Chapter 15: I love SNUH

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Logan wrote something down on the chart, as he walked through the busy halls of Seoul National University Hospital, with the chief by his side yapping away. To be honest he wasn't even really paying attention. He watched the ink scrap against the paper as he wrote, his mind whirling. So many questions circling his brain.

Did she want to break up? How could he fix this? Was marriage really as bad as he thought? He loved Soo Ryeon with all his heart, and planned to be with her forever, he just never thought they had to get married to make that happen. He wasn't good with all this 'where are we going' 'is this a committed relationship' kind of talk. He should of assumed she was thinking about it, I mean they've been together for what felt like forever.

"So since he can't, I thought you could." The chief finished looking back up at Logan who was still stuck in his thoughts. "Dr Lee?"

"Hm?" He asked coming from his daze.

"Were you even listening?" He asked aggravated.

"Umm," Logan closed his eyes tightly before opening them quickly trying to focus. "You want me to do something.." He muttered and the chiefs aggravated expression turned slightly solemn. There was obviously something wrong.

"Uh yeah, I wanted you to scrub in this afternoon on Mrs Min tumour, since Dr Coo's can't."

"Yeah, sure." He said and the chief nodded watching him go back to writing on the chart. Why wasn't he giving him a hard time, or saying stupid and crude things? This wasn't Logan.


Soo Ryeon smiled slightly as she patted her patient on the arm lovingly before walking out of the room. She had been distracted all day. Her and Logan fought but nothing like this. He usually would find someway to make her laugh minutes after the argument and the fight would be over. But this time was different, they hadn't talked all day, avoiding each other as much as they could. She didn't like it.

She set her mind on getting married to Logan a long time ago. It was what she wanted, and when she got the idea that it was never going to happen she was hurt, and when he confirmed it, she was devastated. She convinced herself that what she wanted was to get married, but through everything that's happened, she realized what she wanted was Logan. It hadn't even been a day and she was missing him terribly. She turned the corner crashing into a solid chest.


Logan studied the chart, as the chief stayed silent. The chief sighed, the silence all too awkward for him, though Logan didn't notice. Suddenly he felt a blow to the chest and stumbled back from impact.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry." Soo Ryeon said before she froze seeing who it was. Logan cleared his throat scratching the back of his head.

"My fault." He said and she nodded before looking at him sadly and walking around him. Logan closed his eyes again groaning to himself. He rubbed his temples slightly before shaking his head and focusing back on the chart. He glanced out of the corner of his eye seeing the chief looking at him confused. "What?" He snapped.

"Now, I know I've never been that interested, or that pleased about your relationship with Dr Shim, but I have to ask, what the hell was that about?"

"It's nothing."

"You haven't made me want to strangle you all day, it's obviously something." He said and Logan sighed and stopped writing looking up at the fluorescent lights before looking at the chief.

"I messed up, badly. Usually I would just make a stupid joke and make everything all better, but this was big and, I think maybe if I handled it differently it wouldn't be as bad."

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