Chapter 18

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I was walking around town. The air was cold and the ground was damp from the morning precipitation. I was in a flowy white skirt and a black hat on. It's been a few weeks since I talked to Camilo and I still feel terrible about what I said to him in the phone.

Ali and I have resolved our little problem, but Mia and I still can't figure out why she would've token the prophecy from us. Miguel and I have hung out a few times lately, but it's not the same as hanging out with Camilo.

I walked past a small shop with flowers on it's windows and planted flowers in pots that were hung to the top of the brick wall that they had attached to the top of their shop. I could smell fresh bread and pastries, I couldn't resist and I went to open the door, but then I saw Camilo sitting at a table.

Should I still go in? Yeah, why not?  I walked in. I caught a glimpse of Camilo and realized he was sitting with someone else, was it Mia? I look over quickly and realized it was the girl he danced with at Antonio's gift celebration. Dayana? Seriously, why her?

I took a few deep breaths and realized Camilo was smirking at me. Was he trying to make me jealous? Did he come in here because he knows I can't resist the smell of fresh bread and pastries? He knows me too well.

I ignored Camilo and Dayana and walked up to the counter. "What can I get for you today?" A girl with ginger hair and green eyes asked me. "Oh I'm still looking at the menu." I replied. "Oh ok, I'll be right here when you're ready to take your order." I smiled and nodded.

I looked up at the menu and saw that there was all kinds of delicious bread and deserts! I turned to the girl, "You guys have so many options! Surprise me and pick anyone you want!" I spoke.

The girl raided her eyebrows and smiled, "Okey dokey! You know we've never had anyone ever say that," She spoke, typing something into the register. "That'll be $4.59, what's your way for payment?" She asked.

I was planning on paying cash so I reached into my sachel and pulled out my wallet, I grabbed a five dollar bill and a quarter just in case she charged me with cash. I held it out for her to take and she did, "Gracias! What's your name?" She asked. "Y/n." I replied.

"Okay Y/n, wait at one of our tables until your name gets called, and once again, gracias." She smiled and turned around, walking into a separate room I couldn't see. I turned around and scanned tables where I could sit at. It was quite crowded and I couldn't see an empty table so I went to sit on a small couch they had nestled in the corner.

I sat down on it and brushed off my dress, it had dust particles on it. It was nice and warm in this shop, I liked it, and apparently Camilo did too. He was smiling and laughing with Dayana, I felt sad, but it was my fault and I knew it was.


After a ten minute wait of me just sitting on the couch in the corner and watching people, they finally called my name.


Yes! Finally, I was so hungry and I was excited to see what they picked out for me. I stood up walked past Camilo's table, he stuck out his leg and before I could stop myself, I toppled over it. I fell straight on my face, the wood on the floor scrapped my face.

"Camilo! Why'd you do that?" I heard someone yell. Next thing I know, Dayana's helping me up off the floor. "Oh my god, you're bleeding!" Dayana spoke, grabbing a few napkins off her table and holding them to my forehead.

Camilo stood up and came over to attempt to help, "Look hold it a little harder- um, like this." Camilo spoke, reaching his hand forward to demonstrate something. I turned around so he couldn't help, when his arm reached his side again I turned back around to face the two. "You've done enough already, thanks."

I nodded at Dayana and smiled before turning around grabbing the box they packaged up for me and left. I closed the door behind me and looked down at my dress, it was dirty, very dirty. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Just what I wanted to happen." I mumbled to myself. Why can't I just go somewhere Camilo's at and not start anything. I stopped pushing on my forehead and held the napkins up to my face, they were caked in blood. Maybe it'd be best if I'd just go home.

I was making my daily route back to my house when I saw Ali hiding behind two trash cans, apparently waiting for someone. She doesn't see me. Wait! She stood up and is walking away.

I began to walk after her, but stopped thinking I shouldn't be snooping in her business, but then again she did sneak into the Madrigal household while everyone was sleeping and stole the prophecy from us and fought me before giving it back.

I jogged after her, but made sure to not let her see or hear me. Ali was walking fast, it was hard to keep up with her long legs. She kept turning corners, and corners, and corners until I couldn't recognize what part of town we were at anymore.

Ali stopped in front of this ran-down looking coffee shop. It had doors that bars had in the western movies. I considered turning around now and running back to Mama to tell her what I found, but I decided not to.


Sorry for the late chapter! I've been really busy with school so it's been hard to squeeze in writing time for this story, but I really love writing this story so I try my best to push time aside for it!

Did you guys like it? So we saw what Camilo thought would be funny (tripping Y/n) and Camilo also tried to make Y/n jealous! Dayana seems to be really nice, huh? How do you guys feel about her?

Love you guys so much! Thanks for all the support and love!

Stay gold.

My favorite shapeshifter - Camilo encanto Where stories live. Discover now