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Sarah's POV

After running away from Erica's house, I came directly to school. I didn't know anywhere else to go where there'd be no people. Now I'm sitting at the top of the bleachers, staring at nothing, playing my depressed playlist and hoping that this is all just a nightmare I'll wake up from and forget. I'd like to say it's not fair that all this is happening but if i was just a little nicer to people instead of being a pain all the time, maybe they'd like me. Or maybe I'd simply be better off dead.

"Hey... you know, everyone's looking for you"

That caught me off guard, how long has he been standing there? What is he even doing here? How'd he find me?

"If you're wondering how I found you, it wasn't that hard to figure out. This is the only place you're familiar with that would be empty and perfect for you to isolate yourself."

I guess I really am predictable.

"What are you doing here? I thought you hate me..."

I finally manage to let out a soft voice. I guess all that screaming and crying wore out my vocal cords.

"Yes, but I also said it's impossible for me not to worry about you."


"-Freak, yeah... i know"

"Why are you still here, Zac? I have given you countless reasons to leave. Why not just leave already?"

"Well, it's not like I haven't tried."

"Being around me will just make you miserable..."

"Sarah, being around you has not made me anything but happy. It's not being around you that sucks. You may have hurt my feelings before but... I could see you weren't really angry at me. I was mad because you decided to push me away despite me sticking by you all this time."

"Erica was like my sister... At least, I loved her like one. Turns out she was plotting events to make me miserable and break me. How am I supposed to trust anyone after that?"

How on earth am I supposed to tell the difference between people who care about me and people who just want to hurt me.

"Do you remember what you said to me when we were stargazing on your roof?"

Why would he bring that up now?

"I don't know, I was really tired that day. I asked you why you care about me or something? Also, I think I brought up Ace and the whole of him fighting for me and how it was super annoying?"

"No, not that."

"Did I say anything else?"

"Yup! You went on about how you felt the same frustration when you saw me at the station, called me a stupid jerk and told me you hated me. Then you mumbled something as you drifted off to sleep."

"I mumbled something?"

"Yup, and I heard every word. Clear as day."

What on earth did I say?! I hope it wasn't something embarrassing.

"What did I say?"

I ask, reluctantly.

"After you said 'I hate you', you said 'I hate that I care about you so damn much'..."

"I said what now?"

I turn to him in shock. He has to be messing with me. Although, from the genuine smile on his face, it seems he isn't.

"Yup...Then I said 'And I love you, Sarah Beverly Gordon.'"

Why does my chest feel all weird? This isn't another panic attack, is it? Why does he look so... glowy?

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