Chapter 21: Boy's day out

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His back was arched as he cowered over the counter. His elbows resting on either side of the pamphlet as his hand rested on the back of his neck almost self consciously, feeling nervous and jumpy that someone would catch him. His eyes glanced up under his eyelashes at Yoon Hee who was busy working on the other side of the nurses station. Satisfied with her status he looked over his shoulder briefly, happy seeing no one was there either. He looked back at the piece of glossy paper in front of him sighing a little frustrated. He wasn't good at this. How could he pick one? What if she hated it? What was a good one to choose? Were some better then others? How much was too much to pay for a ring? What if there were like, ring rules and he didn't know about them and Soo Ryeon got upset?

"Hey man what's up?"

"Jesus!" Logan jumped scared, quickly grabbing the pamphlet, crumpling it accidentally in the process hiding it behind his back. "God Yoon Cheol, you scared me."

"Why are you so jumpy?"

"I'm not." He said quickly.

"You just shit yourself because I said hi."

"Well, hi." He said curtly. "Now, why don't you go see your girlfriend?"

"Your up to something."

"What?" He laughed nervously. "No."

"What's behind your back?" He asked reaching his hand around him to take it but Logan pushed himself harder against the counter.


"Dude just tell me." He said frustrated and Logan remained firmly against the counter. "Or I'll just go get Soo Ryeon and she'll make you tell me." He joked.

"No! Don't get Soo Ryeon!"

"Dude what's up with you?" He asked and Logan sighed looking over Yoon Cheol's shoulder making sure there wasn't any sign of Soo Ryeon before spinning quickly around putting the paper back on the counter and smoothing it out with his fist.

"I don't know which one to pick. I mean they're all obviously great but it's Soo Ryeon, it has to be perfect. I mean she's been waiting for me to do this for god knows how long. I don't want to disappoint her in a lame proposal."

"Lame what?" Yoon Cheol asked with wide eyes, racing to the counter looking at the paper in front of him. "Dude, your going to ask Soo Ryeon to marry you?" He asked and Logan smiled some what shyly.


"Dude, congratulations!"

"Shh man. Don't tell anyone okay? I mean I know how fast the gossip spreads in this hospital and I'd really like Soo Ryeon to know before everyone else." He said and Yoon Cheol laughed.

"Definitely, I won't tell a soul. These lips are sealed no one will know a thing. Wait what about Yoon Hee?"

"No Yoon Cheol. No one."

"Right no one will know."

"Thanks man." He said smiling as he looked back down at the paper.

"You know its about damn time you did this. But I thought you didn't believe in it and all that stuff."

"Well, I've been thinking about it." He said simply directing his attention back to the counter.

"That's it? You've been thinking about it?" He mimicked.

"I'm not going to go into a heart to heart with you."

"Why?" Yoon Cheol whined.

"Because were not fourteen year old girls."

(cover) Night like these [Shim Soo Ryeon x Logan Lee]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat