" Yoon Hee asked cautiously watching him lost in his thoughts.

"Oh hey." He said standing up awkwardly. Was he supposed to stand? That was the polite thing to do, when a woman arrives. Well that's what his mom said anyway. He watched her sit down across from him and he sat hesitantly. "So.."

"Nice restaurant." Yoon Hee said making conversation.

"Oh, yeah." He said and another awkward silence washed over the pair. She opened her mouth and Yoon Cheol's eyes lit up before she closed it again and he slumped in his chair.


Soo Ryeon sat on the comfy bed, the blue duvet cover underneath her. Her glasses were resting on her nose, the glasses she only allowed Logan to see her wear while typing on the laptop that was resting on her lap. She was writing a report on a patient while Logan was laying beside her watching 'South Park' on the television that was in there bedroom. The soft typing and Logan's quiet laughter, along with the voice of Cartman, was the only sounds that could be heard through out the room, before the phone rang breaking the comfortable silence.

"Hello?" Soo Ryeon answered as Logan continued to watch the television hypnotically. "Oh, hey Yoon Cheol." She greeted. Logan waited for her to pass him the phone, but his eyebrows scrunched as she continued to talk.

"Yoon Cheol, again?" Logan asked surprised. "There's not anything going on between you two right?" Logan joked and she rolled her eyes.

"Soo Ryeon! You're a girl."

"Yes Yoon Cheol, I'm a girl."

"You better be." Logan muttered to himself and Soo Ryeon laughed quietly.

(cover) Night like these [Shim Soo Ryeon x Logan Lee]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon