Chapter 6: Physical therapy

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"Okay Dr. Lee first we'll have to massage the arm trying to get some circulation." The chief said coming up to the side of his bed.

"Whoa, whoa! I don't think so." He said trying to move away.

"Relax Logan. I figured you'd react that way so I paged someone to come down and do it."

"Like female?" Logan asked.

"Yes Dr. Lee."


"What now?" The chief asked frustrated.

"I just don't know how happy Soo Ryeon would be about that." He said and the chief rolled his eyes.

"It's an arm Logan." The chief said.

"But still…it's suggesting something."

"Like what!?"

"I really don't want to have this conversation with you." He shuddered.

"Hey chief. You paged me?" Soo Ryeon asked coming into the room.

"Oh okay, that's cool." Logan said nodding while Soo Ryeon's eyebrows scrunched. The chief just rolled his eyes again.

"He won't let me massage his arm." He said deadpanned writing something down on his chart.

"Ohh. Your being difficult again." She said walking over to him. He smiled and kissed her, she pulled away quickly considering the chief of surgery was in the room.

"Hey! I'm a patient I get to kiss you as much as I want." He said.

"Just like all my other patients." She joked.

"Not funny."

"It's a little funny."

"If you two are done flirting, I'd like to start."

"Jeez chief, way to kill a mood." Logan mumbled.

Soo Ryeon grabbed Logan's arm stretching it out gently. She carefully laid it out in front of him before curling it toward him.

A quick beep was heard and the chief looked down at his pager.

"I'll be right back. Dr. Shim, just keep doing what your doing, and if he's in any pain give him ten milligrams of epi okay?" He said and she nodded at him before he left.

"You know," Logan muttered to her watching her carefully as she worked on his arm. "If I could use my arm right now, I would sooo be flexing for you." He said which made her giggle.

"Always a charmer." She said smiling at him. "Can you feel that?" She asked massaging his bicep.

"Yeah, actually." He replied slightly surprised.

"That's a good sign. How does it feel?"

"Good." He breathed almost seductively. He reached his left arm over to her stroking her thigh.

"Logan.." She warned with a small giggled slapping his hand away. "I'm your doctor right now, not your girlfriend."

"You're a sexy doctor."

"Do you want me to get the chief to do this?" She asked and his eyes widened.

"No. God no." He said with a shudder making her giggle.

"So, Dan Tae asked Seo Jin to marry him." Soo Ryeon muttered almost hinting looking down at her fingers that were still rubbing his arm.

"Stupid, stupid man." Logan muttered with a laugh.

"Well, they have been together for a year and a half." She said trying to point out to him that they've been together longer.

"So? That doesn't mean that marriage is the right thing. The time two people date doesn't determine how the marriage is going to work. I mean we've been together for almost three years and you don't see us getting married."

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