Is she ?

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Barry carried Iris and was gone in a flash to starlabs with Nora not far behind, while everyone else used Cisco's breach.

Barry and Iris were watching Nora laps in the speedlab , Cisco was monitoring her vitals while Caitlin was coming to them with the DNA results,"what does it say" asked Barry "well the primary results shows she has both of your DNA strands so I would say she is your daughter" answered Caitlin  "look she also has both of your lighting colors you know yellow for you and purple for Iris"said Cisco.

Wally stopped in the speedlab with a gust of wind and asked"did you get the results?"."yes she's our daughter"answered Iris.
"What did you find out from the Legend's Gideon"asked Caitlin.

"Their Gideon confirmed that Nora west-allen does exist in the future"Wally answered.
"Thank God,now we just have to make a plan on how we will help her"Barry said.

"Hey guys look" Wally directed their attention to the screen which showed a meta-human called Gridlock jumping from a building after a robbery."How did we miss this"asked barry,"It's one of Devoe's parting gifts when he destroyed the starlabs satellite"said Caitlin.

"No facial recognition,no real time tracking,we can't even ditect breaches"said barry feelling lost.

"We don't need a satellite to track a cellphone"said Cisco moving to the computers,got him he's at the airport he just boarded a plane Ferris air flight 206"said Cisco.

"Why would he be on a plane"asked Iris.
"He is going to crash it"said Harry walking into the cortex.
"The plane just lost an engine" said Iris looking at the computers.
"If he destroys the other engine the pilot won't be able to avoid all those buildings, hundreds of people will be killed"said Caitlin.
"Not if you phase the plane through the buildings,you did the same thing in the future when you where fighting Mob rule"Nora said.
"Do you think you can do it"asked Iris looking at barry.
"I don't think so a plane is too big"answered Barry.
"The three of you can do it"Harry said encouraging them.
"Ok but that still leaves Gridlock to deal with"said Wally.
"I have a plan but have to wait until Gridlock destroys the other engine right now the plane is still ascending  but when the other engine is destroyed it's nose will point up before it starts to descend  we will have about 10 seconds of zero G's on the plane which means no kinetic energy "said Barry,"which means no powers for Gridlock"continued Nora.
"That could work"said Harry.
"Cisco can you breach them up there"Iris asked, looking at Cisco.
"No a plane moves way too fast I have to see it to breach them"answered Cisco.

"All right everyone suit up"said Barry.Cisco breached the three speedsters onto the plane where kid flash knocked Gridlock unconscious,then Flash,XS and Kid flash phased the plane through the buildings and made sure it landed without a problem.

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