Chapter 7: Homesick

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Soo Ryeon walked through the hospital smiling at the people that passed. Anyone could tell she was a little excited. She had been in surgery all day, so she was ecstatic that she finally had time to go see her boyfriend. It had been about a week or so and Logan was doing great. He could write his name, and it was somewhat legible. The chief was about to keep having Logan work on it but Soo Ryeon just laughed and told him that's what his writing always looked like. That got her a glare from Logan, but it was true. So he was promoted to a smaller pen.

"Hey." Soo Ryeon greeted coming into his room.

"Hey! Come look." He said and Soo Ryeon did as he said.

She watched his hand clench slightly before picking up the pen and started to slowly write seeing the lead sprawled across the paper.

"Logan that's great!" She said watching him write her name.

"Great? I don't think you realize how hard it is to write your name." He said which made Soo Ryeon laugh quietly. "I thought it was amazing, incredible even. I was hoping to be that guy in the movies that everyone loves. You know the one whose injured but still manages to drag himself across the gross dirty floor to save the one he loves." He ranted and Soo Ryeon looked at him amused. "It's not exactly the same thing but still."

"Your right Logan. I apologize. That's wonderfully amazing I'm truly touched thank you."

"That's all I'm asking for." He said smiling charmingly before she bent down to kiss him. "So how are you?"

"I'm okay. I miss having you at the apartment."

"I miss being at the apartment."

"Don't worry, you'll be home in no time. Your already writing my name." She smiled. "Which from what I hear is a hard name to write out." She said mockingly.

"There's so many letters." He whined and Soo Ryeon giggled. She watched as he suddenly turned serious, which caught her off guard. Logan wasn't really the serious type. "I've missed you."

"Me? But I see you every day." She laughed.

"But it's not the same. I miss having you around all the time, and Thursday breakfast, and going to sleep with you in my arms and waking up with you there."

Soo Ryeon looked at him feeling touched. She rarely saw this side of him. He was always goofing around, rather making jokes then having serious conversations.

"And of course our morning showers." There he is.

"You mean my morning showers that you intrude on." She giggled.

"It saves time." He said coming up with an excuse.

"Oh right, that's why you do it." She said and he nodded.

"Oh yeah. You know we haven't had sex in like.."

"What, a week and a half?" She finished amused. "You can't wait a week and a half?"

"No, no I can't." He said wrapping both his arms around her waist and pulling her to him.

"Hey!" She said excited pointing to his arm.

"I know, now I can feel you up with both hands."

"Good to know." The chief said coming into the room. Soo Ryeon blushed and pulled out of his embrace.

"Don't worry chief, your next." Logan joked and the chief shook his head obviously annoyed.

"Well Dr. Lee, your making great progress. You have movement back which is great news. I'm surprised by how quickly your recovery is going."

"Well." Logan said cockily. "That's how I do."
Soo Ryeon rolled her eyes and slapped him lightly on the arm.

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